
  • 网络white box;DIY;Computer DIY
  1. 例如,组装电脑能让你更好地了解计算机科学。

    Assembling computers can help you understand computer science more .

  2. 我从七岁起就开始组装电脑。

    I 've been building computers since I was seven .

  3. 你能装我组装电脑吗?

    Can you help me set up the computer ?

  4. 我们的初衷只是为了给自己和朋友们组装电脑

    We started out to build a few dozen computers for us and our friends .

  5. 罗斯:那太好了。我希望有一天我也能像那样自己组装电脑。

    ROSE : That 's great . I hope I can make my own computer that way someday .

  6. 最初是国外电脑的分销商,1990年开始以自主品牌组装电脑。

    At first a distributor of foreign computers , it began to assemble PCs under its own brand in 1990 .

  7. 戴尔(成立于1984年)以组装电脑比别人高效和直接出售给消费者著称。

    Dell ( founded in 1984 ) made its name building PCs more efficiently than anyone else and selling them direct to consumers .

  8. 超越简单的“插件”组件和流水线式的组装电脑,这个程序实际上邀请用户进入工厂与厂商进行会话。

    Going beyond simple " plug-in " components and kit computers , the program actually invites users into the factory for engineer-led building sessions .

  9. 由于看好组装电脑增长的需求,日本富士通公司宣布,为那些想要自己动手组装电脑的消费者提供一个新的选择。

    Give a nod to the growing demands of the DIY community , Fujitsu has announced a new option for consumers looking to assemble their own computers .

  10. 18.女:你组装过电脑吗?

    W : Have you ever put a computer together before ?

  11. 问题18.你以前组装过电脑吗?

    Question 18 . Have you ever put a computer together before ?

  12. 我过去重新组装过电脑,这次自然有很多的替换方案。

    Because I had rebuilt computers in the past , many options existed for its replacement .

  13. 这座负责组装台式电脑和服务器的工厂与中国各地成千上万其他工厂很相似。

    The factory , which assembles desktop computers and servers , resembles thousands of others across China .

  14. 问题8.W:你之前组装过电脑吗?M:一次都没有。

    Question 8 . W : Have you ever put a computer together before ? M : No , never .

  15. 主营电脑配件、品牌电脑、电脑组装机、电脑软件!

    Main computer accessories , branded computers , computer assembly , computer software !

  16. 拆卸一台电脑比组装一台电脑容易。

    It 's easier to take a computer to pieces than to put it together .

  17. 一排排身穿蓝色工作服的工人将零部件安装到位,在他们身边一台台组装好的电脑走下流水线。

    Rows of workers clad in blue pop parts into place as computers make their way down the line .

  18. 组装自己的电脑是一回事,但是一些颇具创造力的工程师正在试图重新打造用户与硬件接触的方式。

    Building your own computer is one thing , but some creative engineers are trying to reimagine the way we interact with devices .

  19. 苹果公司已经开始在美国组装部分高端Mac电脑,但苹果每年生产2亿部手机,将手机生产转移至国内的举措关系重大且代价不菲。

    Apple already assembles some high-end Mac computers in the US , but shifting the 200m iPhones it makes a year to the country would be a much more significant and costly undertaking .

  20. 他一一买来部件,组装成自己的电脑。

    He bought the parts separately and assembled his own computer .

  21. 这是第一点,第二点是,组装一台个人电脑需要很多技术,但这些技术并不比,我们建房子的技术多。

    That 's the first piece , the second piece is that it turns out the number of skills to build the PC is smaller than the number of the skills we want to hold our houses .