
  1. 解决两方冲突决策问题的可拓方法

    Method of Extension Engineering for Solving Two Player Conflict Decision Problem

  2. 决策者具有重要性大小的群体冲突决策方法

    A Group Conflicting Decision Making Method with Decision Makers Having Different Importance

  3. 基于合作性冲突决策的共识形成过程机理分析

    Analyzing the Mechanism of the Consensus Formation Process Based on Cooperative Conflict Decision

  4. 军事情报冲突决策的信号博弈分析

    Signaling Games of Conflict Analysis in Military Information

  5. 动态冲突决策建模理论与方法及其在证券投资交易中的应用

    Dynamic Conflict Analysis Decision Modelling Theory and Method and Its Application in Stock Investment and Business

  6. 多人冲突决策研究综述

    Status of Multiperson Conflict Decision Analysis

  7. 以军事指挥决策为背景,在模糊集上研究了不确定性动态冲突决策的模糊熵模型。

    In this paper , the backdrop is based on military command and decision making , we research of fuzzy entropy model under dynamic conflict decision uncertainty in fuzzy sets .

  8. 并对参考解的性质进行了分析,同时给出用此模型求解多人多目标冲突决策问题的步骤。

    Furthermore , the properties of the reference solution and reference point are analyzed Finally , the use of the model to solve , multi-person multi-criteria decision making problems is demonstrated .

  9. 但是,关于冲突决策的社会心理学研究取向更多的是探讨决策情境的性质和决策者的人格特质对所做决定的影响,对于社会角色和社会环境如何影响决策者的决定未能作深入探讨。

    The social psychological approach , however , focused more on the effects of the features of conflict situation and decision makers ' personalities on decision , with little research on the effects of social roles and social environment on decision .

  10. 基于占先度的驾驶员冲突避碰决策模型

    Driver 's conflict avoidance decision model based on preemptive level

  11. 同时对大群体决策的冲突性决策方法研究很少。

    Large group conflicting decision making research is rarely studied .

  12. 通过实例对资源冲突和决策冲突的各种消解和协调策略进行了比较。

    By examples , the advantages of each resolution strategy are compared .

  13. 含冲突的决策表中的决策规则发现

    Decision Rules Discovery in Conflict Decision Tables

  14. 提出了多代理系统的冲突消解决策逻辑;组织决策过程及其协调问题研究

    The conflict resolution coordination decision logic is purposed . Organizational decision - making and its coordination

  15. 高层管理团队内部社会资本、团队冲突和决策效果的关系&研究综述与理论分析框架

    TMT Internal Social Capital , Conflict and Decision Effects : A Literature Review and Theoretic Framework

  16. 主要讨论并行工程中的资源冲突与决策冲突。

    In this paper , we focus on resolution strategies for resource and decision conflicts in concurrent engineering .

  17. 提高你对社会影响力过程、沟通、冲突、决策、团队进程、权力和领导权力的认识。

    Improve your understanding of social influence processes , communication , conflict , decision-making , group process , power , and leadership .

  18. 本文还认为,中国今后政治治理的重心需要更多地朝着解决利益冲突的决策方面转移。

    The paper concludes that the political administration in China will shift its future focus on the correct policy-making for solving the interest conflicts .

  19. 因此,如何利用现有的数据做出正确的决策,协调各子系统发生冲突的决策信息,已引起人们越来越多的关注。

    As a result , how to use the existed information to make correct decision and coordinate the conflict decision information among subsystems have attracted more and more attention .

  20. 研究表明:二者行为的选择实质上是一个双方既有依存又有对抗,既有合作又有冲突的决策过程,即寻求博弈均衡点的过程。

    The study shows that the behavior choice of both parties is actually a decision making process with dependency and confrontation , cooperation and conflict between them , that is a process to seek for the game equilibrium point .

  21. 利益冲突及其对决策的影响变成了问题。

    Conflicts of interest and their influence on decisions have become an issue .

  22. 高管冲突与团队决策绩效&基于控制模式的调节分析

    Top Management Team Conflict and Team Decision Performance : The Moderating Role of Control Mode

  23. 博弈论是研究利益冲突情况下决策分析的科学。

    Game theory is the science of strategy , the study of decision-making in conflicts of interest .

  24. 面对经济发展与生态稳定的普遍冲突,政府决策至关重要。

    Government regulation plays key role in the solution of the conflict between economic development and balance environment .

  25. 团队沟通对创业决策具有显著的正向影响,但团队冲突对创业决策没有显著影响。

    Team communication has significant positive effect on entrepreneurial decision-making , however team conflict has no significant effect on entrepreneurial decision-making .

  26. 此后,国际象棋的游戏被用来代表现实问题,从而使患者有机会探索解决冲突和做出决策的技能。

    Since then , the game of chess has been used to represent real-life problems , allowing patients to explore skills like conflict resolution and decision making .

  27. 4湖泊综合承载能力分析是一个多目标群决策的问题,需要解决同一决策者不同目标之间的冲突和不同决策者由于偏好差异导致的冲突。

    Analysis of comprehensive carrying capacity of lake is a problem involved in multi-objective and group decision-making , which needs to resolve the conflict among objects for any decision-maker and to resolve the preference conflict among decision-makers .

  28. 在知识经济与跨国多元文化的交错环境条件下,跨文化研究是解决经济全球化过程中跨文化冲突对商务决策带来负面影响的有效手段。

    Inter-cultural studies are the effective measure to deal with different side effects , when cross-cultural conflicts influence on business decision making in the process of economic globalization under the combination environment of knowledge economics and multi-cultural nations .

  29. 博弈论是针对多个利益主体间的利益冲突和相互决策研究而产生和发展起来的一门学科,常用来研究博弈参与者之间的行为和策略的选取。

    Game theory is the main interest for more than conflict of interest between research and decision-making and the emergence and development of a subject , used to study the game between the behavior of participants in the selection and processing .

  30. 立法问题牵涉到多层次、不同主体的利益冲突,相关决策必须对各种冲突的利益做全面考虑、权衡,这是立法中最重要的特点。

    The legislative question involves to multi-level , the different main body conflicts of interest , the related decision-making must make the comprehensive consideration balance to each kind of conflict benefit , this is the most important characteristic in the legislation .