
  • 网络cooling effect;Chilling effect;Cooling Off Effect
  1. 模拟混凝土水管冷却效应的直接算法

    Direct algorithm for simulating cooling effect of water pipes in concrete

  2. 细水雾抑制熄灭木块火焰的主要机理是燃料表面冷却效应。

    The main mechanism of extinguishment was the surface cooling effect .

  3. 由于受CO2与N2分子之间传能引起的动力学冷却效应的影响,在混合气体中含有CO2时,光声信号的幅度与气体的浓度不再呈线性变化,位相也发生变化。

    Due to the effect of dynamic cooling caused by energy exchange between CO2 and N2 molecules , the PA 's amplitude has not a linear relation with gas concentrations , and the phase also changes .

  4. 原子在圆锥形激光势阱中冷却效应的研究

    Study of cooling of neutral atoms in conical laser trap

  5. 激光诱导间质热疗中血流冷却效应的模拟

    Simulation of the cooling effect of blood flow in laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy

  6. 水喷淋对热烟气冷却效应的模拟计算

    Numerical simulation on the cooling effect of water sprinkler on hot smoke

  7. 一期水管冷却效应的数值模拟新方法

    New method of numerical simulation for cooling effect of first stage water pipes

  8. 上海股市涨跌幅限制的磁吸与冷却效应研究

    The Study on Magnet and Cooling-off Effect of Price Limit in Shanghai Stock Market

  9. 目的研究血液流动对生物组织加热时的冷却效应。

    Objective To investigate the cooling effect of blood flow on living tissue heating .

  10. 耕种是一种全球性产业,因此,冷却效应可以扩展到全球范围内。

    Since arable agriculture is a global industry , such cooling could be extensive .

  11. 1150初轧机轧辊温度场分析和冷却效应研究

    Analysis on temperature fields and study on cooling effect of the roller in 1150 versatile blooming mill

  12. 该冷却效应是由势阱中热原子的能量选择性逃逸和剩余原子的热平衡所致。

    This cooling effect arises from the energy-selective removal of the most energetic trapped atoms and the thermal equilibrium of the remaining atoms .

  13. 与自然植被相比,作物种植因为可以将太阳光反射回太空,所以可以对气候产生冷却效应。

    The growing of crops already produces a cooling of the climate because they reflect more sunlight back into space , compared with natural vegetation .

  14. 采用渐变型通道,电离区展宽严重,呈现出双峰特征;电子的壁面冷却效应增强。

    When use gradient-type channel , the ionization zone broaden seriously and shows a bimodal character ; the wall of electronics ' cooling effectives is enhanced .

  15. 有些人已暗示,起码应暂停任何人类胚胎基因编辑研究,但这将对科学产生极大的冷却效应。

    Some have suggested at least a temporary halt to any gene editing research with human embryos but this would have an excessively chilling effect on science .

  16. 同种作物的不同变种在其对阳光的反射率上有显著差异,所以,选择反射率更高的栽培种可以增强冷却效应。

    Different varieties of the same crop vary significantly in their solar reflectivity ( called'albedo ' ), so selecting varieties that are more reflective will enhance this cooling effect .

  17. 但它们形成的物理机制主要皆为平流冷却效应,而且形成与发展都强烈地依赖天气系统及其变化。

    However , the main physical mechanism of them is still advection cooling effect . Moreover , their formation and development are strongly dependent on a weather system and its changing .

  18. 分析过程中的温度分布规律,预测了孔的传播速度,获得了孔的成形规律,并定量分析水射流的冷却效应。

    The rules of temperature distribution and cavity propagation are obtained . The penetration speed can be predicted by the simulation results , and the cooling effect of waterjet is analyzed quantitatively . 2 .

  19. 科学家们相信,在周期的下一个上升期,也就是在太阳活动趋于频繁时,可能会对地球表面产生冷却效应。

    Scientists also believe it may also be possible that during the next upturn of the cycle , when solar activity increases , there might be a cooling effect at the Earth 's surface .

  20. 有关的研究结果显示:硫酸盐气溶胶的冷却效应在一定程度上抵消了温室效应,北半球增暖趋势的减缓和日较差的减小可能与大气中人为硫酸盐气溶胶浓度的增加有关。

    Related research results show that cooling effects of sulfate aerosol compensate the greenhouse effect to certain extent due to increases in anthropogenic trace gases , which would lead to slower warming in Northern Hemisphere and lower diurnal temperature range .

  21. 在强场情况下,我们发现耦合能够增强电子冷却效应并且使得自旋极化出现平台结构,同时自旋极化的最大值是受材料耦合的限制的。

    In the nonlinear case , we find that the spin-orbital coupling may enhance the electron cooling , a clear saturation of spin polarization appears at high electric field , and the maximum y component of spin polarization the system can reach is limited by the spin-split strength .

  22. 针对热带钢连轧机由于带钢规格变化(主要指窄料和宽料)导致轧辊热辊型的大幅度波动,对轧辊温度场、热凸度和冷却效应进行了分析。

    Against wide-range fluctuation of hot roll shape about the roll of the tandem hot mill resulted from the change of the strip specification ( chiefly the width and narrow material ), the temperature field , thermal camber and cooling effect of the roll are analyzed in this paper .

  23. 松香胺-铝盐缓蚀剂在冷却水中协同效应的研究

    Study of the Synergistic Effect about Rosin Amine-Aluminium Salts as Corrosion Inhibitors in Cooling Water

  24. 序列脉冲激光产生的光压及其对原子束的冷却与减速效应

    Light pressures produced by laser pulse trains and their cooling and retardation effects on the atomic beams

  25. 单频漫射光对原子的冷却与单色效应

    Radiation Pressures Produced By Diffuse Light and Their Cooling and Monochromatic Velocity Effects on the Atomic Beam

  26. 依据抽运光分布和热传导方程等理论,给出了无水冷双半环LDA侧面抽运Nd:YAG的抽运光分布、温度分布、冷却散热与热效应数值模拟研究结果。

    Pumping intensity distribution , cooling temperature distribution and thermal effects of without water cool double semi-circumferential LDA side-pumped Nd : YAG lasers were researched on numerical and simulation .

  27. 超大型冷却塔风致干扰效应试验研究

    Wind tunnel investigation on wind-induced interference effects for SUPRE large cooling towers

  28. 地基阻尼比对大型双曲线冷却塔地震作用效应的影响

    The Influence of Subsoil Damping Ratio to the Hyperbolic Cooling Tower 's Seismic Effect

  29. 本论文对于侧面恒温冷却激光晶体热效应进行了理论研究。

    In this paper , temperature fields and thermal effects of laser crystal was studied .