
  • 网络Policy environment;policy circumstance;enabling environment
  1. 接着对中国铝行业发展环境做了客观、详尽的分析与预测,分析X铝业公司发展的外部经济环境、政策环境以及贸易环境。

    Then , it analyzes and forecasts the development of X aluminum external economic environment , policy environment and trade environment .

  2. 通过加强MBO的法制建设,为MBO提供适宜的法律、政策环境;

    Enhanced legal system construction can offer right legal and policy circumstance ;

  3. 政策环境影响评价与公众参与&国家有毒化学品立法EIA中的公众参与

    EIA of Policy and Public Participation POLICY POLICY

  4. 一方面要学会利用WTO的补贴规则,善于积极的运用乌拉圭回合谈判来改变对于中国不利的政策环境。

    On the one hand , China should learn to take advantage of WTO regulations of subsidies as well as the Uruguay Round Negotiations to change its unfavorable situation .

  5. 因此,继续提高企业的RD投入势在必行,为企业RD投入提供良好的政策环境,已成为各级政府一项十分重要而紧迫的任务。

    So increasing corporations ' R & D expenditure is necessary , and it becomes one of important and pressing mission for government to offer corporations a good policy environment .

  6. 中国固网电信业在迎来宏观经济飞速发展和政策环境不断改善以及加入WTO的历史机遇的同时,也面临着传统语音业务被移动通信和VOIP等新技术的异质代替的挑战。

    With macro economy developing , policy environment improving , the fixed network telecom industry is facing the challenge of cellphone and VOIP replacing traditional telephone business .

  7. 揭示了绿色食品产业集群优势的发挥要依靠各种因素的关键f生作用,如:自然资源、规模经济、相关产业的支持、吸引外资、企业家精神和政策环境等因素;

    To develop the advantage of green food industry group count on the function of various factors , such as natural resources , scale economy , correlation industry , foreign capital , entrepreneur 's spirit and policy .

  8. 本案例对宇通客车MBO过程进行了比较详尽的描述,作者对宇通客车MBO的政策环境、资金来源、信息披露、收购定价、司法拍卖的公正性进行了剖析。

    This case describes the process of MBO of Yutong Bus in detail . The author analyzes policy environment , buyout pricing , capital origin , information disclosure and judicial auction in this case .

  9. 这些关键问题主要包括有:从Z钢材物流园所处的环境中的政策环境、宏观经济环境、行业发展环境、区位交通环境四个方面对其的可行性和必要性进行探讨,以及进行SWOT分析。

    The problems are listed below : 1 . Analyze the possibility and necessity of the circumstance of the Z-Steel logistic park , including the policy , macro-economy , development of the industry , location and transportation . SWOT analysis will be used . 2 .

  10. 中国船级社发展的体制和政策环境思考

    System and Political Environment for the Development of China Classification Society

  11. 民营企业技术创新环境由法律环境、政策环境与文化环境构成。

    Innovation circumstances was made up law , policy and culture .

  12. 西欧终身学习与多变的政策环境

    Lifelong Learning and the Changing Policy Environment in West Europe

  13. 第七,制定有利于产学研合作创新的政策环境;

    The seventh building policy environment in favor of combination ;

  14. 农机补贴政策环境下开展农机推广工作的对策

    Measures to Popularize Agricultural Machinery under the National Subsidy Policy

  15. 关于完善我国外汇市场政策环境的探讨

    Discussion of Improving Policy Environment in China Currency Markey

  16. 东营市面临的经济环境、技术环境、政策环境等为草产业的发展提供了良好的外部环境;

    Economy circumstance , technology circumstance and policy circumstance provide favorable exterior circumstance .

  17. 二是营造统一透明,可预见的政策环境。

    Second , well cultivate a uniform , transparent and predictable policy environment .

  18. 试论社会化技能培训的政策环境与导向

    On Policy Environment and Guidance for Socialized Skills Training

  19. 论我国企业国际化经营的政策环境

    The Policy Environment for International Management of Chinese Enterprises

  20. 吐鲁番葡萄集群企业成长路径及政策环境分析

    Analysis on the Way to Cluster Enterprise of Turpan Grape and Policy Environment

  21. 我想政策环境也有所改善。

    I think the regulatory environment has also improved .

  22. 研究发现,残疾人康复政策环境实现率为96。

    The fulfilling rate of the first-degree index is96 .

  23. 科技风险投资的政策环境与建议

    Policy Environment and Suggestions for Sci-tech Venture Capital

  24. 日本大学生就业政策环境的优化及其启示

    The Optimization of Japan 's University Graduates ' Employment Policy Environment and Its Inspirations

  25. 面向生态的西部开发政策环境影响评价

    Policy environmental impact assessment of the western development

  26. 优化宁夏投融资政策环境研究

    On Optimizing Ningxia 's Investment and Financing Environment

  27. 政府不仅要为龙头企业的发展营造一个宽松的政策环境,而且要为龙头企业的发展创造一个良好的市场环境。

    Governments should not only establish good policy environment but also suitable market environment .

  28. 如果政策环境使它们能够盈利,企业将会进行投资。

    Businesses will invest if the policy environment enables them to turn a profit .

  29. 优化政策环境防止税收流失

    Improve policy environment to prevent tax drain

  30. 五是优惠的政策环境;

    The fifth is favorable policy environment .