
  • 网络General Education;pedagogy;General Pedagogy;general pedagogics
  1. 但事实上,长期以来,教育学只是普通教育学的简称,在这种意义上,高等教育学与(普通)教育学完全是并列的关系。

    As a matter of fact ," pedagogy " is only the abbreviation for " general pedagogy " . In this sense , higher pedagogy is totally parallel to general pedagogy .

  2. 教育学理论与实践体系的构建&《新编普通教育学与辅助教材》评析

    On the Construction of Pedagogical Theories and Practical Systems

  3. 首先,普通教育学理论,包括体验式学习理论及建构主义论,为依托式外语教学提供了有力支持。

    In the first instance , general educational theories , including experiential learning theory and constructivism , provide support to CBI .

  4. 高等教育学的上位学科&普通教育学的学科特点,决定了高等教育学必须承担起理论建设的任务,成为一门基础理论学科。

    Higher education must undertake the task of theory building to be a basic theoretical study , which is determined by the characteristics of general education study .

  5. 多学科研究方法对于以普通教育学作为基础建立起来的中国高等教育学科的建设有特殊意义。

    Multi - discipline research method has a special meaning to China s higher education discipline , which was set up on the basis of education discipline .

  6. 值得注意的是,在美国,一个普通心理学学位和教育学、传播学学位一样,能让学生找到社会工作、市场营销和人力资源方面的工作。

    Notably5 , in the US , a general psychology degree will open doors for students to find jobs in social work , marketing6 and human resources , similar to Education and Communications .

  7. 心润之策&论中国普通高等学校艺术教育学梁玖

    Strategies in soul cultivation & On art education in Higher Institutions in China

  8. 普通高校体育教育社会学功能的结构性分析与架构

    Structural Analysis of University Physical Educational Sociology Function

  9. 同时,也可以为中国普通高等学校音乐教育学历史研究提供一个实实在在的地方案例。

    At the same time , this paper can also provide a real regional case for the research of Chinese college music education history .