
  • 网络ice disaster
  1. 员工在四川大地震,中国南方冰雪灾害时积极捐款到慈善组织。

    The staff donated money to the charitable organizations on Sichuan earthquake , and Ice disaster in South-East China .

  2. 冰雪灾害对吉安市青原区森林资源危害及恢复措施

    Harms of 2008 Snow and ice disaster to forest resources of Qingyuan district , ji'an city and the recovery measure

  3. 冰雪灾害造成森林乔木层C贮量损失评估与分析&以福建省长汀县为例

    Appraisal and Analysis on the Loss of Carbon Storage at Arbor Stratum of Forest Caused by Ice-Snow Disaster

  4. AMSR-E数据散射与极化指数检测2008年1月中国南方冰雪灾害

    Detection of Snow and Frost in Southern China , January 2008 Using AMSR-E Scattering and Polarization Indices

  5. 在冰雪灾害时确保血液供应的实践和体会

    Measures and Experiences in Ensuring Blood Supply During Snow Disaster

  6. 中国南方冰雪灾害中的应对措施研究

    Thought on the Ice and Snow Disasters in Southern China

  7. 冰雪灾害后林业可持续发展问题探讨&以云南省盐津县为例

    Discussion on the Problems of Forestry Sustainable Development after 2008 Ice-snow Disasters

  8. 对湖南省高速公路突发事件应急机制的思考&以2008年冰雪灾害为例

    Thoughts on the Emergency Mechanism of Highways in Hunan Province

  9. 冰雪灾害对江西林业的影响及重建与生态恢复的对策

    Countermeasures of Forestry Reconstruction and Ecological Restoration after Ice-Snow Disaster in Jiangxi Province

  10. 2008年年初我国南方发生极端冰雪灾害。

    Extreme snow disasters happened in southern China at the beginning of 2008 year .

  11. 冰雪灾害对大关县4种竹林损害的调查研究

    An Investigation on Snow Damage on Four Kinds of Bamboo Forests in Daguan County

  12. 极端冰雪灾害下电网安全评估需求分析与框架设计

    Requirements Analysis and Framework Design for Power System Security Assessment Considering Extreme Ice Disasters

  13. 建筑屋盖抗冰雪灾害能力的分析与防灾建议

    Analysis of Counter Icing Snow Calamity Ability for Building Roof and Advices for Disaster Prevention

  14. 2008年冰雪灾害对我国南方地区电网的影响分析

    Affects of Icing and Snow Disaster Occurred in 2008 on Power Grids in South China

  15. 冰雪灾害危机事件演化及衍生链特征分析

    Characteristic Analysis of Evolution and Derivation Chain of Risk Events Caused by Snow and Ice Disasters

  16. 对输电线路的冰雪灾害,应防除并举,着重于防。

    On the transmission line disater , the facus should be placed on prevention and control .

  17. 据统计,整个冰雪灾害造成的直接损失高达2530.5亿元人民币[1]。

    According to statistics , the direct losses caused by disasters snow up to 253.05 billion yuan .

  18. 2008年我国南方重大冰雪灾害直接经济损失就达1516.5亿元。

    In 2008 a major snow disaster in south China reached direct economic loss 151.65 billion Yuan .

  19. 比如,在年初的冰雪灾害中,只有某些高速公路段上的积雪被清除。

    During heavy snows last winter , for example , only some stretches of certain highways were plowed .

  20. 强冰雪灾害下大型薄壁圆柱钢壳结构稳定性研究

    Investigation into the stability of large scale thin-walled steel cylindrical shells under severe disaster of ice and snow

  21. 2008年初我国南方地区遭受了严重的冰雪灾害,多个电网大面积停电。

    A severe snow disaster hit China Southern area in early 2008 while blackout happened in several power systems .

  22. 近年来冰雪灾害频繁发生,使输电线路遭受严重破坏。

    In recent years , frequent occurrence of disasters , ice and snow , so that transmission lines have been devastated .

  23. 湘西北2008年初持续冰雪灾害及对椪柑影响分析

    The analysis of persistent ice and rain disaster at the beginning of 2008 in Northwestern Hunan and its impact on citrus production

  24. 最后以湖南省郴州地区冰雪灾害为例进行了验证和应用。

    Finally the Ice & snow disaster of Chenzhou region of Hunan province is taken as an example to verify and apply .

  25. 丹麦到挪威一线也属于危险地带,但也不排除是冰雪灾害。

    Denmark to Norway is also part of front-line danger zone , but does not rule out a snow and ice hazards .

  26. 2008年初,我国南方发生的严重冰雪灾害对森林生态系统的结构与功能产生了严重的干扰。

    In January 2008 , an extraordinarily serious snow storm occurred in southern China had serious disturbance and destroy on structure and function of forest ecosystem .

  27. 近年来,由冰雪灾害引发的导线舞动现象频发,不少地区的电网遭受到重创,有的甚至一度瘫痪。

    In recent years , the wire caused by snow disaster the galloping phenomenon frequently , many areas of the power grid suffered , and some even paralyzed .

  28. 对冰雪灾害后杉木林的林冠残体和凋落物的储量、持水量、持水率和吸水速率进行研究。

    The dry mass , water holding capacity , proportional water holding capacity of crown debris and litter were measured in a Cunninghamia lanceolata stand suffered from ice damage .

  29. 我国媒体在经历了冰雪灾害和汶川地震的报道之后,报道手法日趋成熟,但报道观念仍处于转型阶段,部分问题有待探讨和改善。

    The media in China has developed mature skills after experiencing in the snow and ice disaster and the Wenchuan earthquake . However , the reporting idea is still in transition .

  30. 深入分析了重大冰雪灾害应急管理评价体系的构建依据,提出了重大冰雪灾害应急管理能力评价体系结构。

    The basis of evaluation system construction about emergency management of snow disaster is in-depth analyzed . Then the evaluation system structure of emergency management capability of major snow disaster is proposed .