
  • 网络Political leader
  1. 他竞选获胜后总在我们大家面前以伟大的政治领袖自居。

    He 's been coming the great political leader over us all since he won the election .

  2. Bigwheel大人物可能是公司的主心骨,政治领袖,或者著名的电影明星。

    A big wheel may be the head of a company , a political leader , a famous movie star .

  3. 战后该国人民不再拥护他们的政治领袖。

    The country abandoned its political leaders after the war .

  4. 当政治领袖到达的时候,聚集的人群欢呼起来,并吹起了口哨。

    The assembled multitude cheered and whistled as the political leaders arrived .

  5. 大多数美国人持有如下观点,女性和男性同样有能力成为优秀的政治领袖。

    According to the majority of Americans , women are every bit as capable of being good political leaders as men .

  6. 其他政治领袖也谴责了Trump歧视性的建议。

    Other political leaders have condemned Trump 's proposal as discriminatory .

  7. 参加g20会议的政治领袖不能指望出台这样一份新全球金融监管体制的蓝图。

    Political leaders at the G20 meeting cannot hope to produce such a blueprint for a new global financial regulatory regime .

  8. 欧盟(EU)政治领袖昨日公布了一项涉及面广泛的新能源政策,希望以此推动全球其它国家共同对抗全球变暖,减少全球对石油和天然气进口的过分依赖。

    The European Union 's political leaders yesterday unveiled a sweeping new energy policy that they hope will spur the rest of the world into fighting global warming and cutting the global addiction to oil and gas imports .

  9. 与此同时,两位北约(Nato)前秘书长和几十名欧洲政治领袖已经敦促北约向西非派遣军队、飞机和舰船以帮助遏制埃博拉危机。

    Meanwhile , two former Nato secretaries-general and dozens of leading European politicians have urged the alliance to dispatch troops , aircraft and ships to west Africa to help contain the Ebola crisis .

  10. 在里根政府担任国务卿的舒尔茨(GeorgeShultz)说,她向大家展示了一个拥有远大目标的政治领袖所能达到的成就。

    ' She showed everyone what a political leader with a powerful agenda could accomplish , ' said George Shultz , who was secretary of state to Ronald Reagan .

  11. 难道要让经验极为丰富、社会关系广泛的政府部门负责人在60岁的时候退休,而他们的政治领袖却可以像玛格利特•撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)曾经说过的那样,继续继续再继续?

    Should highly experienced , well connected heads of government departments be made to retire at 60 when their political masters can , as Margaret Thatcher , once said , go on and on and on ?

  12. 联合国安理会谴责了驱逐Toure总统的行动,联合国政治领袖LynnPascoe称,柏柏尔人从利比亚军队回国加剧了叛乱。

    The United Nations Security Council condemned the of President Toure . The U.N. 's political chief , Lynn Pascoe , said the return of the Tuaregs from the Libyan army has fueled the rebellion .

  13. 政治领袖的形象只是暗示之一,还有一个在于日本的社会的确正在变化。

    Another is that in Japan things really are changing here .

  14. 主持人:他们是从自己的政治领袖那里得到这个流行暗示的,是这样么?

    NICOLE : Political leaders were one of the fashion cues .

  15. 他是一场主张低税、小政府的运动的政治领袖。

    He was the political leader of a low-tax , small-government movement .

  16. 总统上周接见了本地的政治领袖。

    The president met local political leaders last week .

  17. 政治领袖几乎不可避免地讨好大企业。

    Political leaders almost inevitably pander to big business .

  18. 作为政治领袖,你们的工作就是要鼓励这种能动力。

    Your job , as political leaders , is to encourage such initiatives .

  19. 英国的政治领袖正来自一个日益狭窄的都市人才库。

    British political leaders are drawn from an increasingly narrow , metropolitan pool .

  20. 拿破仑·波拿巴,法国军事和政治领袖

    Napoleon Bonaparte , French military and political leader

  21. 我们的政治领袖一向来自上层社会。

    Our political leaders have always been drawn from the upper strata of society .

  22. 海地最终能否获得他们所需的带来实际变革的政治领袖?

    Will Haiti finally get the political leadership it needs to bring real change ?

  23. 很大程度上在于民众及他们的政治领袖是否看重努力的价值。

    A lot depends on whether people and their politicians see the value in trying .

  24. 事实上,市场占据了政治领袖和愤怒的民众之间的全部空间。

    In fact , they are all that stands between political leaders and angry citizens .

  25. 如果没有规则对具有侵略性的政治领袖加以约束,自然会这种结果。

    That is the natural outcome if aggressive political leaders are let loose without rules .

  26. 政治领袖应该放任市场自行消长,不要干预。

    Political leaders should stay out of the way of market forces and let them work .

  27. 皇室家族和政治领袖参加的主要的仪式在奥斯陆大教堂举行。

    The main service attended by the royal family and political leaders took place in Oslo cathedral .

  28. 政治领袖们平时对海军是重视的,但一旦国家另有需要时,往往就忽视了它。

    Political leaders showered the navy with attention only to neglect it when other needs of state arose .

  29. 向地方社团和政治领袖就如何进一步扫除种族融合的障碍提出建议;

    Suggesting how local community and political leadership can push further against perceived barriers to cohesion and integration ;

  30. 政治领袖同意,捍卫全球化需要更为一致的全球管理,这是一回事。

    It is one thing for political leaders to agree that safeguarding globalisation requires more coherent international governance .