
  1. 北长山岛、南长山岛及庙岛之间海域由淤积变为侵蚀,最大侵蚀速率达8.1cm/a,侵蚀速率会逐年减小,最终达到冲淤平衡状态。

    The sea between the South and the North Changshan Islands , Miao Island is from siltation to erosion . Maximum erosion velocity reaches 8.1cm/a . Erosion velocity reduces year by year and reaches balance at last .

  2. 在三门峡水库修建前,潼关河床基本处于冲淤平衡或微淤状态。

    Tongguan riverbed elevation is basically stable before the construction of SanMenXia reservoir .

  3. 黄河三角洲整体冲淤平衡及其地质意义

    The rough balance of progradation and erosion of the Yellow River Delta and its geological meaning

  4. 因此,其整治水位与整治线宽度的确定,是与悬移质泥沙冲淤平衡的挟沙力所决定。

    Therefore , the width of regulation line and the water level are depended on transport capacity .

  5. 黄河三角洲冲淤平衡的来沙量临界值分析

    Analysis of Critical Value of Inflow Sediment for Keeping the Erosion and Sedimentation Balance in the Yellow River Delta

  6. 河口生态环境需水量的功能主要体现在为保持河口地区生态系统的泥沙冲淤平衡。

    The estuary eco-environmental water demand function is mainly reflected in the functional balance of sediment erosion and deposition .

  7. 黄河下游河道冲淤平衡时输沙水量变化规律研究平衡含沙量、平衡水深与海床冲淤计算

    Study on the Change Law of Sediment-Transport Water Volume in the Lower Yellow River during the Silt Stable Period

  8. 测区总体演变趋势以侵蚀为主,强度逐渐减弱,并向冲淤平衡缓慢过渡。

    The total evolution trend is that this area will keep eroded , but the intensity will decline gradually into balance of accretion and erosion .

  9. 水流挟沙力是反映河床处于冲淤平衡状态下水流挟带泥沙能力的综合性指标。

    River sediment carrying capacity is a comprehensive index reflecting the sediment carrying capacity of flow under the conditions of equilibrium of scouring and deposition .

  10. 整治方案运用了泥沙运动的基本理论和河床演变的基本原理,对马尾河进行冲淤平衡分析计算,并按水动力学规律疏浚整治河道,以恢复河道良好的水力条件,稳定河势。

    Using the basic theory of soil moving and river bed changing , the authors made rush_siltation balance analysis and calculation and put forward dredge_harnessing scheme .

  11. 基于泥沙运动的起动和止动条件分析了悬移质泥沙和床沙交换的内在机理,并根据这一机理推求了冲淤平衡状态下悬移质挟沙力级配的计算公式。

    In terms of this mechanism , the calculation formula for the suspended load sediment-carrying capacity graduation under the balanced state of silting and scoring is deduced .

  12. 而洪水是维持潼关及渭河下游动态冲淤平衡的动力,因此前期淤积是造成渭河下游淤积上延严重的根本原因。

    So that the power for keep the fluvial equilibrium has been decreased . It is the fundamental reason that created the backwater deposits extended upstream and serious sedimentation in channel occurred .

  13. 修建水库工程是改变水资源时空分布不均的有效手段之一,但是水库的修建打破了河流本身已有的冲淤平衡,必然造成泥沙在水库中的淤积。

    Building reservoirs is one of effective measures to change the unevenly distributed of water resources , but it breaks the balance of sediment , which make the silting up in the reservoir .

  14. 与长时间段的河床冲淤平衡研究相比,近期河道冲淤(从20世纪50年代至今)的研究对长江下游的防洪、航道的开发、港口的布局等更具有实践意义。

    Compared with the research of channel scouring and siltation for a long period , the research of recent channel evolvement from 1950s is more significative to prevent flood , to exploit channel , and to plan port and so on .

  15. 小流底水利枢纽将于2000年建成,可为游荡性河段赢得20年左右的冲淤平衡时间,应抓住有利时机积极进行整治。

    The Xiaolangdi Project will be completed by the year of 2000 , which can keep the balance of erosion and deposition in the wandering section about 20 years . Therefore , the opportune time should be catched for training the wandering section .

  16. 并以此为基础,结合床面冲淤平衡原理,建立泥沙冲淤模型,预测工程后一年内和冲淤平衡后工程区泥沙冲淤强度和分布。

    Based on the above , combination of bed erosion and deposition balance principle , to establish sediment transport model . Forecast the balance within one year after the project areas and erosion and deposition of sediment erosion and deposition intensity and distribution .

  17. 凌汛期流量相对稳定,可利用凌汛开河期大流量拉沙排沙,延长水库泥沙冲淤平衡年限,更好地发挥水库的综合效益。

    The flow is relatively stable during ice flood period , so this period can be used to drainage sand and extend the balance year for scouring the sediment in the reservoir and give full play to the comprehensive benefit of the reservoir much better .

  18. 总体来说,该海区沉积环境较为稳定,水动力作用较强,沉积速度缓慢,处于基本冲淤平衡的状态。洋山港内及航道水域沉积环境分析

    Generally , the sediment environment is relatively stable , the hydrodynamic force is relatively strong , the sediment rate is slow , the erosion and the accumulation are in the state of equilibrium on the whole . Analysis of sediment environment in the Yangshan harbor and sea-route areas

  19. 沙湾水电站运用了以水库代替沉沙池的方案,通过调度水库运行方案,达到控制水库泥沙冲淤平衡的目的,从而保证设计所需长期有效的日调节库容。

    The Shawan hydroelectric power station utilized has replaced the settling basin by the reservoir the plan , through dispatched the reservoir movement plan , achieved controlled the reservoir silting to flush the silt balance the goal , thus the guarantee design needed the long-term effective date adjustment storage capacity .

  20. 蓄水前库区冲淤基本平衡,蓄水后则处于累积性的淤积状态。

    Before the impoundment , scouring and deposition is balanced basically in reach .

  21. 由于湾内泥沙供应量的减少,连云港仍将维持冲淤相对平衡的状态。

    With the decrease of sediment supply , the sedimentation and erosion of Lianyungang Harbor will keep balanced .

  22. 黄河下游洪水冲淤相对平衡的分组含沙量阈值探讨;

    Study on threshold of grouping sediment concentration about floods scouring and silting relative balance in the lower Yellow River ;

  23. 两库淤沙与冲淤排沙达到平衡以后,虽然部分库容被淤,但是保留下来的有效库容能够长期调水调沙。

    After the balance of sediment depositing and sluicing is achieved , the effective reservoir volumes can regulate both water and silt for a long term .

  24. 种种迹象表明,从冲淤并存和以侵蚀为主向冲淤平衡过渡的现象还将长期进行下去。

    There are indications that the transitional phenomenon from the period of erosion being dominant to the regime period will continue for a long time .

  25. 分析认为,潮汐河口为了应对连续丰水年和连续枯水年交替的径流改变,通过长周期泥沙冲淤和河床变形进行自动调整,达到冲淤平衡。

    It shows that tidal estuary could get equilibrium by the auto-adjust function including long-period sediment erosion / deposition and deformation of riverbed in order to correspond to the runoff change between continuous high flow years and low flow years .