
  • Education for All;【医】propagate education
  1. 全面质量管理(TQM)普及教育在中国

    Popularization education of TQM in China

  2. 本着大众化普及教育的原则,利用ASP(ACTIVESERVERPAGES)和ADO(ActiveXDatabaseObject)技术,采用B/S模式,研究开发了一套计算机远程在线考试系统。

    Following the principle of serving the mass education , a computer-aided online remote examination system is developed using ASP ( Active Server Pages ) and ADO ( ActiveX Database Object ) technologies and B / S structure .

  3. 虽然国外也出版了众多的电子地图及GIS数据,但是英文的操作界面、缺乏适合我国的地理数据,难以对我国的中学地理教学以及GIS的普及教育起到有效的推动作用。

    Although , many other countries published lots of electronic maps and GIS data , the operator interface is in English and lack the fitful data to our country , it is difficult to improve the education of geo-teaching in junior high school and GIS application .

  4. 地理信息技术教育包括专业教育和普及教育。

    Geographical information technology education includes major education and universal education .

  5. 以为高尔夫运动进入青少年普及教育提供参考。

    Think golf teenagers education popularization into to provide the reference .

  6. 从精英教育向普及教育转变:意义与模式的探究

    Transform Elite Education to Universal Education : Exploring on Significance and Mode

  7. 从精英教育到大众教育和普及教育;

    Education has progressed from elitist education to mass and universal education ;

  8. 官立和资助小学提供免费普及教育。

    Schooling in government and aided primary schools is free and universal .

  9. 建立柳州市植物科学普及教育基地的建议

    Discussion on Establishment of Education Base of Botanical Sciences in Liuzhou City

  10. 提升会计信息质量增进资源配置效率&兼谈会计人员的诚信教育和会计知识的普及教育

    Improving the Quality of Accounting Information and Increasing the Efficiency of Resource Allocation

  11. 通信革命开创了普及教育的前景。

    The communications revolution holds the same promise of universal access to education .

  12. 他提倡平民音乐教育,积极开展大众音乐的普及教育工作。

    He also advocated an active music education and publicizing for common people .

  13. 九个人口最多的国家普及教育首脑会议;

    Summit meeting on education for all of the nine most populous countries ;

  14. 团结实现普及教育的声明

    Statement of Solidarity to Achieve Education for All

  15. 普通高中正从以“精英预备教育”为主转向以“大众普及教育”为主。

    The general high school education is changing from elite education to mass education .

  16. 并且一直热心于音乐普及教育事业。

    All along he has been enthusiastic for the career of musical popularization education .

  17. 支持普及教育行动指导方针

    Guidelines for Action in Support for Education for

  18. 中国地理信息技术普及教育现状与对策刍议

    Exploring on the Situation and countermeasures of the Universal Education of Geographical Information Technology in China

  19. 普及教育快速道动议资助国家取得的教育成果

    Overall Education Gains in FTI-supported Countries

  20. 第四章探讨了在教育机会均等价值理念下农村普及教育的取向调整。

    The fourth chapter explains the re-orientation of rural education stressing the equality of educational opportunity .

  21. 西部地区运用现代远程教育技术进行法律普及教育宣传涉及面广,时效性强,不受地域、空间和年龄的限制。

    The west of China conducts law universal education with the help of modern correspondence education .

  22. 阿拉伯国家普及教育方案

    Arab States Education for All

  23. 1993年,在计算机普及教育版的基础上创办《中国电脑教育报》。

    In1993 , China computer education was launched based on the column of computer education for all .

  24. 20世纪60年代,一些教育工作者和学者开始对农村普及教育进行历史性反思。

    In the 1960s some educators and specialists started to review and reassess the development of rural schools .

  25. 结论:加强院内急救和心血管病知识的普及教育可提高心血管病急症救治水平。

    Conclusion : Strengthening the rescue level and medical education may improved the treatment level of cardiovascular diseases .

  26. 孔子首创私塾,接受各个阶层的学生,实行普及教育。

    Confucius was the first to start a private school which accepted students from all classes of the country .

  27. 95%(399/420)的人认为很有必要开展热带病的健康普及教育。

    95 % ( 399 / 420 ) of the people demand for the health education on tropical diseases urgently .

  28. 马达加斯加是普及教育快速道动议接纳的国家之一。

    Madagascar is one of the countries endorsed by the Education for All Fast Track Initiative ( EFA FTI ) .

  29. 亚太经社会区域支持普及教育行动纲领高级官员会议;

    Meeting of senior officials on a programme of action in support of education for all in the ESCAP region ;

  30. 在基础教育中,统一的毕业成绩考试的产生有一个近代普及教育的时代背景。

    In modern times , during the basic education process , the national graduate test has a background of universal education .