
  • 网络political ideology
  1. ALBA得到的教训是:更多的基于政治意识形态的而不是国家利益的区域俱乐部是不可能长久发展的。

    The lesson of ALBA is that regional clubs based on political ideology rather than national interest do not get very far .

  2. 哈姆雷特:政治意识形态阴影中追踪死亡理念的思想者

    Hamlet : Philosopher of Death in the Shadow of Political Ideology

  3. 社会主义作为一种政治意识形态仍然具有强韧的生命力。

    Socialism serves as a kind of politics ideological still have coriaceous vitality .

  4. 政治意识形态的文艺性展现&《解放日报·文艺》主编丁玲的编辑思想

    The Literary Show of the Political Ideology in Ding Ling 's Editorial Thought

  5. 把它看成特定历史语境下政治意识形态的表现;

    And regard it as the behavior of political ideology under specific historical linguistic context ;

  6. 首先,应一分为二地看待政治意识形态对左翼文学的影响;

    First , the influence exerted on the leftist literature by politics should be divided two .

  7. 它的构思、作明显贯穿着政治意识形态主观意图和价值重构的叙事策略。

    An expression of political ideological intention and value-establishing narration can be found in its creation .

  8. 它包括政治意识形态、政治法律制度和政治实践行为三个主要部分。

    It included politics ideology , political law system and political practice behavior those three main parts .

  9. 还有一种动态助推了英国政治意识形态分歧的加深。

    There was a further development , which helped to sharpen the ideological divide in British politics .

  10. 能够体现和操控政治意识形态是政治语篇中隐喻的一大特征。

    But the function of reflecting and manipulating ideology is the characteristic feature of metaphor in political discourses .

  11. 文章分析了我国社会主义政治意识形态对大众政治心理引导与统率乏力的原因。

    The article analyses the causes that Chinese cultural ideology fails to lead the public political psychology effectively .

  12. 吸取了马基雅维里《君主论》的政治意识形态和政治艺术相结合的思想。

    It absorbs the thought of combining political ideology and political art from on seigneur which written by Machiavelli .

  13. 它以对一种强大的政治意识形态的终结放行和唤醒了个人内心对于生活的吁求与吁请。

    It ended the release of a powerful political ideology and waked up personal inner heart calling for life .

  14. 冷战时期,欧洲界定受政治意识形态和政治经济制度左右;

    In Cold War period , the definition of Europe is influenced by political ideology and political economic system ;

  15. 革命历史小说政治意识形态化是通过宏大的历史叙述、理想的英雄人物和通俗的小说品质等角度,得以实现的。

    Ideological politicalization of the revolutionary historical novels was realized by grand historical narrative , lofty heroes and popular style .

  16. 政治意识形态化,指的是某种政治意识借助于政治的权威力量对文学的广泛渗透。

    " Ideological politicalization ", means that some kind of political ideology widely permeates literature by the political authoritative power .

  17. 本论文的基本理论框架是描写翻译理论,主要以图里的规范理论为指导,从一个更大的社会文化语境和特定的政治意识形态去关照晚清的小说翻译活动。

    Descriptive translation studies view translation activity in the late Qing Dynasty in the social culture context and certain political ideology .

  18. 最后,革命历史小说的政治意识形态化是作家政治热情引导下的自觉追求。

    Last , ideological politicalization of the revolutionary historical novels was the self-conscious pursuit of the authors with the political zest .

  19. 第三章对两个译本进行对比分析,从政治意识形态、社会文化与道德规范、宗教因素等方面阐述了意识形态对翻译的操纵。

    It states the manipulation of ideology from the aspects of political ideology , social culture and ethnics and religious factors .

  20. 谢晋电影是在新中国的政治意识形态起主导作用的历史条件下的产物。

    XIE Jin 's films resulted from the historical context of New China after 1949 when political ideology became the dominant function .

  21. 天启论是一种政治意识形态,但它所教导的政治主张,在基督教早期可能不同。

    Apocalyptic is a political ideology , but what kind of politics it teaches in the early times of Christianity can vary .

  22. 社会意识形态包括政治意识形态及文化意识形态操纵了译者在主题方面的选择及翻译策略的运用。

    Social ideologies , including political ideology and cultural ideology , manipulate the selection of theme and the application of translation strategies .

  23. 大众文化不可能在计划经济体制和政治意识形态文化的独语中以历史提前量的方式早产出来。

    Mass culture can 't take place prematurely in the monologue of the planned economy system and the political and ideological culture .

  24. 症候阅读激发出了文学文本内部的能量,强化了小说评点的政治意识形态批判功能。

    It is Jin Shengtan 's " Symptomatic Reading " which evokes the inner energy of literature and strengthens function of political ideology .

  25. 其次,革命历史小说政治意识形态化是时代政治的体现,文艺批评引导的结果。

    Second , ideological politicalization of the revolutionary historical novels was the demonstration of the epochal polity and the result of literary criticism .

  26. 它的发展本身与政治意识形态的烘托、与解放区革命文艺运行机制对其作品所产生的浓厚的阐释兴趣、以及农民的时代张扬性等因素有关。

    They 're the political ideology , the operating mechanism of revolution literature in the liberated area , and the glory of farmers Times etc.

  27. 当然,由于强大的政治意识形态的规范作用,画家不得不在严苛的制约之下进行绘画创作。

    Of course , as a result of a strong regulatory role of political ideology , the artist had to work under stringent constraints painting .

  28. 同时,美学与艺术一样具有意识形态性,它往往是政治意识形态的天然同盟。

    He also believes that aestheticism , like art , has its traits of ideology , and is often a natural ally of political ideology .

  29. 电影《刘三姐》在实现其政治意识形态宣传的同时,也体现了相当浓厚的民间文化、少数民族文化特色。

    The movie Liu Sanjie has not only expressed certain political ideology , but also showed an intense flavor of folk culture and minority culture .

  30. 改革开放前的价值理念系统通常是一元的政治意识形态,多以宣扬主流文化为主。

    Reform and opening up the value concept of system before one yuan is usually of political ideology , to publicize the mainstream culture primarily .