- 名natural crime

On the statutory crime criminal law value , meaning distinguish value between statutory crime and natural crime , scholars have dispute .
Blank facts about a crime are the results of the written law system countries , which used to regulate natural crime only , breaking their traditions and regulating more and more legal crimes .
Many people , dating from the sainted John Muir , believe that flooding that mountain valley was one of the bigger crimes against nature in California history .
Your time in my world is limited . I will not tolerate your crimes against nature .
Relative to natural criminal , people who infringe this kind of fictional legal interests were called prisoners condemned by man or administrative detainees .
The concept of administrative crimes is related with natural crimes and legal crimes from Roman law . There are different theories in the nature of administrative crimes .
They can be classified into standard status crime and nonstandard status crime .
Its categories should be established in environmental criminal legislation including : concrete and abstract potential damage offence , intentional and negligent potential damage offence , natural persons and legal persons potential damage offence .
Lee would naturally assume that she had made the mistake .