
chōnɡ tū mó shì
  • conflict pattern;mode of conflict
  1. 元代戏曲的叙事谋略表现于典型冲突模式的构建与解决。

    The narrative strategy of the drama of the Yuan Dynasty represents the constructing of and solution to the special conflict pattern .

  2. 不确定性军事冲突模式预测的数学方法

    The Math Method of Forecast under Uncertainty in The Military Conflict Mode

  3. 语际转换的基本模式也应包括对应模式、平行模式、替换模式和冲突模式。

    The basic modes of interlingual transference should include corresponding , paralleling , substitution and confliction .

  4. 由于闩锁由冲突模式中的另一个线程持有,所以当无法立即满足闩锁请求时,就会发生闩锁等待。

    A latch wait occurs when a latch request cannot be granted immediately , because the latch is held by another thread in a conflicting mode .

  5. 讨论了节点企业可能产生的两种冲突模式,即社会虚度效应和背信弃义行为对供应链运作稳定性的影响。

    Two possible kinds of conflict modes produced by the node enterprise were discussed , namely the effect of the social behavior of waste and treachery on the stability of the supply chain operation .

  6. 对于该制度的实效,法学界和经济学界有着截然不同的观点,这些观点都割裂了农村土地经济功能与社会保障功能的统一,究其原因是由于受到价值冲突模式的影响。

    As to the actual effect of this system , the different views in law and economic circles all isolate the unity of the economic function and social security function , the cause of which is due to of the influence of Marx 's value conflict mode .

  7. 锁空间id确定两个请求程序是否相互兼容以及在两者冲突的模式下是否可以向其授予锁。

    The lockspace ID determines whether two requestors are compatible with each other and can be granted locks in modes that would otherwise conflict with one another .

  8. 主要的研究任务类型包括卡片分类任务、延迟反应任务、基于Stroop任务的冲突反应模式任务、心理理论任务、问题解决任务、热执行功能任务等。

    The main types of tasks that have been used to research EF include card sorting tests , delayed-response tasks , conflicting response pattern tasks based on Stroop , theory-of-mind tasks , problem-solving tasks , and " hot " EF tasks , etc.

  9. 格林希尔表示:问题在于,无冲突的模式是否会成功。

    The question is whether the unconflicted model is going to be successful , says Mr Greenhill .

  10. 斗争与妥协&十七世纪英国宪政冲突解决模式初探

    Struggle and Compromise & On the Settlement Pattern of Constitutional Conflict of England in the 17th Century

  11. 人们会根据不同的客观情况和主观因素使用不同的冲突话语模式来完成他们的冲突性对话。

    According to different objective factors and interlocutors ' attitude , interlocutors use different patterns to complete their conflict talk .

  12. 村民自治实践中两委关系及冲突解决模式探析

    Study on the Relation and Conflict between Party Branch and Villagers ' Committee in the Period of Villager 's Autonomy

  13. 现代意义上的刑事和解作为一种新型、轻缓的刑事冲突应对模式,最早发端于北美地区,并在西方发达国家得到了广泛传播和实践。

    As a new moderate solution of criminal conflicts , the criminal reconciliation originated in North America and had a wide range of development in the world .

  14. 伴随着传统刑事司法理论上的困境,刑事和解制度自产生以来就作为一种全新的刑事冲突应对模式而存在。

    The criminal reconciliation system generates from a storm over the traditional criminal justice system . Since the emergence of the criminal reconciliation system , it has been taken as a new model to deal with criminal conflict .

  15. 可检测用户解释冲突的对象模式规范化方法

    Normalization of O-O Schema with Checking the Conflicts within the User 's Interpretation

  16. 与冲突、整合模式相对应的民族政治行为是民族冲突和民族整合。

    Matching along with two patterns are the political behaviors of Ethnic conflict and ethnic integration .

  17. 在程序运行时一旦检测到约束的冲突,代码模式能够抛出相应的异常。

    The code patterns can throw corresponding exception when having detected constraint violated during program 's runtime .

  18. 英国区际民事管辖权冲突的协调模式及对我国的启示

    On the Mode of Settling Regional Conflict of Civil Jurisdiction in the United Kingdom and its enlightenment on China

  19. 本研究探讨企业员工人际冲突的处理模式,及其对员工行为的影响与作用机制,进而建构企业员工冲突管理的一套理论模型。

    This research explored the mode of handling interpersonal conflict , and its influence on employees ' behavior and action mechanisms .

  20. 由于中国和平发展的既定战略是明确的,在这一变量确定的情况下,未来中美冲突的发展模式将在很大程度上取决于美国对华政策的走向。

    As the strategy of Peace and Development of China is clearly , Future conflict between China and American will depend on the trend of American policy to China .

  21. 两种力量的相互冲突是现有模式所出现的问题的主要原因,同时两种力量的良性互动,又保证了模式的良好运行。

    Two forces ' mutual conflicts are the question primary causes which the existing pattern appears , simultaneously two forces benign interactions , also has guaranteed the patterns good movement .

  22. 关于忠实义务,重点阐述了三个问题:忠实义务的基本含义、私募基金中利益冲突交易管制模式的选择以及违反忠实义务的法律效果。

    In the second place , the author researches the duty of loyalty in three aspects : explanation , regulation on conflict of interest transactions of fund managers , legal effect of violation of duty of loyalty .

  23. 平铺化社会下的制度固化、农民的土地所有权流变,对根源于自由民的传统政权力量产生结构性影响,并使得中国的古典政治文明有着独特的冲突与协调模式。

    The ossification of social system and the shift of land ownership in such a traditional society consist of a structural impact on the traditional political power rooted in freemen and endow it with a unique model of conflict and harmonization .

  24. 赛珍珠的短篇小说存在着相当明显的结构模式,主要包括旧与新的理念冲突的文化模式,爱与恨情感交织的情节推进模式,日常生活与超常规传奇相交错的故事模式等。

    In Pearl S.Buck 's short stories , there are several remarkable structural patterns , such as the cultural pattern of conflict between old and new ideas , the plot pattern of interwoven emotion between love and hate , and the story pattern of everyday life and extraordinary legend .

  25. 社区冲突与社会行动模式&以X社区教师与学校的冲突为例

    Community Conflict and the Social Activity Mode & Taking the Conflict between Teachers of X Community and Schools as the Example

  26. 并行无冲突存储器的存储模式

    On the Storage Schemes for Parallel Memories without Access Conflict

  27. 企业并购;企业文化冲突;文化整合模式;

    M & A ; Corporate culture conflict ; Cultural Integration model ;

  28. 基于此,本文提出了渠道变革中渠道冲突形成的动态模式。

    Thereupon , it proposes the dynamic model of the formation of channel conflict in the innovation .

  29. 通过这些分析,建立了反映虚拟企业冲突强度的曲线模式,有针对性地提出了虚拟企业冲突管理的动态方法。

    A curve is obtained to reflect the intensity of conflict and some measures are proposed dynamically to take for conflict management .

  30. 大国崛起必然伴随冲突与战争的模式,似乎已成为西方传统大国崛起理论的一个铁律。

    The model that rising of great power is bound to conflict and war seems to become the rule in western traditional international theory .