
  • 网络deicing salts;cryohydrate
  1. 防冰盐的腐蚀危害及其防治

    Corrosion harmfulness of deicing salts and protection

  2. 引起混凝土中钢筋腐蚀的氯盐,来自化冰盐、地下水和海水,造成大量混凝土的破坏。

    Chlorides from deicing salts , groundwater , and seawater corrode steel reinforcement embedded in concrete , causing the most common form of concrete deterioration .

  3. NaCl除冰盐作用下混凝土的抗冻能力分析

    Salt freezing resistance of concrete subjected to the NaCl deicing salt

  4. 分析指出,HSC尤其是掺加FA的HPC,非常适合于东北地区恶劣的露天除冰盐环境。

    Analysis indicates that , HSC , especially HPC that mixed FA , suits for the atrocious de-icing salts environment of North-east district .

  5. 氯盐类融雪剂一般称作化冰盐(DeicingSalt),其在融化冰雪的同时,它会严重腐蚀道路、桥梁、建筑物、地下管道、汽车等。

    Chloride deicers are referred to as deicing salt , which can thaw ice and produce severe corrosions to road , bridge , building , underground pipeline and car etc.

  6. 分析结果表明在除冰盐存在的情况下大大加剧了混凝土的冻融破坏。

    The results of analysis claim deicer-salt greatly accelerates deicer-frost scaling .

  7. 混凝土抗除冰盐的剥落性能与机理研究

    Research on Properties and Mechanism of De-icing Salt Scaling of Concrete

  8. 混凝土在海洋环境和除冰盐条件下的氯离子扩散行为

    Chloride Diffusion of Concretes Exposed to Marine Environment and Deicing Salt

  9. 除冰盐对碱骨料反应的影响研究

    Study on the influence of de-icing salt on alkali-aggregate reaction

  10. 混凝土受除冰盐侵蚀破坏机理及防治措施研究

    Research on countermeasures and deterioration mechanism of concrete eroded by deicing salt

  11. 它的成分和用于道路化冰盐不一样。

    Its elemental composition is quite different from road salt .

  12. 在海洋与化冰盐环境中钢筋混凝土构筑物的钢筋防锈技术对策

    Reinforcement Corrosion Prevention for Concrete Structures Exposed to Marine and Deicing Salt Environment

  13. 除冰盐破坏的水泥混凝土路面再生利用研究综述

    Recycling of cement concrete pavement damaged by deicing salt

  14. 除冰盐对混凝土化学侵蚀机理研究

    Mechanism of chemical attack of the deicer on concrete

  15. 冻融和除冰盐作用下混凝土劣化试验方法评述

    Overview on Test Methods of Deterioration of Concrete Exposed to Freeze-Thaw and Deicer

  16. 防冰盐腐蚀与钢筋混凝土的耐久性

    Deicing salt 's corrosion and durability of reinforced concrete

  17. 除冰盐环境下混凝土有机硅涂层防护性能研究

    A Study of the Protection of Concrete from Freeze-Deicing Salt by an Organo-Silicone Coating

  18. 海洋和除冰盐条件下混凝土结构的Cl~-扩散行为及耐久性设计

    Chloride Diffusion of Concrete Structure in Marine or Deicing Salt and Its Durability Design

  19. 浅谈除冰盐对收费广场水泥混凝土路面破坏机理

    Simple Talking about Failure Mechanism of Deicing Salt to Cement Concrete Pavement of Toll Plaza

  20. 如果使用化冰盐,那么需要采取适用于积盐径流的排水措施。

    Where deicing salts are used , adequate drainage provisions for salt laden runoff is required .

  21. 磨细矿渣抗去冰盐的性能分析

    Analysis of the performance of ground granulated blast-furnace slag to resist the corrosion by ice-deserted salt

  22. 当前盐冻环境主要产生于冰雪气候条件下除冰盐的大量使用。

    At present , the is mainly occurred in the extensive use of deicing salt in the ice cold weather conditions .

  23. 除冰盐剥蚀破坏是受冻地区使用除冰盐环境中,混凝土最常出现的破坏形式。

    In the frost environment , salt scaling is the most common damage type of concrete in the presence of deicing salt .

  24. 除冰盐环境中发生混凝土冻融破坏和钢筋锈蚀。

    The degradation of concrete due to the action of freezing-thawing cycles and corrosion of reinforcing bar due to chloride ingress always occurs in the de-icing environment .

  25. 提出了考虑钢筋混凝土桥梁在服役期限内维护、加固的设计方法,并对除冰盐和处于海洋气候条件下桥梁的结构形式、细部构造以及特殊防护方法等问题作了较深入的探讨。

    Discussion is made on how to design the methods of the maintenance and reinforcement for the reinforced concrete bridge during the service life , and given the countermeasures .

  26. 为了解决冰雪造成的交通封闭,经常使用去冰盐加速冰雪融化,但带来了新的氯离子腐蚀钢筋问题。

    Ice deserted salt is often used to resolve the closed traffic caused by the ice on the pavement , but the corrosion to the steel by the chloride occurs .

  27. 采用自行研制的一套环境性能综合评估试验方法对钢筋混凝土试样成功地进行了冻融循环与除冰盐腐蚀协同作用(简称盐冻循环)、钢筋锈蚀与弯曲荷载协同作用下的失效试验。

    The damage experiments of reinforced concrete samples under synergistic effects of cyclic freeze thaw , deicing salt attack , rebar corrosion and bending load were investigated using a comprehensive experimental method .

  28. 采用室内人工气候环境箱,设计了混凝土试件在大气环境及除冰盐环境的室内模拟试验方法及试验制度。

    Using indoor artificial climate and environment case , indoor test method and test system have been designed , which can be simulated concrete specimens in atmospheric environment and deicer environment . 2 .

  29. 高寒地区冬季降雪量大,为了公路交通运输的安全,通常在路面上撒除冰盐,降低积雪冰点,提高路面抗滑性。

    For transport safety consideration , they usually spreading de-icing salt on the road as a result of the large snowfall in high-cold region , reduce the freezing point of snow and improve pavement skid resistance .

  30. 当前的港口工程、近海结构物及使用除冰盐的公路、桥梁中,由于氯离子的作用降低了结构的使用寿命,造成了巨大的经济损失。

    Because of the chloride ion permeation , the service life of the harbor project , paralic construction and some roads and bridges which used with deicing agents reduces , and which also causes the huge economy loses .