
  • 网络Government purchase;government spending;Government procurement
  1. 政府购买性支出与GDP的关系问题关系到政府财政政策的制定和具体实施。

    The correlation between government purchase expenditure and GDP is important for the establishment and implementation of government fiscal policy .

  2. 政府购买冲击与商业周期&一个基于Keynes波动理论与真实商业周期理论的比较分析

    Government Purchase Shocks and Business Cycles : parative Analysis Between Keynesian Fluctuation Theory and Real Business Cycle T

  3. TC模式作为政府购买公共服务的一种新模式,其组织机构主要分为政府层、管理层及运营层。

    As a new type of public service which government purchases , the organization of TC is consisted of government stratum , administration stratum , and operation stratum .

  4. 在第一场关于批准美国政府购买银行不良资产计划的国会听证会上,美联储(Fed)主席本•伯南克(BenBernanke)警告,全球市场仍承受巨大压力。

    At the first Congressional hearing on the plan to authorise the administration to buy banks ' toxic assets , Ben Bernanke , Federal Reserve chairman , warned that global markets remained under extraordinary stress .

  5. 笔者认为,以YG为代表的政府购买服务模式只是一种过渡形态。

    The author thinks that the government represented by YG purchase service mode is a kind of transitional form .

  6. 第二部分依据IS-LM模型,结合我国历史统计数据推倒出在封闭经济下的政府购买乘数,并实证分析了国债的挤出效应。

    The second part is basing on the IS-LM model and using history data , the article analyses the government purchase multiplier and crowd-out effect .

  7. 基于IS-LM模型的传统凯恩斯波动理论主要从需求的角度用乘数理论分析政府购买冲击对宏观经济变量的静态影响;

    Based on IS-LM model , traditional Keynesian fluctuation theory focuses on static effects of govern - ment purchase shocks on aggregate demand and other macro variables in terms of multiplier .

  8. 近几年来,民间社工服务机构飞速发展,以济南J机构为例,这些民间机构部分是通过政府购买服务的方式,依托社区开展的一种新型社会服务。

    Rapid development in recent years , the folk social work service agencies , in Jinan J institutions , for example , some of these folk agencies are through the way of government purchase services , relying on the community to carry out a new type of social services .

  9. 第一部分为案例&上海市政府购买养老服务的探索实践。

    The first part is a case of purchase of services .

  10. 政府购买与居民消费的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Government Purchasing and Resident Consumption in China

  11. 政府购买服务是公共服务供给的一种新型路径选择。

    Government purchasing service is a new path of public service supply .

  12. 宋朝政府购买劳务的发展及其原因分析

    The Development Situation and Reasons of Government Labour Purchase in Song Dynasty

  13. 从政府购买看实行总分馆制的必然性

    Viewing the Inevitability of General-branch Library Systems from Government Purchase

  14. 宋朝政府购买资金的调拨方式

    The Ways of Allocation of Purchasing Capital in Song Dynasty

  15. 实现政府购买建立可持续性社区卫生服务筹资机制

    Enforcing government purchases and setting up sustainable fundraising mechanisms for community health services

  16. 政府购买养老服务的优化治理&基于合同制治理理论的思考

    Optimal Governance of Government Purchase of Pension Services Based on Contract Governance Theory

  17. 政府购买公共服务是一种源于西方的公共服务供给模式。

    Government purchase of public services is originated from western modes of supply .

  18. 王安石市易法与政府购买制度

    Shi Yi Fa Proposed by Wang Anshi and the System of Government Purchasing

  19. 政府购买居家养老服务的政策研究

    The Policy Analysis of Government Purchase Home Pension Services

  20. 更有希望的解决方案是,政府购买银行的股权。

    More promising was the government acquisition of equity stakes in the banks .

  21. 参议员麦凯恩最近提出由联邦政府购买深陷困境的抵押。

    Senator McCain recently proposed to have the federal government buy troubled mortgages .

  22. 政府购买服务模式。

    United States . United Nations 3 . The government purchases the units .

  23. 政府购买物资也推动进口暴涨近27%。

    Imports soared nearly 27 percent , fueled by government spending on commodities .

  24. 第八章,人口老龄化与政府购买的关系。

    Chapter VIII , the relationship between the population aging and the government purchase .

  25. 第二章,对政府购买公共服务绩效的基本问题进行分析。

    Second chapter , analyses the basic problems of government purchase public service efficiency .

  26. 目前,我国社区居家养老服务主要是以地方政府购买为主。

    It is a neonate and mainly purchased by the local government in China .

  27. 余下的20万亿日元将专门用于政府购买股票和房地产。

    The remaining Y20000bn would be earmarked for government purchases of stocks and real estate .

  28. 构建储蓄、消费、净出口和政府购买四条传导机制。

    Build four conduction mechanism of saving , consumption , net exports and government purchase .

  29. 政府购买公共服务:以公益性非营利组织为重要合作伙伴

    Government Purchase of Public Service Contracting ( GPSC ): Taking Commonweal NPOs as Important Cooperative Partners

  30. 首先对人口老龄化与政府购买总值的关系进行估计。

    First , estimates the relationship between the population aging and the gross government purchase value .