
  • 网络Hebei City;Kahoku
  1. 河北省地级市城市竞争力综合评价

    The Synthetical Evaluation of Level of Territory Cities in Hebei Province

  2. 河北定州市污水处理厂设计

    The Design of Sewage Treatment Plant of Dingzhou City in Hebei Province

  3. 河北唐山市城市展览馆和公园从命题到解题

    Tangshan Urban Planning Museum and Park , Heibei Province From Assignment to Answer

  4. 北京2022年冬奥会将于一年后在北京及邻省河北张家口市举行。

    The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games will start a year from now in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in neighboring Hebei Province .

  5. 在人口达100万的河北邯郸市,上周末供水被切断,昨日部分恢复。

    In Handan , a city of 1m , municipal water supplies were cut over the weekend and partially restored yesterday .

  6. 利用该模型对河北邯郸市某双排桩深基坑支护结构进行了理论计算,并将计算结果与工程实测资料进行了对比分析。

    Based on the beam on elastic foundation method , a new calculation model on a double-row piles retaining structure is proposed .

  7. 河北霸州市康达保健器材厂,是集产品开发、保健器材生产于一体的专业生产企业。

    Bazhou Kangda Health Care Appliance Factory is a professional enterprise dedicated to the product development and theproduction of health care appliance .

  8. 以河北石家庄市为例,运用企业问卷调查和重点企业访谈等方法,探讨京津冀地区次中心城市高新技术产业发展的动力缺陷。

    The main purpose of the case study of Shijiazhuang is to explore the dynamic defects of high-tech industries in the second tier cities in Jing-Jin-Ji area .

  9. 调查了河北辛集市、无极县制革企业的污水治理情况和存在问题,考察了不同规模的制革废水处理工艺和设备运行状态,重点了解制革铬鞣的分流和污泥处理。

    This paper introduces the treatment of tannery waste water and problem existed , treatment process , running condition of equipment , difference on chromium tan waste water and sludge treatment .

  10. 以河北藁城市为例,对华北平原城郊地区近50年种植结构特征及驱动因子等进行了系统分析。

    The characteristics and driven forces of change of cropping structure , in the suburban area of North China Plain , were discussed through a case study in Gaocheng County of Hebei province .

  11. 主营童车、扭扭车、自行车,公司位于中国河北邢台市平乡县和古庙工业区。

    Lord camp kid 's car , twist twist car , bicycle , the company is located in even country county in Xing stand City , Hebei , China and thou temple manufacturing district .

  12. 近日,河北保定市副市长闫立英指出,近期保定进行了城市区划调整,已经具备建设区域中心城市的基本框架,保定应该打造成京津冀核心城市群区域中心城市。

    Baoding should be made into a regional hub city as part of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cluster as the framework of a regional hub city has been established after the recent administrative division adjustment in the city , according to Yan Liying , the deputy mayor of Baoding , Hebei .

  13. 基于RS和GIS的土地利用变更研究&以河北省黄骅市为例

    A Research into Changes in Land Use Based on RS and GIS

  14. 3S技术在河北省唐山市地面形变监测和城市扩展中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Surface Deformation Monitoring and Urban Expansion Based on 3S Technology in Tangshan City , Hebei Province

  15. 河北省沧州市,为缺水地区,为了兴建新的40万吨/年PVC生产项目,需要引黄河水作为水源,用水的费用不仅相当可观,而且也制约着企业的发展。

    Cangzhou in Hebei province is a water-deficient area . The newly built 0.4 million tons / year PVC production project needs to draw water from Yellow river as its water source , which not only costs a fortune but also fetter the development of the enterprise .

  16. 新浪微博(Weibo)上的帖子显示,考生家长聚集在河北省保定市教育局外要求“公平”,还要求教育部撤销减少当地高考招生名额的计划。

    According to a post on the Weibo messaging service , parents gathered outside the education bureau in Baoding , Hebei province , to demand " fairness " and that the education ministry scrap plans to reduce the number of places reserved for local applicants .

  17. 以河北省张家口市2002年的退耕还林地为研究对象,以高空间分辨率(以下简称高分辨率)遥感(Quick-bird-快鸟,分辨率0.6m)为信息载体。

    The land for the program of Conversion of Cropland to Forest in Zhangjiakou City of Hebei Province in 2002 was taken as research object and remote sensing ( Quickbird , resolution of 0.6 meter ) of high resolution as information carrier .

  18. 河北省石家庄市道路安全状况调查

    An investigation on road safe condition in Shijiazhuang , Hebei province

  19. 河北省秦皇岛市园林花木蛾类害虫种类研究

    Investigation of the moth pests in Qinhuangdao area , Hebei Province

  20. 农村治理转型与制度创新&河北省武安市一制三化经验的调查与思考

    Governance Transition and Institutional Innovation in Rural Areas in Hebei Province

  21. 对河北省邯郸市城市特色塑造的几点思考

    Consideration on figuring urban characteristic of Handan in Hebei province

  22. 1984-2008年河北省石家庄市肾综合征出血热流行特征分析

    Epidemic characteristics of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Shijiazhuang , 1984-2008

  23. 河北省唐山市高校公体武术教学开展现状及对策分析

    Situation and Solution of Public Wushu in Tangshan City , Hebei Province

  24. 河北省沧州市初中生问题行为的家庭影响因素

    Family Influence on the Problem Behavior of Middle School Students

  25. 农民信息需求状况的调查分析&以河北省邯郸市为例

    Investigation and Analysis of the Peasants ' Need to Information

  26. 河北省廊坊市地面沉降调查

    The land subsidence survey of Langfang City , Hebei Province

  27. 河北省唐山市地质灾害风险区划研究

    Researches on Geological Hazard and Risk Zonation in Tangshan Hebei

  28. 河北省保定市旅游产业集群化发展研究

    A Research on the Development of Baoding Tourism Industry Groups

  29. 河北省定州市体育器材制造行业现状调查与对策研究

    Dingzhou City , Hebei Province Sports Equipment Manufacturing Industry Investigation and Countermeasures

  30. 单位:河北省保定市第一中心医院内分泌科。

    S Department of Endocrinology , Boding First Central Hospital of Hebei Province .