
  • 网络Winter rape;Brassica rapa;Winter type B.campestris var.oleifera;winter oilseed rape
  1. 干旱与低磷双重胁迫对冬油菜光合作用的影响

    Effects of Drought and Phosphorus Deficiency on Photosynthesis of Winter Rape

  2. 陇东南干旱半干旱山区旱地冬油菜苗期死亡的原因及其防治措施

    Factors of Death and Control Measures for Winter Rape in Arid and Semiarid Zone Hill Dry Land of South-east of Gansu

  3. 以甘蓝型冬油菜下胚轴和子叶为外植体,研究4℃低温处理幼苗、分化培养基添加MES以及预培养等对遗传转化中外植体褐化的影响。

    Treatment of the seedlings in the 4 ℃ refrigerator , MES and preconditioning conditions were investigated for explants browning of winter type Brassica napus .

  4. 基于ASI法的长江流域冬油菜区土壤有效磷、钾、硼丰缺指标研究

    Study on Abundance and Deficiency Indices of Soil Available P , K and B for Winter Rapeseed in Yangtze River Valley Based on ASI Method

  5. 全国不同生态区111份油菜品种在成都冬油菜区的综合表现

    Comprehensive Expression of Different Ecotypes of Rapeseed Varieties in Chengdu

  6. 改变冬油菜栽培方式,提高和发展油菜生产

    The cultivation pattern change of winter rapeseed to increase and develop production

  7. 不同除草剂对冬油菜田间杂草控制和产量的影响

    Effects of Different Herbicides on Yield and Weed Control in Rapeseed Fields

  8. 冬油菜春后干物质积累与产量的关系

    Relationship between dry matter accumulation after spring and seed yield in winter rapeseed

  9. 冬油菜适宜绿色面积指数动态设计的知识模型

    A knowledge model for design of green area index dynamics in winter rapeseed

  10. 中国西部冬油菜种植的生态效应评价

    Ecological benefits of planting winter rapeseed in western China

  11. 播期对冬油菜越冬率及生理生化特性的影响

    Effect of Sowing Date on Winter-Survival Rate and Physiological and Biochemical Characteristic of Winter Rape

  12. 覆盖处理对旱寒区冬油菜越冬率和产量的影响

    The effects of covering on winter - survival and yield of winter rapeseed True Winter

  13. 在冬油菜基因型中,当培养温度与发芽试验的温度不同时,较少产生次生休眠的种子。

    Hi winter genotypes fewer dormant seeds were produced when incubation temperature and germination test temperatures differed .

  14. 欧洲冬油菜在另一组;

    European and Canadian spring type was in one group and European winter type was in another group .

  15. 该系在武汉秋播表现部分可育,在昆明或西宁夏播表现为彻底的雄性不育,因此,可以利用在春油菜产区夏播生产杂交种,在冬油菜产区秋播繁殖亲本不育系。

    But it is stable sterile when it was planted in spring rapeseed growing area such as Kunming or Xining in summer .

  16. 经大量的回交筛选,在白菜型油菜376份种质资源中,筛选出7份恢复种质,它们主要分布在陕西和甘肃冬油菜品种资源中。

    The test cross results showed that there are 7 restorers in winter rapeseed germplasm of Gansu and Shaanxi province in 306 accessories .

  17. 但现有农杆菌介导的冬油菜转化程序还存在着严重基因型依赖性和转化周期长等问题,因而限制了该技术的广泛应用。

    However , it was very difficult to use the present Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in many genotypes because there existed serious genotype-dependence and long-term transformation .

  18. 研究和了解其干物质积累及养分吸收利用规律对指导冬油菜科学施肥、发展油菜生产和提高养分利用效率具有重要意义。

    Knowing well the characteristics of dry matter and nutrient accumulation in oilseed are very helpful in conducting scientific fertilizing , promoting rape industry development and promoting nutrition resource utilization efficiency .

  19. 经济作物中,渭北区中药材增幅较大,为45.7%,河谷区、关山区油料作物增幅较大,河谷区冬油菜增加47.5%,关山区胡麻增加22.7%;

    The area for Chinese medicinal herb was increased by 45.7 % in north of Wei River . The planting area of winter rape was increased by 47.5 % in valley district and by 22.7 % in Guan Mountain area .

  20. 结果表明,半冬性油菜试管苗于6~8℃光照培养箱处理32d所有植株可通过春化。

    Results indicated that tube plantlets of semi-winter rapeseed could be vernalized successfully in incubator at 6-8 ℃ for 32 days .

  21. 选育冬播油菜不育系比选育春播油菜不育系要困难。

    It is more difficult to develop winter rapeseed sterile lines than the spring .

  22. 冬型油菜在欧洲大陆较为普遍。8月或9月初播种,翌年7、8月收获。产量通常比春油菜高。

    Winter types are more popular on the continent ; they are sown in august or early September and harvested the following July or august and usually yield better than the spring types .

  23. TP系列多功能高效抗旱灵对冬小麦冬油菜施用效果的研究

    Application Effects of Multi Purpose and High Efficient Drought Resistant Agent of TP Series on Winter Wheat and Winter Rape

  24. 甘肃高寒阴湿地区冬、春油菜生长重叠期节肢动物群落特征

    Arthropod community characteristics in overlap period of winter and spring rape growth among the cold and humid regions in Gansu province

  25. 青海东部旱区依托调亏灌溉原理,实施集水旱作农业。运用动态规划法研究了供水不足条件下的非充分灌溉制度,得到了冬小麦、油菜、夏玉米和大豆这4种作物的优化灌溉制度。

    Catchment rain fed farming was applied depend on restricted irrigation during deficient in east drought district Qinghai province . Furthermore , optimization ( irrigation ) regime in the limited irrigation was studied for rain fed crop with the dynamic programming method .

  26. 同时,30%好年冬还可以减轻油菜苗期其它害虫为害;

    And 30 % Marshal can alleviate other pests damage in rape germination period ;

  27. 在此基础上提出了沙尘暴减灾的农学途径,着重探讨了在全球气候变化的大背景下以冬小麦和冬油菜为代表的冬作物北移措施和保护性耕作措施的防尘机理。

    The agronomy approaches to sand-dust storm disasters reduction were suggested , and mechanism for sand-dust storm prevention under the ground of global climate change was discussed mainly .

  28. 研究结果表明,陕西烟田烟草蚜传病毒病的初侵染源主要来自当地的冬油菜田,冬油菜带毒量占总越冬毒量的87.36%。

    The winter rape was the most important primary inoculum source of tobacco virus spread by aphids in Shaanxi and the virus amount in winter rape amounted to 87.36 % of total virus getting over the winter .

  29. 本研究以甘蓝型冬性和半冬性油菜为主要材料,研究了影响冬性和半冬性油菜子叶外植体芽再生和遗传转化的因素;

    The studies explored effect of shoots regeneration and genetic transformation from cotyledonary explants in winter type rapeseed ;