
hé qū
  • bend;meander;bend (of a river)
河曲 [hé qū]
  • [bend (of a river)] 河流迂曲的地方

河曲[hé qū]
  1. 上游的顿河河曲和关系重大的陆口桥梁此时都未到手。

    Neither the upper bend of the don , nor the crucial land bridge , had been secured .

  2. 分析了黄河上游降水的时空变化及影响黄河上游降水的环流特征,指出河曲地区是黄河上游降水资源最丰富的地区。

    Analysis of spatial-temporal variation of precipitation in the upper reach of the Yellow River and its circulation characteristics are made . It shows that the bend region of the Yellow River is one of the area with richest precipitation in the upper reach of the Yellow River .

  3. 河曲发电厂HVAC自控系统的设计

    The Design of HVAC Auto - control System in Hequ Power Plant

  4. 文章以河曲发电厂新建工程(2×600MW)干贮灰场为例,介绍了山谷干贮灰场坝体及排洪构筑物的设计。

    Taking the dry ash yard of the newly built engineering of Hequ Power Plant ( 2 × 600MW ) as the example , this paper introduces the design of the dam body and excessive water draining structures of valley dry ash yard .

  5. 他们河曲回奔波在一系列的曲线。

    They meander back and forth in a series of curves .

  6. 河流形成新的河曲,在谷底逶迤流淌。

    The river forms new meanders that curve along the valley floor .

  7. 河道砂和河曲沙坝砂可以是干净的和分选良好的。

    Channel and point-bar sands may be clean and well-sorted .

  8. 河曲县产业结构变动规律的灰色分析

    Grey analyses of the law of economic structure chances in Hequ County

  9. 山西河曲发电厂工程调度自动化的设计

    The Design of the Engineering Dispatching Automation in Shanxi 's Hequ Power Plant

  10. 河流形成宽阔的河弯,称之为河曲。

    The river forms broad loops , called meanders .

  11. 河曲方言语音与北京语音的比较

    Contrast Between Hequ Dialect and Putonghua in Pronunciation

  12. 论唐代前期河曲地域各民族人口的数量与分布

    Ethnic Groups in Hequ Area in Early Tang Dynasty : Their Population and Distribution

  13. 试论下荆江河曲的发育与稳定

    On the Development and Stability of Meanders of the Lower Jingjiang Stretch of the Yangtze River

  14. 河曲方言的特点主要包括语音特点、词汇特点和语法特点。

    The main characteristic of the northern dialect vocabulary speech characteristics , characteristics and grammar characteristic .

  15. 本文详细介绍在山西河曲黄土覆盖区地震资料处理方法。

    This paper introduces the seismic data processing method in Hequ loess covering area in Shanxi in detail .

  16. 1982年1月,黄河干流河曲段发生了历史上罕见的凌灾。

    In January of1982 , a rare ice run flooding occurred at Hequ section of the Yellow River .

  17. 这一部分将展示案例河曲城镇社区组建过程写真与河曲城镇社区建设的现状。

    This part will display the authentic experience of Community Construction in Hequ towns and its current status .

  18. 结果表明,河曲县的荒漠化防治效益以上升趋势为主。

    Results showed that the desertification control efficiency mainly shows a tendency to rise in the whole county .

  19. 黄河河曲段1982年1月凌灾成因分析妄自尊大,盛气凌人

    Analysis of Cause for the Ice Run Flooding in January of 1982 at Hequ Section of the Yellow River

  20. 黄河上游河曲地区人工增雨的基本条件和催化作业对策在废墟上游走

    Essential Conditions and Catalyzing Operation Measures of Artificial Rainfall in Hequ Region , Upper Yellow River Wandering on the ruins

  21. 现代河流地貌学中,一般将河曲两岸区分为侵蚀岸与堆积岸。

    In modern fluvial geomorphology , the banks of meander generally have two kinds : erosion bank and accumulation bank .

  22. 唐代河曲地域呈现着农业经济与牧业经济并存、各有发展的局面。

    The Hequ region in the Tang Dynasty boasted of the co-existence and co-growth of agricultural economy and husbandry economy .

  23. 就河曲县近年来海红果树锈病发生的危害、规律及防治技术进行了综述。

    This paper summarizes the hazard , regularity and control technology of the rust disease of Malus micromalus tree in Hequ County .

  24. 对某河曲进行说明的三维示意图,河的一岸正在形成曲流沙坝,另一岸正在受到浸蚀。

    Three-dimensional diagram illustrating a river meander with a point bar being formed on one bank and erosion occurring on the other bank .

  25. 城镇环境形态研究基于传统的河曲城镇中心空间研究与现代诠释

    Research on the Environment Mode of a Town the Research Based on the Traditional Central Space of Hequ Town and Its Modern Outcome

  26. 强化职能谋求新发展&山西省河曲县组建乡镇林业中心站的调查

    Strengthen Basic Function to Promote Further Development & Investigation to the Establishment of the Local Forestry Central Office in Hequ County of Shanxi Province

  27. 河曲民俗是河曲人民历史相沿久而形成的风尚、习俗的积淀,是河曲社会文化中最重要、最有地域特色的组成部分之一。

    Hequ folk custom is a sediment of people history in Hequ , is the most important part of society culture and region character about Hequ .

  28. 唐代河曲地域农牧经济活动影响环境的力度及原因探析

    An Exploratory Analysis of the Affecting Intensity and Causes of Agricultural and Husbandry Economic Activities in the Hequ Region in the Tang Dynasty on the Environment

  29. 基于长期定位试验,对黄土丘陵区的晋西北河曲县砖窑沟试验区土壤氮素资源与分布,土壤氮素变化和农田氮素平衡进行了分析,并探讨了该区氮素管理策略和施肥方案。

    A long-term experiment was carried out on a typical loess soil in Hequ county , northeastern Shanxi province , to study the soil N fertility .

  30. 而关于河曲城镇社区建设的现状主要将从其组织结构现状和运行机制现状两方面进行展示。

    The description of present situation of Community Construction in Hequ towns is divided into two aspects : the present organization structure and the present operation mechanism .