
  • 网络Interior Decorative Materials
  1. 室内装饰材料的感知美及其具体运用

    Sensory Beauty of Interior Decorative Materials and Its Application

  2. 主要从事生产、销售化纤纺织原料,同时配套生产后道室内装饰材料。

    It is mainly engaged in producing and selling of chemical fiber materials , produces interior decorative materials simultaneously .

  3. 基于WEB的室内装饰材料及家具电子商务系统

    The System of EC Based on WEB in Indoor Decorating Material and Furniture

  4. 当前企业在使用电子商务实现室内装饰材料及家具交易上,基本上是网上浏览,网下购买的方式,还没真正地实现一个基于Internet环境的完整的电子化交易过程。

    The currently application of EC on the indoor decorating material and furniture is scanning online , purchasing offline , not realizing a really transaction based on the internet .

  5. 挥发性有机物(VOC),主要来源于建筑材料、室内装饰材料、生活和办公用品及室外工业废气等,对人类健康的危害正得到人们越来越多的重视。

    Volatile organic compounds ( VOC ), which is mainly from building materials , indoor decoration materials , life and office supplies , outdoor industrial waste gas , and so on , have attracted increasing attention since it influences human health .

  6. 室内装饰材料污染物散发过程的研究

    Study on Emission of the Pollutants of Indoor Decorating Materials

  7. 浅析住宅室内装饰材料的污染与防治

    Initial analysis on the pollution and prevention of housing indoor decoration material

  8. 木质室内装饰材料对环境湿度的调节功能Ⅱ

    Humidity conditioning function of wood and wood based interior wall materials ⅱ

  9. 室内装饰材料的卫生状况调查

    A Survey on Hygiene of Interior Decoration Material in Wuhan

  10. 室内装饰材料有害气体污染的防治对策

    Prevention & Control Measures for Harmful Gaseous Pollution of Indoor Decoration Materials

  11. 建筑室内装饰材料的选择和应用

    Option & Application of Indoors Decoration Materials

  12. 该套设备同时还可生产波音板,护壁板等室内装饰材料。

    It also can produce plywood , wall protesting board and other indoor decoration materials .

  13. 室内装饰材料的标准房间/墙角火实验研究进展

    Progress in Study of Standard Room / Corner Fire Test of Lining Materials on Enclosure

  14. 目前在室内装饰材料中钢化玻璃的发展前景特别广阔。

    Nowadays , among various indoor decorative materials , the toughened glass has been uesed widely .

  15. 前身是1995年在北京批发木夹板、木皮等室内装饰材料。

    In1995 its predecessor was wholesaler for wood plywood , veneer and other interior decoration materials in Beijing .

  16. 室内装饰材料中的有害气体污染,已严重威胁到人类的生命健康。

    The harmful gaseous pollution caused by indoor decoration materials has seriously threatened the health and life of human being .

  17. 软木(栓皮)材料是一种具有特殊性能的树皮资源,也是一种新兴的室内装饰材料。

    Cork is one new decorative material which is one kind of special bark products derived from cork oak bark .

  18. 展览以建筑结构性材料和室内装饰材料并重,以建筑一站式服务为主;

    The Exhibition highlights end-to-end service for construction and the structural and decoration materials for construction are the main items to display during the Exhibition ;

  19. 同时也提出了如何区分,灵活运用繁杂室内装饰材料,使装饰空间无限制的灵活自如的问题。

    Simultaneously also proposed how to differentiate , the nimble utilization numerous and diverse interior decoration material , causes the decoration space unlimited nimble free question .

  20. 它的表现方式主要体现在空间格局与空间形式、室内装饰材料、家具与陈设的配置以及装饰四个方面。

    Its expression is mainly reflected in four aspects : spatial pattern and spatial form , interior decoration materials , furniture and furnishings configuration , and decoration .

  21. 研究者还提出了一个对自主学习课件进行评价的评价体系。研究者根据上述设计原则开发了自主学习的课件&家具与室内装饰材料课件。

    There - upon in accordance with the design principles , the researcher has exploited an self-regulated learning courseware & the courseware of furniture 's and interior decorative materials .

  22. 在目前电子商务的应用基础上,结合实际情况,研究和开发了一个电子商务在室内装饰材料及家具方面的应用系统。

    Based on the current application of electronic commerce , combined with the real practice , the author research and develop a electronic commerce application system of indoor decorating material and furniture .

  23. 其研究结果对室内装饰材料的选取与防火方面有一定的指导意义。

    The study result can give some advising on the decorative materials selection and fire prevention . First , an overview of research situation at home and abroad on decorative materials fire risks is talked in this article .

  24. 本文通对几种国内外主要室内装饰材料瓷砖、石材、石膏制品及木材放射性水平的分析比较,讨论了使用这类装饰材料在放射性方面的安全性,并对室内的放射性来源作了简要论述。

    Based on the analysis of radioactivity of some main indoor decorating materials , ceramics , stone , gypsum and wood , discuss their safety in term of radioactivity , and briefly describe the sources of indoor radioactivity .

  25. 而室内装饰材料语言就像人们之间交流所用的汉语、英语等语言一样,成为材料与人之间沟通的工具。

    However , just like what other languages such as Chinese and English do in communication between people , the language of interior decoration materials can also perform as a perfect tool of communication between human and materials .

  26. 目的研究装饰材料挥发性化合物对实验动物和暴露人群的致突变作用,从而为室内装饰材料安全卫生质量的管理提供技术依据。

    Ve To study the mutagenecity of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) emitted from decoration materials to experimental animals and human subjects so as to provide some technical basis for the management of safety and hygienic quality of indoor decoration materials .

  27. 甲醛是一种常用的防腐剂,对人体具有致癌作用,在室内装饰材料中广泛应用,常因超标而导致人们的室内生活环境受到污染。

    Formaldehyde is a kind of preservative that has carcinogenic effect on people . It is widely used in the interior decorative materials . And the indoor living environment is often polluted due to the over standard of formaldehyde content in the air .

  28. 为此,国家于2002年1月公布了室内装饰装修材料人造板及其制品甲醛释放限量强制标准,限制人造板生产企业必须使用低甲醛释放的UF树脂。

    Therefor , the compulsive standard " Indoor decorating & refurbishing materials limit of formaldehyde emission of wood-based panels and finishing products " is published by government in Jan , 2002 , companies of wood-based panels are restricted to use UF resin with lew FE .

  29. 室内装修装饰材料中甲醛的快速测定

    Rapid determination of Trace Formaldehyde in interior decoration materials

  30. 室内装饰装修材料中苯、甲苯、二甲苯含量测定法改进

    Determination of benzene , toluene and xylene in decorative material by capillary Gas Chromatography