
  • 网络combinatorial map
  1. 组合地图的对称普查

    Symmetric census of combinatorial maps

  2. 组合地图的同构

    Isomorphisms of combinatorial maps

  3. 简化并统一了多面形、拓扑曲面、图的曲面嵌入与组合地图等基本理论。

    This paper provides a simplification and unification of the theories on polyhedra , surfaces , embeddings and combinatorial maps .

  4. 讨论组合地图的同构、别,以及提供两个判别组合地图同构的有效算法。

    Discuss the isomorphisms of combinatorial maps and their recognition . Present two efficient algorithms for justifying the isomorphism of combinational maps .

  5. 考虑到现代城市具有很复杂的道路结构且道路周围地理环境的复杂性,提出了以DR为主的GPS/DR组合的地图匹配算法。

    Taking the complexity of road structure and surroundings of modern cities into account put forward the DR-centered GPS / DR map-matching algorithm .

  6. 基于拆分&组合的地图要素自动提取方法研究

    Research on Automatic Extraction of Map Element Based on Splitting and Combining

  7. 对于组合型地图知识的精加工特点,我们主要采取了简化式、分解式和转化式来传授,侧重于地理图形知识的重组合传授。

    For the finishing Features of the combined map knowledge , We take three teaching methods : reduced-form , decomposition-form and conversion type , Focusing on the realignment of map knowledge .

  8. 在论述网络地图语言语法基本概念的基础上,讨论了网络地图语言按视觉变量组合的地图语法和按图面要素组织的地图语法,从而能够有效地理解有组织的地图空间组合结构体系。

    Discussed the web map language grammar of the combination of visual variables and the organization of the map elements , in the discussion on the basic concepts of web map language grammar . It could understand the organized structure system of map space organization effectively . 4 .

  9. 基于多重变换组合的动态地图符号设计

    Design of Dynamic Map Symbol Based on Multi-transform Assembly

  10. 基于代价函数的组合导航系统地图匹配算法

    Cost Function Based Map Matching Algorithm for GPS / DR Integrated Navigation Systems

  11. 运用剪纸这样一种民族特色的艺术形式组合成中国地图,是有说服力的。

    Use the paper cut images of ethnic art symbols as a map of china , and it is persuasive .

  12. 本文通过VC程序访问SQLsever中设备管理数据库,利用数据库中的记录将单个的实体模型组合成设备场景地图。

    This paper use the VC + + programe to access SQL Sever database of equipments management , and utilize the record in the database to combine the individual entity model into a scene map of the equipment .