
lěnɡ dònɡ chē
  • refrigeration van
  1. 当美国食品服务公司个体食肉生产者上报了这个搁置有该绞牛肉的冷冻车被盗后,美国农业部发出了这项警告。

    USDA 's warning came after a refrigerated containing the ground beef products was reported stolen by the privately-held meat producer American Corporation .

  2. 2003年夏季打破了一切记录,葡萄种植者雇佣了冷冻车,将它们的冷冻设备搬到酒窖中,以躲避那些炙热难熬的夜晚,并从远离欧洲的一些葡萄酒生产商那里寻找处理这些奇特条件的方法。

    Breaking all records , summer 2003 had vignerons hiring refrigerated trucks , carting their beds into their cellars to escape the hot , troubled nights and seeking advice on how to handle these strange conditions from winemakers well outside Europe .