
  • 网络Strain theory;Structural Strain Theory
  1. 本研究主要依据社会控制理论、般化紧张理论以及社会学习理论之观点为基础,探讨家庭、校及同侪因素与国中听觉障碍学生偏差行为之关联性。

    Control Theory , General Strain Theory and Social Learning Theory , this quantitative study explored the effects of family , school , and peers on the deviant behavior of deaf junior high school students .

  2. 目的以职业紧张理论为模式探讨工作场所暴力对医务人员工作能力、工作满意度、转岗打算的影响,为科学评价工作场所暴力的作用过程和不良后果提供理论依据。

    Objective To explore the effects of workplace violence on work ability , work satisfaction and turnover intent based on the theory of occupational stress in health professionals and to provide evidence for evaluating the process and consequence of workplace violence .

  3. 研究结果表明:1.篮球比赛运动员心境特征符合赛前高活跃性、高激动性的预期心境变化效益和赛后的低活跃性、低激动性的紧张循环理论。

    The results show that : ( 1 ) Mood characteristics of the basketball game players are in line with expectations that before matches they are High activity and high excitement , after the games they are Low activity and low excited , it conform to the tension cycle theory .

  4. 作为一种解决法律与需要之间的紧张关系的理论框架,紧急权力的自由模式有着悠久的历史。

    As a theory framework to resolve the tension " between law and necessity ", the liberal pattern of emergency power has a long history .

  5. 在区域水资源可持续开发的基础上,进一步为解决我国北方沿海小流域地区普遍的水资源紧张问题提供理论和实践依据。

    Based on the regional water resource sustainable development , there are some theoretical and practical foundations to resolve the problem of lacking water in the north inshore small basin areas of China .

  6. 但这一融合又存在着内在的紧张和巨大的理论张力。

    But the mixture has inner and great theoretical tension .