- 名emergency contraception;morning-after pill

A Prospective Randomized Study of Comparing Three Doses of Mifepristone in Emergency Contraception
Recent use of condoms and emergency contraception by women who selected condoms as their contraceptive method
In 2003 , two FDA advisory committees ruled that the emergency contraceptive pill , known as Plan B , was safe enough to be sold over the counter .
Clinical effective observation on low Dose Mifepristone as an emergency contraceptive
Migrants have very poor knowledge on emergency contraceptive pill usage .
Already , the morning-after pill is available to a million schoolgirls .
Only 24.7 % of them could provide emergency contraceptives .
Effect of Advance Provision of Emergency Contraceptive Pills for Postpartum Women on Unwilling Pregnancy Rate
Objective : To study the clinical effectiveness of low dose mifepristone as an emergency contraceptive .
However , the findings also show that convenience of access influences whether emergency contraception was used promptly .
Direct access to emergency contraception through pharmacies and effect on unintended pregnancy and STIs : A randomized controlled trial
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service ( BPAS ) will encourage women to stock up on the emergency contraceptive over the Christmas period .
Levonorgestrel , the most widely used emergency contraceptive pill , is only effective if women take it within three days of having sex .
A federal judge in New York is ordering the Food and Drug Administration to remove existing age restrictions on the so-called morning after pill .
The morning after pill is to be given out free over the phone for the first time , under a scheme to be announced today .
Results : Among 1 008 respondents , respectively 85.3 % and 61.4 % of the respondents did not know the correct usage of the oral contraceptive and emergency contraceptive ;
Social issues have garnered new attention since the Obama Administration ordered last week that employers including Catholic hospitals and universities must provide health insurance for contraception , including the morning-after pill .
Only 4.5 % females surveyed can tell three or more contraception methods and their correct use and only 11.2 % females surveyed hear of emergency contraceptives and know their correct use .
The usage rate of effective contraceptions was low in three months lately , and only 9 . 2 % of women used condoms every sexual behaviour , and 29 . 3 % of women took emergency contraceptive pills .
As for emergency contraception , 45.9 % of unmarried women used to use it , while only 25.9 % of the married women used to use it , there was a significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) .
Only 11.24 % and 5.30 % of them know the utmost times of emergency contraceptive pill can be used in a month and a year and the unknown rates are 82.39 % and 88.33 % , respectively . 6 .
The proportion of the aware ness of EC was 28 . 5 % . Most subjects were aware of hormonal EC pill , but only 14 . 9 % of them knew the pill should be taken within 72 h after the intercourse .
Results 91.6 % postpartum women had heard of emergency contraception ; 38.1 % of them know the correct time limit of emergency contraception usage ; 35.7 % expressed the willing of using emergency contraceptive pills ;