
  1. 本研究选择了河北传媒学院摄影专业二年级两个班的学生进行一个学期的教学实验。

    Two classes of sophomores majoring in Photography of Hebei Institution of Communication have been selected to participate in a one-semester experiment .

  2. 看过河北传媒学院的大三学生刘啸宇拍摄的视频《天堂午餐》,你便会找到正确答案。

    Watch the video Paradise Dinner by Liu Xiaoyu , a junior at Hebei Institute of Communications , and you will find a right answer .

  3. 该模型位于河北传媒学院的东南角,全长32.8米,与实际的航空母舰的比例约为1:10。

    Located in the southeastern corner of the Hebei Institute of Communications , the model is 32.8 meters long , which is roughly 1:10 scale of the actual aircraft carrier .