
  • 网络alluvial-proluvial fan
  1. 昆仑山中段策勒西南冲洪积扇上的古地震形变带总体走向北东,长约40km,最宽有6km。

    On the alluvial and diluvial fan in the middle part of Kunlun Mountain , namely , the southwest of Cele , Xinjiang , there is an above 40 km long , 3 to 6 km wide , 70 ° general strike paleoearthquake deformation belt .

  2. 冲洪积扇厚层黄土特性及地基处理方案的选择

    Study of the Thick-loess Features and Selection of Ground Treatment Plan

  3. 冲洪积扇含水层地下水可开采量数值模拟&以文峪河冲洪积扇为例

    The numerical modeling on exploitable quantity of groundwater in aquifer of alluvial

  4. 滦河冲洪积扇地下水脆弱性评价体系研究

    Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment System in Alluvial Fan of Luanhe River

  5. 洮儿河冲洪积扇地下水库天然调控能力评价

    Evaluation of Natural Regulation Ability of Groundwater Reservoir in Tao'er River Alluvial Fan

  6. 利用环境示踪剂估算滹沱河冲洪积扇地下水天然补给

    Estimation of Natural Groundwater Recharge in the Hutuo River Alluvial-Proluvial Fan Using Environmental Tracers

  7. 冲洪积扇与泥石流扇的遥感影像特征辨析冲压模可视化仿真模拟

    Discrimination between the Features of Remote Sensing Images of Alluvial-diluvial Fan and Debris Flow Fan

  8. 浑河冲洪积扇中下游地下水中氮转化与水文地球化学特征的研究

    On Nitrogen transform and hydro-geochemical characteristics of the Hun river ' alluvial and flood fan

  9. 新疆玛纳斯河冲洪积扇地区地下水资源管理模型

    A model for groundwater resource management in the alluvial pluvial fan of Manas river , Xinjiang

  10. 利用计算机监督彩色编码法研究戈壁沙漠区地下水&以新疆准噶尔盆地东南部冲洪积扇地区及戈壁沙漠为例

    A Study on the Underground Water in Gobi and Desert Area through Computer Supervised Colour Coding

  11. 新疆冲洪积扇区多层结构含水层地下水系统预报模型的比较

    Comparison on the Prediction Model of Groundwater System with Multilayer Structure Aquifer of Alluvial-pluvial Fan in Xinjiang

  12. 在这篇文章结尾,还讨论了冲洪积扇特征对断层活动强度的反映。

    At the end of this paper , we discussed the reflection of alluvial fan on the active strength of faults .

  13. 太行山东麓冲洪积扇及其赋水影象特征

    THF alluvial diluvial aprons at the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountains and the characteristics of their remote-sensing water bearing images

  14. 洋河盆地北缘断裂带在地质上造成了太古代/中生代地层与晚第四纪堆积的截然相接,在地貌上形成了低山/丘陵与冲洪积扇(盆地平原)的分界。

    The northern margin of the Yanghe basin in geological fracture zone caused Stratum contact diametrically between Archean / Mesozoic and late Quaternary accumulation .

  15. 文中还给出了断层陡坎变形的测量结果,冲洪积扇扇顶热释光年龄和断层滑动速率。

    The survey results of fault deformation as well as the thermoluminescent dating on the fan top and fault slip velocity are also given .

  16. 新疆若羌县米兰河冲洪积扇水源地地下水水质评价及保护对策

    Evaluation and Protection Countermeasures for Groundwater Quality of Water Source Place in the Alluvial Fan of Milan River in Ruoqiang County of Xinjiang Autonomous Region

  17. 评价结果,在塔里木河近现代冲积平原有古河道淡水可以利用,昆仑山山前冲洪积扇普遍赋存可以利用的咸水。

    The results show that the freshwater reserved in paleo-riverway on alluvial plain and salt water reserved in alluvium and diluvium on the foot plain of Kunlun Mountains .

  18. 应用有限差分方法,采用不规则多边形剖分,对昌马冲洪积扇区地下水资源数量的变化趋势进行了模拟计算。

    The paper predicts the changing tendency of groundwater resource in Changma alluvial fan by numerical modeling , applying the method of finite difference and irregular polygon cells .

  19. 区域地貌对比和年代学分析得出,精河东南冲洪积扇的最后形成时代为距今7万a左右,右旋滑动速率为47mm/a。

    The age of the alluvial-pluvial fan in southeast Jinghe is about 70 ka old by geomorphic dating , and the right lateral slip rate is 4 7mm / a.

  20. 米兰河冲洪积扇水源地的建设是为罗布泊钾盐矿区生活和生产用水提供供水保障。

    Construction of the water source place in alluvial-fan of MiLan River provides the guarantee for water supply on people life and production in the Robupo Sylvite mineral area .

  21. 在哈密盆地河水出口后,即进入透水性强,粗粒松散的冲洪积扇,成为盆地平原地下水的形成区。

    Water permeates into the ground while the streams ren to the upper parts of floodplains composed of coarse granular materials , which in turn become the formation area of ground water .

  22. 黄河三角洲南部冲洪积扇区浅层地下水由于长期大量开发利用,早已形成了区域性漏斗群。

    Due to development and utilization of shallow underground water in southern flood alluvial area in the Yellow River Delta area , regional group of funnels have been formed in this area .

  23. 上游地表水有80.3%来自于山区大气降水,上游浅层水有83.5%来源于上游地表水。之后,浅层地下水在冲洪积扇前缘受阻溢出地表转化成地表水。

    About 80 % of surface water is formed by precipitation and 83.5 % of shallow groundwater is recharged by surface water in the upstream area , and then the shallow groundwater is blocked in the front of alluvium and diluvium and changed into surface water .

  24. 张家口冲-洪积扇区地下水中的硝酸盐含量逐年升高。

    The Nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the alluvial-diluvial fan of Zhangjiakou area has increased year by year .

  25. 滹沱河是黄淮海平原北部山前冲、洪积扇上具有代表性的河流之一。

    Hutuo River is one of the typical rivers flowing on the alluvial fan at the north part of the Great Plain of North China .

  26. 根据遥感图象追踪古河道、古湖沼洼地、古冲-洪积扇(群),研究分析铀源条件。

    Paleochannel , paleo-lake , swamp and depression and paleoalluvio-diluvial fan can be tracked on the basis of remote sensing images for analysing uranium source condition .