
  • 网络organizational learning mechanism
  1. 互联网企业动态能力的培育实现机制由构建企业家精神、组织学习机制、社会关系网络、规章制度四个方面实现。

    The fulfillment of internet companies ' dynamic capability nurturing can be realized by building entrepreneurship , organizational learning mechanisms , social relation networks , regulations and rules .

  2. 因此,提出了战略学习这一命题,战略学习就是战略思维产生进而形成战略并加以实施与控制的组织学习机制。

    Hence , providing the proposition of Strategic Learning , Strategic Learning can be regarded as organizational learning mechanisms , in which strategic thinking not only creates and forms strategy , but also implements and controls the strategy .

  3. 而开发和利用管理资源的根本途径是不断完善组织学习机制。

    Organizational learning is the fundamental way to develop managerial resources .

  4. 学习型企业及其组织学习机制研究

    A Study on the Learning Enterprise and Its Mechanism of Organizational Learning

  5. 高新技术企业初创期组织学习机制研究

    Organizational learning mechanism of high-tech enterprise in start-up stage

  6. 企业动态能力形成的知识活动及其组织学习机制研究

    Research on Knowledge Activities and Organization Learning Mechanism of Enterprises Dynamic Capabilities Evolution

  7. 组织学习机制的历史探析

    A Historical Analysis on Organizational Learning Mechanism

  8. 企业战略领导能力构建探源&战略思维产生的组织学习机制

    Seeking the Origins of Enterprise Strategic Leadership & Organizational Learning Mechanism Originated from Strategic Thinking

  9. 战略思维产生的组织学习机制可以称为战略学习机制。

    Strategic Learning Mechanism can be interpreted as the organizational learning mechanisms originated from Strategic thinking .

  10. 同时,四个合作层次中的知识转移和组织学习机制为我们展示了各种能力演化的过程。

    The process of knowledge transfer and learning of organization show us the development of technological capability .

  11. 构建学习型学校的策略:创建学习的环境,建立健全的组织学习机制,以及建立共同的愿景和价值观。

    The tactics of constructing learning schools include the following aspects : creating learning atmosphere , establishing organization learning mechanism , and constructing common aims and values .

  12. 企业要想在剧烈变化的市场中生存发展,就必须及时适应环境变化,创新组织学习机制,从而提高企业的应变能力和持续竞争能力。

    In order to survive the dramatic changes in market , the enterprises have to timely adapt to the changes and innovate the organizations ' learning mechanism , so as to enhance their adaptability and sustained competitiveness .

  13. 在此基础上,探讨了影响组织学习机制设计的学习动力机制、学习代理机制、学习绩效与竞争优势的主要因素。

    Based on these , this paper discussed the main factors that affected the driving mechanism of learning , the agent mechanism of learning and the learning performance and the competition advantages during the designing of the organization learning .

  14. 学习型学校的校长通过建立学校的共同愿景、营造学习型文化、创造学习环境、建立有效的组织学习机制、促进组织成员共享决策和自身的不断学习等行为来实现领导;

    He leads the school by setting up the shared vision of the learning school , building a learning culture , creating a learning environment , establishing an efficient learning system for the organization , and encouraging the organization 's members to share decisions and keep on learning .

  15. 组织学习激励机制设计

    Design for the Incentive Mechanism of Organizational Learning

  16. 论四位一体的组织学习动力学机制

    On Four-in-one Dynamic Mechanism of Organizational Learning

  17. 组织学习的机制研究

    Organization Learning Mechanism Research

  18. 组织协同学习机制是组织学习力提升的有效机制,也是本研究的核心部分。

    The harmonious mechanism about organizational learning is very useful to improve learning capacity , and it 's core part of the paper .

  19. 我们将FCM的学习问题转化为一个优化问题,模拟生物学中的自组织和自学习机制,提出了基于遗传算法的FCM学习和基于免疫遗传算法的FCM学习。

    We transfer learning of FCM to optimization problem and imitate the self-organization and self-learning mechanism , the approach of FCM learning is presented based on genetic algorithm .

  20. 论组织创新的学习机制

    The Discussion of Organizational learning mechanism in Organizational Innovation

  21. 在具体推进策略的选择上,应该注意:组织的学习化、机制的市场化、手段的信息化、保障的法制化和运作的有序化。

    In regard to the choice of promotion strategies , we should pay attention to learning oriented organization , marketization of mechanism , informatization of means , legalization of assurance , and regularization of operation .

  22. 文章讨论了学习型组织产生的背景、组织的知识、组织学习的主要障碍和组织学习的机制,指出促进组织学习的管理规则以及学习型组织的主要特征。

    This article discusses the background of the tendency and organizational knowledge obstacles and mechanism of organization learning , reflects on management rules for the learning organization , and induces some characteristics of it .

  23. 通过分析企业的知识属性和知识创新过程,从这一角度对组织创新与知识创新之间的互动性进行探讨,进而指出组织创新的学习机制、底蕴,在此基础上提出组织创新的方法和策略。

    By assaying organizational knowledge attribution and knowledge innovation process , this paper studies the interaction between organizational innovation and knowledge innovation , and pointing out the learning mechanism and culture background of organizational innovation , then also putting forward means and tactics of organizational innovation .

  24. 本文从组织学习的理论发展出发,探讨了动态能力、组织惯例、知识资产与组织学习的相互作用机制和基于组织学习的组织知识演化的循环过程。

    We explored the interacting mechanism in dynamic Capabilities , organizational routines , knowledge asset and organizational learning and the evolvement of knowledge development .

  25. 基于竞争力对企业再造或组织转型的要求,以及组织学习对企业获取、利用和培育核心竞争力的战略作用,提出了组织学习改进的路径机制与策略选择,以求对我国企业发展提供有益的借鉴。

    This paper is based on making use of core competence capability for path mechanism and tactics selection of organizational learning improvement .