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  • natural crime
  1. 关于法定犯刑法价值,即法定犯与自然犯区分的意义,学者之间存在必要说和不必要说的争论。

    On the statutory crime criminal law value , meaning distinguish value between statutory crime and natural crime , scholars have dispute .

  2. 空白罪状是成文法系国家突破以往在刑法中只规定自然犯的传统,越来越多地规定法定犯的必然结果。

    Blank facts about a crime are the results of the written law system countries , which used to regulate natural crime only , breaking their traditions and regulating more and more legal crimes .

  3. 很多人认为,淹没那里的山谷是加州历史上对自然犯下的最严重罪行之一,这种说法最早出自如今已经被视为圣人的约翰·缪尔(JohnMuir)。

    Many people , dating from the sainted John Muir , believe that flooding that mountain valley was one of the bigger crimes against nature in California history .

  4. 我给你定的生存时间快到头了,我无法容忍你对自然犯下的罪行。

    Your time in my world is limited . I will not tolerate your crimes against nature .

  5. 相对自然犯,侵犯这一类拟制法益的犯罪被称为人定犯或者行政犯。

    Relative to natural criminal , people who infringe this kind of fictional legal interests were called prisoners condemned by man or administrative detainees .

  6. 行政犯罪的概念源于古罗马法中自然犯、法定犯概念,关于行政犯罪的性质在理论上有不同的观点。

    The concept of administrative crimes is related with natural crimes and legal crimes from Roman law . There are different theories in the nature of administrative crimes .

  7. 身份犯一般可分为纯正身份犯和不纯正身份犯两种,从我国现行刑法的规定来看,身份犯亦可分为自然人身份犯和单位身份犯。

    They can be classified into standard status crime and nonstandard status crime .

  8. 其在我国环境刑事立法中应设立的种类应当包括:具体危险犯与抽象危险犯、故意危险犯与过失危险犯、自然人危险犯与法人危险犯。

    Its categories should be established in environmental criminal legislation including : concrete and abstract potential damage offence , intentional and negligent potential damage offence , natural persons and legal persons potential damage offence .

  9. 丽会很自然的以为她犯了那个错误。

    Lee would naturally assume that she had made the mistake .