
  • 网络political speech
  1. 结果显示政治演讲中的频繁出现的含糊代词we,常用词family还有权威性词语如truth,都能增加演讲的说服性。

    After an analysis , the author finds that the frequent use of vaguely defined pronouns we . common words family , and authoritative words truth can enforce the persuasion of political speech .

  2. 一次严肃的政治演讲不应该充满轻浮的言词。

    A serious political speech should not be full of frivolity .

  3. 他希望在会上听到些生动的政治演讲。

    He was hoping for some lively political discourse at the meeting .

  4. 上周五,安倍在国会发表了任职后第一份政治演讲。

    Minster Abe gave his first policy speech in parliaments friday .

  5. 英语政治演讲语篇中情态动词的人际功能分析

    On the Interpersonal Functions of the Modal Verbs in English Political Speeches

  6. 中美政治演讲中概念隐喻的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Conceptual Metaphor in Chinese and American Political Speeches

  7. 政治演讲在国际政治事务中常常扮演着十分重要的角色。

    Political speeches usually play an important role in international political issues .

  8. 这实际上反映了政治演讲中常用的求证策略。

    That reflects the testimony strategy which is commonly used in speeches .

  9. 危机时刻政治演讲的评价性分析

    Analysis of Political Speeches during Crisis Situations with Appraisal Theory

  10. 然而,把它放进当今许多政治演讲中也丝毫不会显得突兀。

    Yet it would slot nicely into many a contemporary political speech .

  11. 目前,公共政治演讲已然成为了国际交流的重要手段。

    Public political speech is now becoming a major way of international communication .

  12. 从语言的元功能看政治演讲&以奥巴马2008年大选获胜演说为例

    Analyzing Obama 's Victory Speech in 2008 Presidential Election by Language 's Meta-functions

  13. 政治演讲和学术演讲是两类不同的演讲。

    Political speeches differ from academic speeches in terms of content and purpose .

  14. 中英政治演讲中的人称指称对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Personal References in Chinese and English Public Political Speeches

  15. 对布什政治演讲的功能分析

    Functional Analysis of Bush 's Political Speeches

  16. 腐败是电视谈话节目和政治演讲中反复讨论的话题。

    The subject of corruption is repeatedly discussed on television talk shows and in political speeches .

  17. 英语政治演讲的体裁分析

    Genre Analysis on English Political Speaking

  18. 政治演讲,作为一种文学形式,起源于古希腊罗马时期。

    Political speech , one of the literary forms , originates from the ancient Greek and Roman times .

  19. 此外,政治演讲中表示义务和意愿的情态词比学术演讲多。

    In addition , in political speeches there are more modality words used to express obligation and willingness .

  20. 政治演讲是西方社会一种不可忽视的文化现象,在其政治生活中扮演着重要角色。

    As a non-ignorable cultural phenomenon in western society , political addresses play an indispensable role in political life .

  21. 模仿政治演讲是丰富你的词汇,以及提高你自如地组合句子的能力的极佳方法。

    Following political speeches is an excellent way to improve your vocabulary and ability to put sentences together naturally .

  22. 总之互文性对政治演讲的创作与解读都有不容忽视的意义。

    In a word , intertextuality is of great significance for the creation and interpretation of political public speeches .

  23. 祈使语气与疑问语气就如同调料也是政治演讲中传达人际意义不可或缺的工具。

    Imperative clause and interrogative clause , like spices , are also essential in political speech in conveying interpersonal meaning .

  24. 而且本文从心理语言学的角度可以让人对政治演讲所采用的语言有更好的理解和认识。

    The study might reach a better understanding of language used in the field of politics from a psycholinguistic perspective .

  25. 在布托的最后政治演讲中,也就是在她出事的前几分钟,她还提到了她所冒着的危险。

    In her final political address a few minutes before her death Miss Bhutto alluded to the risk she was running .

  26. 更为重要的是作者以一个特殊的语言现象&英语政治演讲来研究听者是如何从不同层面对说者的话做出反应的。

    More importantly , the author uses a special communication phenomenon-English public political oration to illustrate how hearers response at different levels .

  27. 而就职演说,作为一种特殊的政治演讲,却只是在近几年才越来越受到广大语言学家的关注。

    However , only in recent years has inaugural address , as a type of political speech , aroused linguists ' interest .

  28. 它的实践价值在于帮助人们更好地理解政治演讲,提高人们的言语交际能力。

    The practical value of the study lies in helping people understand political speech better and improving their skills of verbal communication .

  29. 政治演讲传统上常从修辞和文体的角度来分析,而演讲的人际意义很少被关注。

    Political speeches are traditionally approached from the perspective of rhetoric and stylistics , the interpersonal meaning is then rarely focused on .

  30. 例如有人对个人自传、学术话语、广告语篇、政治演讲稿、旅馆宣传册等进行人际功能研究。

    For instance , people did study on autobiography , advertisement , politic speech , hotel brochure from the perspective of interpersonal function .