
  • 网络Distance Learning;D-Learning;distant learning;learning
  1. 基于Web的智能远程学习环境的构建

    The construction of web based intelligent distance learning environment

  2. 在对当前远程学习模式探讨的基础上,提出了一种新的基于移动Agent的交互远程学习模型。

    The paper discusses different modes used in the distance learning and puts forward a method on how to construct a Interactive Distance Learning Model Based on Mobile Agent .

  3. 基于Web的远程学习系统

    The Long-Range Study System Basing on Web

  4. 基于Web的远程学习系统是对传统教育方式的有益补充。

    The long-range study system basing on Web is the beneficial supplement to traditional education mode .

  5. 利用QQ群教学方式提高远程学习者的自我效能感初探

    Research on Using QQ group to Enhance Distance Learners ' Self-efficacy

  6. 该校院长霍华德•托马斯(HowardThomas)表示,该校发现,远程学习申请大幅增加,目前该校有2000名在线学员。

    Dean Howard Thomas says the school has seen applications soar for the distance learning option and currently has 2,000 online students .

  7. 远程学习应用:通过ATM网络把两个不同地点的教室连接起来,学生和教师通过网络相互交流。

    Distance learning applications : where two classroom locations are connected through an ATM network , and students and teachers interact with each other over the network ;

  8. DigitalChalk的SaaS模型专门针对大学或企业客户,帮助他们通过Web站点传输培训内容(包括远程学习)。

    DigitalChalk 's SaaS model targets universities and corporate clients to deliver their training content ( including distance learning ) through its Web site .

  9. 使经过授权的学员可以通过Web浏览器远程学习,使教师可以通过Web浏览器远程教学,使管理人员能通过相应的客户端程序实现对培训教学情况进行发布和管理。

    So that students can be authorized through a Web browser , remote learning , so teachers can distance learning through a Web browser , so that the appropriate management staff through the implementation of client training and teaching programs to publish and manage the situation .

  10. 格勒诺贝尔管理学院计划用ipad开发更多的应用,以更直观的方式运用其电子书阅读器功能,实现在线课程、远程学习功能,通过电子书店发布学术期刊。

    Grenoble plans to use the iPad to develop applications , make more intuitive use of its e-book reader capabilities , give access to online classes and distance learning and to provide access to faculty publications via the E-book store .

  11. mba与emba学位目标学员之间这种不明晰的市场界限,使希望入读的学员有了更多选择,他们可以决定选择周末班还是全脱产学习,抑或选择面对面的教学还是远程学习和小组合作。

    This blurring of the market between the target students for MBA and EMBA degrees gives a further choice for prospective students who can decide between weekend programmes or those with blocks of study , as well as a mix of face-to-face teaching or distance learning , and group work .

  12. Java3D是一种新的三维构建技术,三维效果真实,交互性强,可以提高教学演示的仿真效果,满足教师在课堂教学演示和学生远程学习的需要。

    Java 3D is a new three-dimensional design technology with actual three-dimensional effect and powerful interaction . It can improve simulation effect of teaching demo , satisfy teacher 's and students ' need which they will make teaching demo in the class and distance study .

  13. 很多人选择远程学习是因为其方便和迅速。

    Many people choose distance learning for its convenience and speed .

  14. 计算机网络教学中远程学习者特征分析

    The Analysis on the Characteristics of Long-distance Learners in Network Instruction

  15. 异步交互中远程学习者教学交互水平的研究

    Research on distance learners ' instructional interaction level in asynchronous interaction

  16. 论非智力因素对远程学习的制约关系

    The Restriction of Unintellective Factors on the Distance and Open Education

  17. 远程学习是一种特殊的开放式学习,在这种学习形式下,指导教师和学习者相隔遥远。有时也称为“函授教育”或者“函授课程”。

    The concept of distance learning is not a new one .

  18. 远程学习支持服务质量的测评模型研究

    The Study on Quality Assessment Model of Distance Learning Support Service

  19. 录像教材是远程学习中非常重要的学习媒体。

    Video teaching material is a very important study media .

  20. 远程学习支持服务:文化的视角

    Support Service in Distance Learning : with Perspective of Culture

  21. 现代教育技术在英语远程学习中的运用&云南电大开放教育英语专升本学生学习情况调查

    Study on the Application of Modern Educational Technology in Distance English Learning

  22. 成人学习者远程学习适应性研究的思考

    Consideration on learning adaptation for adult learners in distance learning

  23. 丽水市远程学习者特征调查报告

    A Survey Report of Long-distance Learners ' Characteristics in Lishui

  24. 远程学习广义交互及策略

    Interaction in General Sense for Distance Learning and the Strategy

  25. 网络远程学习者特征分析方法初探

    Probes in the Analyzing Methodologies of Distance Learners ' Features

  26. 远程学习者的成败归因方式研究

    Study of Imputation Mode of Distance Learners ' Achievement Attribution

  27. 远程学习者特征及学习行为调查报告

    The Investigation Report of Distance Learners Characteristics and Study Action

  28. 许多组织还为学生提供暑期班和社会活动。这有利于建立一个虚拟的学习社区,对所有的学习者都有好处,特别对参加远程学习的学生会有帮助。

    Many organizations also provide summer schools and social events for students .

  29. 成人远程学习支持服务体系构建初探

    Exploring the Construction of the Support Service System for Adult Distance Learning

  30. 成功而快乐的远程学习者有几点共同的特征。

    Successful and happy distance learners have a few characteristics in common .