
  • 网络Hydraulic Fill;dredger fill;Qml
  1. 最后部分,根据冲填土料的特性,提出两种建立在有效应力原理基础上的简易边坡稳定分析方法。

    At last , according to the characteristics of hydraulic fill soils , two simplified methods based on the theory of effective stress are recommended for analysing the slope stability .

  2. 结合洋山深水港某区段陆域大面积吹填后地基加固处理工程实例,分析该区段厚约30m冲填土的堆载预压效应,指出地基处理设计过程中应注意的问题。

    According to an engineering practice of ground treatment in Yangshan Deepwater Port after hydraulic fill , this paper analyzes the loading preconsolidation effect of dredger fill with about 30 m thickness , and points out some questions which shall be paid attention to during foundation treatment design .

  3. 紫山灰场粉煤灰作为一种冲填土,粒度细,似粉砂。

    Pulverized coal ash is hydraulically filled on ground of Zishan .

  4. 冲填土填筑路基的设计施工实践

    Design & Construction of Alluvial and Fill Soil Reclaiming Subgrade

  5. 超厚冲填土对其下卧软土层的堆载预压效应

    Loading Preconsolidation Effect of Extra-thick Dredger Fill for Its Soft Soil Substratum

  6. 水坠坝冲填土弹塑性本构方程

    Elastoplastic Constitutive Equation for Hydraulic-fill Soil of Slurry-fall Dam

  7. 冲填土挡灰坝筑坝关键技术

    Key Technology of Hydraulic Filling Ash - Retention Dam

  8. 冲填土挡灰坝及其论证分析

    A study of hydraulic filling ash retention dam

  9. 基于大变形理论和离心模型试验对上海临港新城地区冲填土自重固结沉降进行分析研究。

    Modeling and experimental study of one-dimensional large strain consolidation of soft soil under multi-layer vacuum preloading ;

  10. 粘粒含量较少的轻、中粉质壤土作冲填土料修建水坠坝,在黄土高原地区已被广泛应用。

    Light loam and medium loam with less clay particles as fill earth had been extensively used in the construction of hydraulic fill dam in the Loess Plateau region .

  11. 重粉质壤土作为冲填土料,由于其渗透系数小,脱水固结速度慢,施工期易形成滑坡。

    If using weight loam as fill earth , because its penetration coefficient is low , the dewatering and consolidating velocity is slow , so land slide easily happens in construction period .

  12. 沿海地区软土地基的冲填土和淤泥分布广泛,地质分层复杂,规律性差,地基承载力低,基础施工常出现意想不到的问题。

    The soil rushing to fill and sludge of soft land base in coastal area exist widely with complicated formation , bad regularity and low bearing capacity of foundation , so the basic construction appears unimaginable problems frequently .