
  1. 印度航天局2008年发射了“月船1号”探月器。一年后,该探月器就找到了月球表面存在冰冻水的证据。

    The Indian Space Agency launched its Chandrayaan-1 mission to the moon in 2008 and was swiftly rewarded with evidence of frozen water on the lunar surface a year later .

  2. 科学家们在美国航天局的月球矿物绘图仪取得的红外测量结果中发现了这些冰冻水的痕迹。这个月球矿物绘图仪于10年前搭乘印度的“月船1号”探测器飞抵月球。

    The scientists spotted the telltale signature of frozen water in infrared measurements taken by Nasa 's moon mineralogy mapper , an instrument that flew on India 's Chandrayaan-1 mission to the moon a decade ago .

  3. 下面第二层叫做“永久冻土层”,全年冰冻,水也渗透不进去。

    Beneath this active layer is the second layer called " permafrost , " which is frozen all year around , and is impermeable to water .

  4. 攀峡的危险有坠石、索具出现问题、泛洪、以及冰冻的水和空气、攀峡者体温过低、获救的机会几乎为零。

    The dangerous of canyoneering would rock fall , faulty anchor system , flashflooding , as well as cold water , cold air , change of hypothermia , and little or no chance on rescue .

  5. 对这些冰霜区的后续测量发现,在表面气温从不超过零下163摄氏度的地方最可能形成冰。但温度本身不足以保证出现冰冻的水:科学家探测水源经过的阴暗地区中只有3.5%的区域显示出明显的水冰迹象。

    Follow-up measurements of the ice patches found that they tended to form where the surface temperature never crept above - 163C , but temperature alone was not enough to guarantee frozen water : only 3.5 % of the shadowy areas the scientists checked for water revealed notable signs of ice .

  6. 青藏高原的现代环境与地表过程相互作用,引起包括冰冻圈和水资源以及生态系统等方面的一系列变化,对高原本身以及周边地区的人类生存环境和经济社会发展产生重大影响。

    The interaction between modern environment and land surface processes on the plateau induces a series of variations in the cryosphere , water resources and ecological system , which produce important influence on the human living circumstance and economic-society development on the plateau itself and periphery regions .

  7. 油气嘴节流现象广泛存在于油气田开发生产过程中,严重者可以导致冰冻结霜或者生成水和物导致作业失败。

    Throttling phenomena often happens at development and production operation period of oil and gas field which results in frost or produced hydrate in some serious cases to cause failure of work .

  8. 这些小瓶放在低温冰冻一段时间后,终止冰冻程序,当水开始解冻,水将结晶。

    The vials were then frozen for a specific period of time , removed from the freezing process , and as they begin to thaw , they crystallize .