
  • 网络ram wing boat;aerofoil boat;ram wing
  1. 冲翼艇纵向运动方程参数平面的建立

    Establishment of parameter plane for longitudinal motion equation of ram wing vehicles

  2. 法兰连接用静密封垫片标准综述冲翼艇的静稳定性

    General Introduction of Static Sealing Gasket Standard for Flange Connection

  3. 李白《静夜思》英译赏析冲翼艇的静稳定性

    Appreciation of Li Bai 's Quatrain " Quiet Night Thoughts " in English Translation

  4. 三峡水库静库容计算模块的VC++实现冲翼艇的静稳定性

    The Realization Based on VC + + of Figuring Module of Three Gorges Reservoir Static Cubage