
  • 网络scale of organization;Organizational size;Organization scale
  1. 作者试图引入交易费用分析方法对企业组织行政权配置的效率与非效率因素进行比较分析,为企业存在的原因和企业组织规模提供进一步的解释。

    The paper analyzes the efficiency and non-efficiency factors in the administrative allocation by applying the transactional cost analyzing method , and further explains the reasons of enterprises ' existence and their organizational size .

  2. Java经典支持的费用为每年$15000起,随着组织规模的增加费用也随之上升,对于超大型企业费用可以达到每年$250000。

    Pricing increases by the size of the organisation and for very large enterprises could be up to around $ 250,000 per year .

  3. Michael(SenchaTouch):主要差异在于大多数移动应用都很小,因此今天的移动开发所需的组织规模远小于桌面开发。

    Michael ( Sencha Touch ): The big difference is that most mobile apps are quite simple , so mobile development today requires far less organizational scale than desktop development .

  4. 实际情况是,开发人员、DBA和架构师任务经常重叠,根据组织规模,这些任务可能只由一个人完成。

    The reality is that developer , DBA , and architect tasks frequently overlap and , depending on the size of the organization , may even be done by the same person .

  5. 如今无论组织规模还是影响力,ACLU都已经成为美国民权组织中最重要的一支力量,享有美国最大的法律事务所之称和被誉为公民权利的看门狗。

    No matter the organization size or influence , ACLU has become the most important force in many civil rights groups on America society in today .

  6. 中国产业组织规模优势形成研究

    Researches on Building the Scale Advantages of China 's Industrial Organization

  7. 农村合作经济组织规模化的国际经验分析

    Analysis on International Experience in the Large Scale Cooperative Organizations

  8. 也因为组织规模的扩大,而被分散了力量。

    it has also distracted from the wider development of the organization .

  9. 最后,本文考虑了关于组织规模的附加因素。

    Finally , the article considered additional factors about the size of organizations .

  10. 北约组织规模的扩大及其在冷战格局中的国际干预行为,则成为北约外向型发展的重要内容。

    The latter is its enlargement and special behaviors in the international affairs .

  11. 我国金融机构的组织规模、空间分布与效率改进

    Organization Scale , Spatial Distribution and Efficiency Improvement of China 's Financial Institutions

  12. 组织规模和文化之间会相互影响,要想扩大敏捷成功实施的范围,将会面临严峻挑战。

    The interplay between scale and culture poses serious challenges to scaling Agile successfully .

  13. 但是,大多数的非政府组织规模要小得多。

    However , most NGOs are much smaller .

  14. 组织规模一般较小。

    Its organizational scale was generally slight .

  15. 与此同时,公司的组织规模也不断扩大。

    At the same time , the company also expanded the size of the organization .

  16. 由于标准有助于降低交易成本,这就会导致企业的最优组织规模缩减。

    Since standards can lower transaction cost , the optimal scale of firm may therefore fall .

  17. 农业产业化的组织规模扩大,带动农民增收的效力增强。

    The organization of agricultural industrialization scale to drive the farmers to enhance the effectiveness of income .

  18. 随着社会组织规模快速发展和种类的多元化,对社会组织管理部门而言提出了更大的挑战。

    With the rapid development of social organization , the management department of social organization faces more challenges .

  19. 因此,客观上需要构建一种较为合意的零售产业组织规模结构。

    Therefore , it is objectively necessary to construct the rational scale structure for the retailing industrial organization .

  20. 组织规模越小,越有利于管理创新和组织创新气氛的形成。

    Smaller size of the enterprise is beneficial to the formation of administrative innovation and organizational innovation climate .

  21. 随着湘军组织规模的扩大,维系其组织机制的特征逐渐走向反面化并最终导致其自身的否定。

    With the development of its organism , Xiang Army 's characteristics gradually turn into its opposite and lead to its self-negation .

  22. 当个体所在组织规模较小时,其租房的相对发生可能性较大,如个体经营者。

    When the scale of the organization is small , the possibility of renting house is very large , such as the self-employed .

  23. 半个世纪以来,发展教育的理念日益进入英国教育的主流,其组织规模也不断扩大。

    Development education with a constantly expanding scale has become the mainstream of education in the United Kingdom during the past half century .

  24. 人力资本接其所处的组织规模大小分类,可分为社会人力资本和组织人力资本。

    It can be categorized into social and organizational human capital in consideration of the scale size of the organization it belongs to .

  25. 然而,它的资本实力、组织规模和地方社会影响,与其他商帮相比,仍然有着显著的差距。

    But its capital capability , members of its organization , and local social influence , still had prominent disparity with other traders .

  26. 今年早些时候的管理层调整,意在找回随着组织规模扩张而迷失在不断蔓延的官僚主义习气里的创业精神。

    The management shake-up earlier this year was meant to bring back a start-up spirit lost to creeping bureaucracy as the organisation grew .

  27. 企业并购作为企业组织规模扩张的有效手段在世界许多国家普遍采用。

    The annexing of enterprises as expansion of enterprises ' scale and as effective means is commonly utilized in many countries of the world .

  28. 随着非营利组织规模的扩大和社会责任的加强,非营利组织提供准公共物品的模式及其发展战略就上升为一个时代的话题。

    With the expansion of the scale and the strengthening of the social responsibility , non-profit organizations and their development strategies are becoming a topic .

  29. 青州市农民专业合作社发展存在的主要问题是组织规模偏小、经营合作社的专业人才缺乏、内部运行不完善等。

    Too small scale , lack of professional managers , and deficiency of inner operation are factors that hamper the development specialized farmers cooperatives in Qingzhou .

  30. 然而,我却获得了许多新的想法,关于项目多元化的价值,以及他们的组织规模。

    I was able , however , to get a useful impression of the values of the various projects , and the scale of their organisation .