
  • 网络political change
  1. 湖南绅士与晚清政治变迁

    Hunan Gentry and Political Changes of the Late Qing Dynasty

  2. 明清之际的政治变迁在一定程度上加速了弃儒就贾的趋势。

    Political changes at the turn of Ming and Qing accelerated this trend to some degree .

  3. 市民社会兴起下的韩国政治变迁

    South Korea 's Political Change With The Rise of Civil Society

  4. 制度范式:一种研究中国政治变迁的途径

    Institutional Paradigm : An Approach of Watching Political Change in China

  5. 政治变迁会影响政治稳定,而社会政治变迁又离不开政治稳定。

    The political change would have influence on the political stability , and vise versa .

  6. 是什么原因引起了这些戏剧性政治变迁?

    What caused these dramatic political transitions ?

  7. 通过对其近20年发展历程的评价分析,揭示俄罗斯转型期政治变迁与媒介生态变化、媒体转型的关系。

    It tires to explore the relationship between political system change and media transition in Russia .

  8. 第一章讨论政治变迁对文学嬗变的影响。

    The first part tries to discuss the influences of the politics vicissitude on literature evolution .

  9. 福建近代出版业的兴衰&以政治变迁为视角

    The Rise and Fall of Modern Publishing Industry of Fujian Province : A Perspective on Political Changes

  10. 第二章,分析我国民间组织低位发育的现状及其对生态政治变迁的阻滞性影响。

    The second chapter analyses the present situation of civil organizations and its effects to ecopolitics ' transition .

  11. 另外,西亚北非民众更借助网络等新兴媒体,以信息、制度的流通与交换,最终成就了此次政治变迁。

    In addition , internet , other emerging media , information flow and system exchange prompted ultimate success of the political change .

  12. 同时对国际力量在何种条件下、以何种方式和渠道影响菲律宾的国内政治变迁做了探索。

    Meanwhile , it also explores the conditions and methods that international power would adopt to affect the domestic political changes of Philippine .

  13. 村民自治在实践中遇到了经济结构、政治变迁、文化观念、家庭影响等方面的问题。

    In the practice , the peasant autonomy meets the questions in the economic structure , the political changes , the cultural ideas , family influence , etc.

  14. 第三章,着力并详细分析了我国民间组织的成长因素及其对生态政治变迁的积极作用,它也是本论文的重点部分。

    The third chapter , a detailed analysis of the growth of civil organizations on ecopolitics ' transition , it is also the focus of this paper .

  15. 由于这一问题与当代中国社会政治变迁密切相关,因而引起国内外中国问题专家的广泛关注和讨论。

    As closely related with the social and political changes in China , this attracks a great deal of attention by both domestic and foreign experts of Chinese studies .

  16. 第二、从农民的思想、文化、价值与心理角度分析,来论证乡村社会文化网络的变化带来了政治变迁的内部动因;

    Second , on peasants ' thought , culture , value and psychological parts , we have explained the changes of village social culture network has brought inside reasons of political changes .

  17. 它的发展变化是研究中国农村政治变迁的不可或缺的切入点。然而对宗族的评价始终是两种声音:反对者众,支持者寡。

    Its development and influence are indispensable to research the changes of politics in Chinese countryside . However , there are always two different points of view on clan : minority is for it ; majority is against it .

  18. 然而,理论上的推演极有可能遭遇现实中的尴尬,而且抽象的理论并未揭示农户生产组织形式变迁与乡村政治变迁之间的具体互动关系。

    However , the theoretical inference would be very likely to face the reality of the embarrassment . Abstract theories did not reveal a specific interaction between the farmers forms of production organization changes and political changes in rural .

  19. 文章以政治变迁为研究视角,对福建近代出版业的兴衰规律予以详尽的叙述和深入的分析,内容包括福建近代出版业的创始、调整、发展、繁荣和终结。

    A perspective on political changes , the dissertation makes detailed narration and deeply analysis on the rise and fall of modern publishing industry of the province , including its initiation , adjustment , development , prosperity and termination .

  20. 在世界上许多地方,有一种假设认为,以金融体系冻结为代表的“资本主义危机”,将加快长期的地缘政治变迁,开启美国实力和欧洲影响力的衰落进程。

    There is an assumption in many parts of the world that the " crisis of capitalism " represented by the freezing up of the financial system will accelerate the long-term geopolitical shift , heralding the decline of us power and European influence .

  21. 储安平的观察表明:作为社会政治变迁动力的边缘势力逐渐走向中心和新兴社会阶层的崛起不仅影响着当时的实际政治运作,也影响着未来社会的政治走向;

    Chu Anping 's observations showed that frontier forces were becoming increasingly centered , the new and developing classes , as the motivation for changes of social politics , were not only influencing the real political operation of the day , but also the social political trend in the future .

  22. 在他的小说《荒野侦探》(TheSavageDetectives)中,两个热心的拉丁美洲年轻诗人一直都未失去对纯净艺术的信念,不管年龄增长,生活与政治发生变迁。

    In his novel The Savage Detectives , two avid young Latino poets never lose faith in their rarefied art no matter the vicissitudes of life , age and politics .

  23. 近二十年来中国政治文化变迁与分析

    Analyses of China 's Political Culture Transformation during the Last Two Decades

  24. 政治制度变迁与纳西族的殉情

    Change of Political Systems and Dieing for Love

  25. 论海峡两岸文学的政治性变迁

    On Vicissitudes with Political Nature of Cross-strait Literatures

  26. 这一部分从政治制度变迁、政治文化变迁、经济变迁分析了当代中国政治秩序的转型。

    The third part , " the political order transition of contemporary Chinese society " .

  27. 印度农民政治文化变迁和现代民族运动的兴起

    The Transformation of Indian Peasantry on Political Culture and the Rise of Modern Nationalist Movement

  28. 颜色的革命:从乡村服饰色彩变化看国家经济政治社会变迁

    Investigate National Economic Political Social Changes from the Color Variation of Dress of the Village

  29. 从基督教传入韩国开始,政治的变迁与苦难,曾给基督教在韩国创造了肥沃的土壤。

    Political changes and sufferings in Korea created fertile soil for Christianity in its beginning part .

  30. 战后缅华社会政治地位变迁研究

    A Study on the Changes of Political Status of Chinese Community in Myanmar after World War ⅱ