
chōnɡ ɡōu
  • gully;gulch
  1. 基于GPS与GIS技术的长江上游山地冲沟的分布特征研究

    Assessing Gully Development in Upper Yangtze River Basin Based on GPS and GIS

  2. 冲沟是生态系统严重退化的产物,在金沙江流域元谋干热河谷发育的冲沟,溯源侵蚀速度为50cm/a,最大达200cm/a。

    Gully is formed when land is dramatically degenerated in arid valley . In the Yuanmou arid hot valley of Jinsha river , the speed of headward erosion is 50 cm / a to develop gully , and the maximum speed reaches 200 cm / a.

  3. Kriging插值法是长江上游地区小流域和冲沟系统DEM建立的最佳方法,1m的空间分辨率是长江上游地区描述地形的理想分辨率,可以满足切沟和冲沟的研究需要。

    Kriging interpolation method is a optimal method for establishing DEMs in catchment and region scale , and 1 m is a optimal DEM resolution in upper Yangtze River basin ;

  4. 三峡库区高等级公路常常需要跨越V形冲沟,冲沟处地面坡度一般较陡,且常受到降雨和库区变幅水位的影响,严重影响冲沟高填路基的安全使用。

    The highway in Three Gorges reservoir area often requires across V-gullies , ground slope is generally steep , and often affected by rainfall and water level of the reservoir area , seriously affecting the safe use of high fill embankment at the center of the gully .

  5. 5m的GPS测量间距是长江上游地区描述地形的理想尺度,可以满足切沟和冲沟研究的需要。当研究对象为细沟、浅沟时,应选择3m及3m以下的测量间距。

    A GPS-survey scale of 5 m grid is suitable for assessment of gully erosion whereas a 3 or less than 3 m GPS-survey scale can meet with study needs of rills and shallow gullies in the upper Yangtze River basin ;

  6. 贵溪信江铁路特大桥全长798.3m,水面宽约400m,水深7~11m,基岩裸露,且冲沟满布。

    The total length of Guixi Xinjiang extra long railway bridge is 798.34 m. The width of water river is about 400 m , and the depth of water is 7.0 to 11.0 m. The bared bed rock is distributed with gullyings .

  7. 冲沟溯源侵蚀速度加快,如元谋地层上发育的冲沟,年均溯源侵蚀速度50cm左右最大达200cm,沟谷密度一般为3~5km/km~2;

    The speed of headward erosion of the gullies has been increased . The erosion speed of the gullies which are developed on the Yuanmou layer is about 50 cm / a , the maximum speed reached 200 cm / a.

  8. 黄土冲沟高路堤设计与施工

    The Design and Construction of High Fill Embankment of Loess Gully

  9. 元谋干热河谷冲沟植被恢复技术研究

    Study on vegetation restoration technology of gully in Yuanmou hot-dry valley

  10. 在这些地区,小的支流和冲沟显示不出来。

    In such areas small tributaries or gullies will not show .

  11. 镇江市古冲沟与建筑工程的关系

    The relationship of ancient gully and construction geology of Zhenjiang

  12. 黄土冲沟高填方路基的质量控制及计量方法

    The Quality Control and Measurement Methods of Loess Gully High Fill Subgrade

  13. 主要包括冲沟的水平错动量和断层陡坎的垂直位移量及其形态特征。

    Include the horizontal displacement of gullies and vertical displacement of fault scarps .

  14. 地形图中冲沟与陡崖符号的自动提取方法

    Automatic extraction of gullies and cliffs from topographic map

  15. 盐沼外侧边缘发育有明显的陡坎冲沟。

    And ( 4 ) obvious gulch outside edge of the salt marsh .

  16. 浅谈黄土冲沟地段的处理

    Simply Talking about Treatment of Loess Plat Gullied

  17. 银合欢冲沟治理水土保持效益研究

    Effect Study of Water and Soil Conservation on Leucaena Harnessing Area in Rushing Gully

  18. 滑坡介于两条冲沟之间,呈不规则“哑铃”状。

    The landslide is located between two trenches and shows as an irregular dumbbell .

  19. 基于分形理论的火星冲沟成因机制研究

    A Study on Formation Mechanism of Gullies on Mars Based on the Fractal Theory

  20. 减少黄土冲沟高填路堤工后沉降施工质量控制的研究

    The Study on Construction Quality Control for Reducing Loess Gully High Fill Embankment Settlement

  21. 薪炭林银合欢治理元谋干热河谷冲沟的效应研究

    The effect research of gully controlling with Leucaena leucocephala in the Yuanmou arid hot valley

  22. 跨冲沟隧道施工技术的施工工艺及体会

    On the tunnel construction craft of the construction technique in spanning gullies and its experience

  23. 冲沟里土壤养分的含量高于丘体土壤。

    Moreover , soil nutrient contents in the gully were higher than that in the hilly .

  24. 西部浅部开采矿井地表冲沟水害的预计评价

    Prediction and Evaluation on Gullies Water Disaster on the Surface of Shallowly-exploited Mine in Western China

  25. 油气管道穿(跨)越黄土冲沟的岩土工程问题

    Oil & Gas Pipeline Crossing under ( over ) Loess Gulch ── Rock and Soil Mechanics

  26. 金沙江下游元谋盆地冲沟沟头弯曲度的分形研究

    Fractal Study on Bending of Gully 's Head in Yuanmou Basin on Lower Reaches of Jinsha River

  27. 复杂古冲沟场地人工挖孔桩的承载性状

    Study on the bearing capacity behavior of the excavated belled piles on the complicate old gully site

  28. 冲沟发育矿区浅埋煤层采动坡体活动机理及其控制研究

    Study on Mining-Induced Slope Activity Mechanism and Its Control of Shallow Coal Seam in Gully-Growth-Wide Mining Area

  29. 西夏王陵4号陵冲沟发育过程、特征及其影响因素

    Growth Process & Features and Influencing Factors on Gully of The No.4 Tomb in The Western Xia Mausoleums

  30. 在冲沟中,冲沟交汇处的土壤质地较其他部位更为粘重。

    Soil texture of the crossing department of the gully was more clay than that of other position .