
  • 网络Policy Simulation;Counter-factual Policy Simulation
  1. 基于CGE模型的政策模拟系统的研究

    Research of policy simulation system based on CGE model

  2. CGE模型作为经济学领域有效的系统分析工具之一,在经济体的各个组成部分之间建立起了数量联系,适于政策模拟和经济结构分析。

    CGE model as one of powerful tools in economics brings the quantitative linkage of all parts in an economy into its analytic framework and is suitable for the policy simulation and economic structure analysis .

  3. 中国经济的CGE模型及政策模拟

    The CGE Model of Chinese Economy and Policy Analysis

  4. 用通用数学建模系统软件GAMS建立了一个可以用于中长期预测和政策模拟的可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型系统.本系统由人口增长模型、生产模型和消费与储蓄模型组成。

    Based on the General Algebraic Modeling System ( GAMS ), a Computable General Equilibrium ( CGE ) model is established for medium term and long term forecast and policy analysis .

  5. 实证研究表明,基于优化的IS-LM-PC模型是经济分析及政策模拟的一个有力工具。

    The stochastic simulations indicate that the optimizing IS-LM-PC model is a good tool for economic analysis and policy-simulation .

  6. 由于CGE模型在政策模拟分析方面所具有的优势,以及经济因素在全球气候变化及温室气体减排问题当中的核心地位,CGE模型现已发展成为国际上研究全球气候变化及温室气体减排问题的主流方法。

    Due to the advantages of the CGE model in policy simulation and analysis , and to the core position of the economic factors in global climate change and GHGs reduction , CGE model has been a mainstream method in analyzing this problem .

  7. 全国乡镇工业环境政策模拟实验

    Simulation Experiment for Environmental Policy of China Township and Village Industrial Enterprises

  8. 北京市未来劳动力供需状况的政策模拟与分析

    Policy Simulation and Analysis of Future Labor Supply and Demand in Beijing

  9. 在所设计的模拟系统上,以农业补贴政策模拟为例,通过情景分析法进行实证模拟分析。

    Through the scene analytical method , we simulated the agriculture subsidizes policy .

  10. 林业政策模拟模型研究&一个分析的框架

    A Study on the Simulation Model of Forestry Policy & An Analysis Framework

  11. 基于投入产出分析的中国矿业价格政策模拟

    Price-policy simulation about China Mining Based on input-output analysis

  12. 河南省电力可持续发展压力评价和政策模拟

    Pressure Evaluation and Policy Simulation of Sustainable Development of Electricity Power of Henan Province

  13. 模型的求解与政策模拟。

    Simulation model and policy .

  14. 经济政策模拟实验研究

    The Simulation Experiments of Economic Policies Thirdly , we should develop share economy steadily . Economic Research

  15. 最后根据政策模拟结果提出国有林区发展低碳经济的对策建议。

    Finally , according to the policy simulation results give suggestions of state-owned forest to develop low-carbon economy .

  16. 价格政策模拟可以对某项政策的实施结果进行试验,说明不同政策产生的结果和影响。

    By simulating the effect of certain policy , price-policy simulation can explain the result and influence of this policy .

  17. 主要为林业政策模拟模型和政策的优化设计研究提供一个分析的框架。

    This paper puts forward an analysis framework of study on the simulation model of forestry policy and optimal policy design .

  18. 随后通过调整不同的参数值对模型进行政策模拟,并对模拟得到的结果进行讨论分析。

    Followed by adjusting the different parameter values of the model implement policy simulation , and analysis the simulation results obtained .

  19. 最后通过政策模拟,对我国进出口的汇率弹性和价格弹性给出了定量的计算结果。

    Finally , a quantitative result of price elasticity and the exchange rate elasticity are calculated through a policy simulation in China_QEM .

  20. 中国农技推广体系改革的政策模拟与优化&基于基层推广机构行为视角的分析

    The Simulation and Optimization of Reform Policies for Chinese Agricultural Technologies Diffusion System & From the Angle of Grass-roots Agro Technology Popularization Organs

  21. 本文统计、理论和政策模拟三个层面揭示和解释了涉农产业发展对缩小居民收入分配差距的积极作用。

    This paper explores and explains the positive impact of agribusiness development on income distribution in perspectives of statistics , theory and policy simulation .

  22. 该模拟系统能够解决实际政策模拟问题,辅助决策者进行政策制定。

    In a word , this system can be used for the actual policy simulation problem and provide a decision support for decision maker .

  23. 中国经济增长路径中稳定状态推移的政策模拟&基于拉姆齐模型的实证研究

    Policy Simulation of the Shift Transformation of the Stable State of China 's Economic Growth Route : the Empirical Study Based on Ramsey 's Model

  24. 提出基于社会均衡的低收入家庭的居民阶梯电价政策模拟模型与中高收入家庭的用电响应模型。

    Based on social equilibrium , low-income residential tiered electricity pricing policy simulation model and the middle and high income families response model are proposed .

  25. 因此,如何选择不同的动态模拟模型,如何解读不同的动态模拟时间路径,便成为越来越受关注的政策模拟实验的焦点。

    Therefore , the focus of policy simulation experiments is increasingly narrowed down to the selection of dynamic simulation models and the interpretation of their resulting time paths .

  26. 我国劳动力市场信息化建设刚刚起步,目前侧重于劳动力市场前台业务管理信息系统和统计型信息系统,欠缺区域劳动力市场的空间分析、预测预警和政策模拟及评价等功能。

    The information construction of labor market has just begun in our country , emphasizing particularly on the management information system and the statistic information system of labor market .

  27. 最后,本文利用该模型进行了相关政策模拟,结果表明,提高铁路物流投资比例可以增加国内生产总值,并促进国民经济的长期增长。

    Finally , the results that the relevant policies simulate show that increasing investment in railway logistics may increase GDP , and promote the growth of economy for long time .

  28. 通过政策模拟得到的结果,证明综合政策的实施能明显减少交通拥堵,改善上海市交通运行状况,降低能源消耗和环境污染,优化交通方式结构。

    This model verifies that traffic comprehensive policy can obviously reduce traffic congestion , improve the traffic operation conditions , reduce exhaust pollution and energy consumption , and optimize the traffic mode structure .

  29. 结合政策模拟实验与定性分析提出临空经济与空港物流互动发展策略,从而为政府相关部门发展临空经济与空港物流提供理论指导和策略建议。

    This paper proposes interactive development strategies between airport economic and airport logistics by policy simulation , so as to provide suggestions about developing airport economy and airport logistics to the relevant government departments .

  30. 投入产出模型提供了一个非常详细的部门分类结构,被普遍用于经济预测、政策模拟、经济控制和事件影响等方面,是部门间经济关系分析的有力工具。

    IO model provides a very detailed sectoral classification structure , and is widely used in economic forecasting , policy simulation , economic control and events impact . It is also a powerful tool for inter-sectoral economic relations analysis .