
  • 网络cold trough;cold trap
  1. 工作冷槽:不锈钢冷槽,双层真空玻璃观察窗。

    Of working cold trough : stainless steel cold trough , the double-layer vacuum glass observation window .

  2. 研究结果表明,暴雨天气是在有利的东高西低降水形势下产生的,其主要的触发天气系统是500hPa冷槽、700hPa高原低涡及地面锢囚锋。

    The results show that the rainstorm weather was generated under the favorable " high east and low west " rainfall situation . The main triggering weather system is the 500 hPa cold trough , 700 hPa plateau low vortex and ground occluded front .

  3. 与锋面伴随的850hPa冷槽型、暖式切变型和冷式切变型,酸雨出现率大,倒槽型最小。

    The frequency is large with the types of cold troughs , warm shears and cold shears but small in the type of inverted troughs .

  4. 内融冰式冰盘管蓄冷槽传热性能研究

    Study of Thermal Process of Internal Melt Ice on Coil Tank

  5. 蓄冷槽内加设折流板对取冷特性的影响

    Effects on Cool-discharge Characteristic of Baffles Equipped in Cool-storage Tank

  6. 温度分层型水蓄冷槽混合特性研究

    The Mixing Effects in a Stratified Chilled-water Thermal Storage Tank

  7. 冷槽离子基态热稳定性的研究

    Study on the Thermal Stability of the Cold Trapped Ion Ground State

  8. (木材防腐)热冷槽浸渍用来刨槽口的木工刨。

    Hot-and-cold steeping a woodworking plane designed to cut rabbets .

  9. 橡胶木热冷槽法防腐处理工艺基准的研究

    Study on Antiseptic Technology of Rubber Wood by Hot and Cold Trough

  10. 对流层高层的位涡值随着地面高压的增强而加大,反映高空冷槽、地面高压同时在发展。

    While the poten-tial vorticity in upper troposphere increases with the intensification of surface high .

  11. 冷槽离子量子计算机中虚光子过程对槽离子状态的影响

    Influence of the Virtual Photon Process on the Trapped Ion in Trapped Ion Quantum Computer

  12. 本文根据日本最近的资料,主要就蓄冷槽及其关连部分在设计中的一些问题作一阐述。

    Based on Japanese document , this paper describes design on reservoir cooling tank and correspondent aspects .

  13. 水蓄冷槽是空调水蓄冷系统中的核心设备之一。

    Reservoir cooling tank is one of essential equipment of reservior cooling system used in air conditioner .

  14. 中国东部冷槽和热脊形成机制分析

    Analysis on the formation mechanism of the cold trough and the thermal backbone in east of China

  15. 结果表明:西西伯利亚冷槽的斜压性结构使其强烈发展,为沙尘暴的发生提供了动力条件。

    This weather process was formed under the West Siberian Cold Trough moving towards southeast and developing greatly .

  16. 冰盘管密度对蓄冷槽取冷特性影响的实验研究

    The experiment study of the coil densities ' influences on the discharge characteristics of the direct evaporation ice-on-coil storage

  17. 相变材料式蓄冷槽的蓄放冷特性填充板状定形相变材料蓄热槽蓄/放热特性实验研究

    Charge / Discharge Characteristics of Encapsulated Phase Change Material Stores Experimental analysis on heat-storage and discharge characteristics with form-stable phase change material

  18. 分析表明:此过程主要的影响系统是高空冷槽、地面冷锋以及高低空急流。

    The result shows that the event is caused by the upper trough , surface cold front and upper and lower-level jets .

  19. 由高空天气图的分析可知,降水的主要原因可归结于来自极地的冷槽。

    From the analysis of upper weather charts , the main cause of precipitation is attributed to the cold trough from the polar region .

  20. 为了提高直接蒸发式外融冰系统的蓄冷槽中水的流速和湍流程度,强化水和冰之间的传热,在蓄冷槽内装设了纵向弓形折流板。

    In order to increase water speed and turbulivity in ice-storage tank of direct evaporating and external melting ice-on-coil system , cambered baffles are installed in the ice-storage tank .

  21. 本文分析了温度分层型水蓄冷槽内换热机理,在不同的流量和蓄冷温差下,对温度分层型水蓄冷槽进行实验研究并建立了一维隐式差分数学模型。

    The principle of heat exchange inside the stratified thermal storage tank was analyzed in this paper , and a one-dimensional , implicit , finite-difference model of a single stratified thermal storage tank has been developed .

  22. 影响甘肃省森林火灾天气形势主要有高压控制型、纬向多波动型、平直西风急流型、副热带高压控制型、冷槽东移型等5种,其中在高压控制型下发生的森林火灾最多。

    There are five synoptic styles mainly influencing forest fires , which are high-pressure control style , multiwave in latitudinal circumfluence style , straight west wind jet style , subtropical high-pressure control style and cold-trough eastern moving style .

  23. 在较小流量的条件下,比较了蓄冷槽进口温度分别为11℃,12℃,13℃时,蓄冷槽出口温度和取冷速率随时间变化的规律。

    Under low flow condition , when the inlet temperature of storage tank is 11 degree , 12 degree , and 13 degree separately , the changing rule of the storage tank outlet water temperature and discharge velocity with time are compared .

  24. 因此在铝电解过程中,槽况特征是复杂多变的,故障的种类多且难以检测,如:阳极效应,冷槽,热槽,阳极病变和不稳定槽等。

    Therefore , in aluminum electrolysis process , the groove is characterized by complex and volatile situation , the types of failure are many and difficult to detect . Such as : anode effect , cold tank , hot tank , anode lesions and unstable ducts .

  25. 对2004年4月18日嘉兴市发生的强对流天气过程进行分析,发现此次强对流过程发生在低层显著增温增湿,高空冷槽过境形势下。

    Analysis of the strong convection weather process occurred in Jiaxing on April 18 , 2004 shows that this process occured in a situation that there is notable increase of both temperature and humidity in the low level and cold trough passing by in the high altitude .

  26. 目的为了提高生产效率、降低成本、安全生产,通过对铝电解故障进行有效的检测和预报,减少铝电解过程中阳极效应、热槽、冷槽故障的发生。

    This paper , through the efficient detection and prediction of the faults , takes the anode effect and hot electrobath and cool electrobath fault for the research background in the course of aluminum electrolysis to aim at increasing productive efficiency , reducing cost , and producing safely .

  27. 暴雪出现的主要天气环流形势为北方横槽南压型和新疆冷温槽发展东移型,分别占38.1%和52.4%。暴雪均出现在山脉冬季风的迎风坡和峡谷地带。

    The primary weather calculation backgrounds of occurring snowstorm are two types : one is northern horizontal trough of pressing southward , another is Xinjiang cold trough of developing and moving eastward , account for 38.1 % and 52.4 % , respectively .

  28. 刮刀式冰蓄冷系统蓄冰槽温度特性研究

    The Temperature Characteristics of the Ice Storage Tank in Ice Storage System

  29. 空冷汽轮发电机转子槽绝缘的研制

    Research on Rotor Slot Insulation of Air Cooled Turbo Generator

  30. 气隙取气氢内冷汽轮发电机转子槽楔的数值模拟优化研究

    CFD Simulation and Experimental Study on the Ventilating Characteristics of Wedges for Gap-pickup Rotors in Turbogenerators