
  • 网络Innovation;reform and innovation
  1. 我们应该全力推动改革创新,发掘新的增长点和驱动力,打造强劲可持续的增长格局。

    We should push for reform and innovation , search for new areas of profit and growth , and forge a strong and sustainable structure .

  2. 海南省要敢于担当、主动作为,以钉钉子精神夯实自由贸易港建设基础。中央和国家有关部门要支持海南大胆改革创新,推动海南自由贸易港建设不断取得新成效。

    Local government of Hainan should act boldly and proactively to accomplish the goal of laying a solid foundation for the construction of the Hainan free trade port , while central authorities should support Hainan 's daring reforms and innovation , pushing for new achievements in the construction of the port .

  3. 两家公司加快发展,改革创新,不断扩张。

    The two companies forged ahead , innovating and expanding .

  4. 增强改革创新本领,保持锐意进取的精神风貌,善于结合实际创造性推动工作,善于运用互联网技术和信息化手段开展工作。

    We should be enterprising , work creatively in light of actual conditions , and adeptly apply information technology , including the internet , in our work .

  5. 14.生活从不眷顾因循守旧、满足现状者,而将更多机遇留给勇于和善于改革创新的人们。

    Life never favors those who always follow the beaten path and content themselves with the status quo . Instead , life saves opportunities for people who are willing and able to reform and innovate .

  6. 指出加入WTO对档案工作既是挑战也是机遇,只有不断改革创新、吐故纳新,逐步与国际规范接轨才是档案工作发展的必由之路。

    It is the only way for development of the archives work continuously reforming and innovating , exhaling the old and inhaling the new and progressively coming close to the international standard .

  7. 选择战略目标,确定改革创新点;

    Select strategic objective and define to reform and innovate points ;

  8. 立足改革创新开创农村卫生工作新局面

    Promoting innovation , opening a new era of rural health service

  9. 新世纪思想政治工作的改革创新

    Reform and Innovation of the Ideological-political Work in the New Century

  10. 古代论辩艺术对新闻评论改革创新的借鉴意义

    Value of Learning Art of Chinese Ancient Argument to News Comments

  11. 山西省职业教育的改革创新途径

    Channels of the Reform and Innovation of Shanxi 's Professional Education

  12. 因此,改革创新报业人才机制迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , reform and innovation newspaper talent mechanism imminent .

  13. 医院领导干部改革创新能力滞后的原因和对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures of Lagging Behind of Innovation Ability of Hospital Leaders

  14. 化学实验要在改革创新中绿色化

    The Chemical Experiment should be Greened in Reforming and Innovating

  15. 改革创新的四川省浅层天然气勘探开发总公司

    Sichuan Shallow Gas Explorative Company Reforming and Blazing New Trails

  16. 课程教学改革创新是教育改革的核心。

    The reform of teaching and learning is the core of education reform .

  17. 不断改革创新促进企业进步

    Continuous reform and creation to promote enterprise development

  18. 5.Innovations改革创新A:在工厂里有什么方法可以鼓励创新吗?

    A : Is there any way to encourage innovations on the shop floor ?

  19. 本文结合实际分析了中国媒介改革创新的层级走向与可行性。我国媒体边际调整已结束,主流媒体的品牌形象能否呼之欲出,则在于更进一步的改革

    The paper analyses the trend and feasibility for Chinese media 's reform and innovation

  20. 试析高校体育教师教学行为改革创新

    On Reform in Teaching Behaviour of Teachers of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities

  21. 选择改革创新、激发情趣的教学手段与方法;

    Choose a creative and stimulating teaching methodology ;

  22. 现代画家通过不断的改革创新,把浮世绘的美人画又发展到一个新的高峰。

    By continuing efforts , modern painters developed beauty painting to a higher level .

  23. 改革创新综合提高环境管理水平

    Environment Management Level : Reformation and Innovation

  24. 区域经济发展对高教办学体制改革创新性的影响

    The Effect of the District Economy for the Creativity of the High Education Management System

  25. 新闻媒体的改革创新与发展

    Reform and Innovation of the News Media

  26. 刍议高校档案工作改革创新

    Reform and Innovation of College Archives

  27. 改革创新的两部图书馆学教材&《图书馆学导论》和《图书馆学基础教程》之比较

    A Comparative study on An Introduction to Library Science and Basic Study Course of Library Science

  28. 这对当前国有企业人力资源管理的改革创新具有较强的指导和借鉴意义。

    This will provide special guidance and reference for the reform of HRM in state-owned enterprises nowadays .

  29. 培养他们锐意进取、敢为人先的改革创新精神。

    Training them forging ahead with determination , the spirit of reform and innovation to be the first .

  30. 司法工作的创新主要表现为人事关系方面的改革创新和法院自身的工作创新。

    The judicial innovations are mainly reflected on the innovative reform concerning human relation and job innovation of courts .