
jǐn jí jiù yuán
  • emergency aid
  1. 基于共用信息平台技术的高速公路紧急救援系统研究

    Research on the Expressway Emergency Aid System Based on Common Information Platform Technology

  2. 紧急救援中心医疗救治队伍建设探讨

    Discussion of medical group building in emergency aid center

  3. 仅有一半的紧急救援物资运抵了目的地。

    Only half of the emergency supplies have reached their destination .

  4. 开始涨潮了,紧急救援机构正在争分夺秒地工作。

    The emergency services were working against the clock as the tide began to rise

  5. 官员们赶来评估向该市调拨紧急救援食品是否安全。

    Officials arrived to assess whether it is safe to bring emergency food supplies into the city

  6. 事实证明,火山观光还给紧急救援部门的工作人员带来了困难,因为他们需冒着生命危险去解救这些寻求刺激的游客。

    It 's also proving difficult for the emergency services , who are putting their own lives at risk to rescue these thrill-seeking travellers .

  7. 第一章为国家地震紧急救援训练基地废墟训练场C场地(单层厂房)的倒塌方案设计。

    The first chapter is the primary design for cite C of the national seismic emergent succor training center .

  8. 基于CORBA主动服务技术的高速公路紧急救援系统模型研究

    Studying of Freeway Emergency Rescue System Module Based on CORBA Active Services Technique

  9. 制定了ESSR系统整体最优化模型,并利用matlab软件进行仿真分析,获得紧急救援最佳方案。

    The optimized model for the system as a whole is determined and simulated analysis is processed by MATLAB software to obtain optimal scheme .

  10. 除艾滋病-酒精关系的计划以外,PSI还补充了二个与紧急救援有关的HIV干预计划。

    Besides the AIDS-Alcohol project , PSI implements two HIV Prevention interventions with the Emergency Plan .

  11. 我这一届政府最重要的一个首创就是艾滋病紧急救援计划(EmergencyPlanforAIDSRelief),简称PEPFAR。

    One of the most important initiatives of my administration has been the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief , known as PEPFAR .

  12. 而且你的孩子还可以通过重复按下手机上的电源键发送SOS紧急救援短信给你。

    And your kid can send you an SOS message by pressing the Kurio 's power button repeatedly .

  13. 在2003年,布什总统提出了他的防治艾滋病紧急救援计划以抗击全球性的HIV感染,这是历史上一个国家为抗击一个单一的疾病做出的最大承诺。

    In2003 , President George W.Bush launched his Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief to combat global HIV / AIDS – the largest commitment by any nation to combat a single disease in history .

  14. 基于GIS-T的高速公路紧急救援系统构建及相关模型研究

    Research on Construction and Correlative Model of Freeway Emergency Assistance System Based on GIS-T

  15. 6月,总统防治艾滋病紧急救援计划和联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)发起一项全球计划,要求在2015年前消灭儿童新感染的病例。

    In June , PEPFAR and UNAIDS launched a global plan for eliminating new infections among children by2015 .

  16. 世界粮食计划署(WFP)上个月呼吁紧急救援以防止“严重的悲剧”的发生。

    Last month the World Food Programme ( WFP ) called for urgent help to avert a " serious tragedy " .

  17. 紧急救援队对突发事件的反应可能会被描述为airdashing,而令球迷有些困惑的是,stadium指的是头发稀疏的秃顶男人。

    an emergency crew responding to a crisis might be described as ' airdashing ' , and somewhat confusing to football fans , a ' stadium ' refers to a bald man with a fringe of hair .

  18. 诸如美国总统防治艾滋病紧急救援计划(PEPFAR)以及遏制疟疾计划倾向于把重点放在单一疾病上。

    Global health initiatives such as the US President 's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ( PEPFAR ) and Roll Back Malaria tend to concentrate on single diseases .

  19. 这些资金的大部分根据诸如总统防治艾滋病紧急救援计划(PEPFAR)等项目资助了艾滋病、结核病以及疟疾研究。

    Much of this has funded HIV / AIDS , tuberculosis ( TB ) and malaria under schemes such as the President 's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ( PEPFAR ) .

  20. 和平队是美国总统防治艾滋病紧急救援计划(PEPFAR)的重要合作方与实施者,该计划正在全球范围内开展努力以拯救生命,使世界变得更加安全。

    The Peace Corps is a key partner and implementer of the U.S.President 's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ( PEPFAR ), which is working around the globe to save lives and promote a more secure world .

  21. 靠近震中、人口5.5万人的佩德纳莱斯镇的镇长加布里埃尔•阿尔西瓦(GabrielAlcivar)请求当局向该市派遣推土机和紧急救援人员,该市的道路裂开,镇内的几栋建筑被夷为平地,将一些居民困在了瓦砾之中。

    Gabriel Alcivar , mayor of Pedernales , an area of 55000 people close to the quake 's epicentre , pleaded for authorities to send earthmoving machines and emergency rescue workers as roads were cracked and several of buildings in the town were flattened , trapping residents among the rubble .

  22. 研究结果实现了高速公路紧急救援系统的整合平台。

    The results show that the integrated platform can be achieved .

  23. 因语言上之障碍而对提供紧急救援引致延误。

    Any delay in providing emergency assistance caused by language barrier .

  24. 道路交通紧急救援服务点的优化选址

    Optimal Location of Emergency Rescue Service Site for Road Traffic Accidents

  25. 东海大桥紧急救援站设置方案研究

    Study of Establishment Scheme of Emergent Rescue Station for Donghai Bridge

  26. 德国和荷兰均反对向紧急救援基金注入新资金。

    Both have resisted committing more money to the emergency funds .

  27. 我们已经完成了第一阶段的紧急救援任务。

    We have already finished our first phase of emergency relief .

  28. 道路交通事故紧急救援保障体系与技术支持

    Road traffic accidents emergency rescue security system and technical support

  29. 对推进地(市)级地震紧急救援工作的探讨

    A Discussion of the Improvement of Earthquake Emergency Rescue at Regional Level

  30. 总统防治艾滋病紧急救援计划是我们外交政策的关键内容之一。

    PEPFAR is a key element of our foreign policy .