
hé tào dì qū
  • the Hetao area
  1. 针对风积沙加固河套地区的特殊不良路基地基的应用技术研究,阐述了将风积沙用于路基不良地基的加固处理技术。

    This article describes the application technology for consolidating the special poor subgrade in the Hetao Area with wind-blown sand .

  2. 河套地区无症状性颈动脉狭窄危险因素调查

    He Tao Area Symptomless Carotid Artery Arteries Narrow Hazard Factor Investigation

  3. 河套地区古代农业发展述略

    A Brief Introduction of Ancient Agriculture in the Great Bend Area of the Yellow Rive

  4. 历史时期河套地区农业开发与土壤沙漠化的关系

    The Relationship Between Agricultural Exploitation and Desertification in the Great Bend of Huanghe River in History

  5. 河套地区春季扬沙天气影响因子的初步研究

    Preliminary research on effect factors of BLOWING-SAND weather in spring in Mid-Reaches of the Huanghe River

  6. 大西洋多暴风雨的海域.2007年夏季河套地区两次区域性大暴雨过程的模拟分析

    The Simulation and Analysis of Two Regional Summer Heavy Storm of 2007 in the Great Bend of the Yellow River

  7. 农业最集中的地方在黄河南部河套地区,主要的农作物是粟。

    The largest concentration of agriculture stood below the southern bend of the Yellow River and the main crop was millet .

  8. 并得出以下几点认识:一是河套地区地处我国北方农牧交错带的中段,位置恰好在半湿润、半干旱区的过渡带上,因此生态系统脆弱,对气候变化的反应敏感。

    And reached the following recognizes : First , the North Loop area is situated in the middle of the farming-pastoral zone , the location just in the sub-humid , semi-arid zones of the transitional zone , therefore , ecosystems is fragile , and the climate sensitive to change .

  9. 公元前215年,秦始皇派蒙恬率军30万抗击匈奴,收复河套以南地区。

    In 215 B. C. , the First Emperor had Meng Tian lead 300 000 soldiers to fend off these nomads , and finally recovered the south area of Hetao plain .

  10. 河套爬山调是爬山调的一个分支,主要流行于巴彦淖尔市河套地区,在其特定的自然环境、人文环境下形成和发展成为蒙汉各族人民喜闻乐见的声乐艺术形式。

    Loop mountain climbing tune is a branch of the main popular Bayannur City Loop area , in its specific natural environment , cultural environment , it formed and developed into Mongolian and loved by people of all vocal art form .