
  • 网络multicast;Multicast Technology;IP Multicast
  1. 面向Internet的流媒体组播技术

    Streaming Media Multicast over the Internet

  2. IP组播技术在地铁列车运行仿真系统中的应用

    Application of IP Multicast in the Subway Train Movement Simulation System

  3. IP单/组播技术在SCADA/EMS系统中应用

    Application of IP unicast / muticast to SCADA / EMS system

  4. 基于IP组播技术的远程教学系统的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Distance Education System Based on IP Multicast Technology

  5. IP组播技术是流媒体传输的重要技术。

    IP multicast technology is important about Streaming Media transmission .

  6. IP组播技术在FTTH/EPON系统中的应用与实现

    Application and Implementation of IP Multicast Technology over FTTH / EPON System

  7. 主要讨论了基于移动IP网下的组播技术。

    This paper discusses multicast based on mobile IP network .

  8. 移动IP网络组播技术的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Multicast Technology over IP-based Mobile Networks

  9. 该系统以配备图形加速卡的PC作为视景生成节点,采用IP组播技术实现节点间的通信。

    IP multi-cast technology is applied to implement the communications between nodes .

  10. 近年来,随着Internet不断发展,组播技术越来越受到重视。

    In recent years , with the development of the Internet , multicast technology is receiving increasing attention .

  11. 采用组播技术实现MobileIP功能

    Implement Mobile IP Function Using Multicast Technology

  12. IP组播技术及其在校园网上的应用

    IP Multicasting Concepts and Its Application on Campus Network

  13. IP视频与IP组播技术概论

    General Introduction of IP Video and IP Multicast Technique

  14. 组播技术为进行个别化教学提供了有力的保障,Agent是目前智能化研究的成功范例。

    Multicast is good for individualized teaching , and Agent come through the paradigm of artificial intelligence .

  15. 实时多媒体数据多点传输的IP组播技术及实现

    The Principle and Implementation of Real-time Multimedia Data Transmission Using Multicast Based on IP

  16. 传统的广播一般是基于IP层组播技术。

    In general , traditional Broadcasting is based on the IP layer multicast technology .

  17. 基于多协议标签交换的IP组播技术

    IP multicast techniques based on MPLS domain

  18. IP组播技术是支持此种通信模式的一种高效机制。

    IP multicast is introduced as an efficient scheme to support this sort of communication .

  19. IP组播技术的研究与应用实现

    Research and application implementation on IP multicast

  20. 采用IP组播技术的群组通信将是包交换通信网络中非常重要的一类应用。

    Group communication based on IP-multicast technology will be an important part of packet switch networks .

  21. 目前,为了缓解网络信道瓶颈,人们提出了IP组播技术。

    To this network channel problem , people put forward the use of IP multicasting technology .

  22. IP多点广播技术及应用IP组播技术

    IP Multicast Technology and Application

  23. 同时采用基于H。332协议的IP组播技术来实现点对多点的通信。

    IP multicast technology based on H.332 protocol is used to realize communication of one point to multipoint .

  24. 随着Internet的发展,组播技术得到了广泛的应用,其中组密钥管理是组播安全的核心问题。

    Multicast is broadly applied with the development of the Internet and group key management will become a critical issue in secure multicast .

  25. IP组播技术等。

    IP Multicast technology .

  26. 首先讲述B/S网络计算和IP组播技术的工作原理与联系;

    At first , narrate principles of B / S web computing and IP multicast and their relations .

  27. IP组播技术在VB中的实现

    Realization of IP Multicast Technology in VB

  28. IP组播技术是IPTV直播业务必须采用的关键技术之一。

    The IP-Multicast technology is one of important technologies in IPTV Living broadcast operation .

  29. IP组播技术以其高效的网络带宽利用率日益赢得人们的青睐。

    Because of the effective network bandwidth utilization , IP multicast has been the favor technology to implement many applications .

  30. IPv6环境中组播技术的研究与应用

    The Research and Implementation of the Multicasting on IPv6 Environment