- ice stream

The efficiency of ice crystal separation and the solids level in the ice stream are critical to economic operation .
The Lambert Glacier , feeding into the Amery Ice Shelf , is the largest ice stream in the East Antarctic ice sheet .
· During the LGM , two large ice sheets in North America and Europe causes a lower than PD sea-level in the extent of globe , and greatly alters the sea-land configuration .
近几年对该冰流源区的路线考察表明,该地区积累速率相当低,大部分观测点低于150kg/(m ̄2·a)。
Preliminary results from recent traverse along a route across its inland accumulation area show that the accumulation rate in this area is very low , not exceeding 150 kg / ( m  ̄ 2 a ) at most sites .
that the theoretical man , alarmed and dissatisfied at his own consequences , no longer dares entrust himself to the terrible icy current of existence :
The relationship between the frequency of continental ice flow and cycles of ice age indicated by the deposition of deep sea is also discussed in the article .
The dissertation investigates application of SAR interferometry in Antarctic inland glacier for DEM and complex ice flow measurement , also large-scale scatterometer and radiometer data for ice sheet monitoring .
Scientists are still uncertain about the role that the underground water plays in the movement of the so-called ice streams that may contribute to a rise in sea level .
A warming climate and melting ice sheets are opening up Arctic sea lanes for longer and longer periods each year , creating a three - to four-month window in which conventional ships can operate amid the ice flows and icebergs above the Arctic circle .
And watch the rivulet flowing beneath the frozen surface .
Numerical simulations of fluid around iced conductors
The plumes of gas and ice shooting from the south pole of the Saturnian moon Enceladus contain sodium salts , which is the best evidence so far that the satellite harbors a liquid water ocean .
Therefore , the accuracy of the new three-dimensional subglacial topography of Dome A is the best , which will play an important role in the regional ice sheet model simulation , the understanding of ice flow dynamics and the evolution of the ice sheet .