- 网络Roe;Return on equity;Rona

Accounting indicators , such as ROE , profit margin , earnings per share , and Tobin Q value as market indicator were selected to measure Financial performance .
And whether we adopt Tobin Q or ROE to measure the value of company , the results of the research were confirmed in private listed companies and the background of the government with negative correlation between the relationship , but are statistically unsignificant .
ST type of company , rate of return on equity was negatively related to the CSR disclosure significantly .
Then establish the model of multivariate and linear regression , bring the rate of return on net assets and Tobin ' Q to the regression analysis model as explanatory variables .
At the same time regulators depend largely on such financial index as ROE to assess operating performance of listed companies .
Even if bankers wanted to emerge from their characteristic year-end huddle to start gathering assets , what kind of return-on-equity hurdles would be appropriate ?
According to measurement with ROE , net assets , or EPS , etc , and comparing with the listed companies , the MBO in general failed to reach the expected purpose .
Therefore , the govern structure research choice stockholder 's rights structure , the internal control , the outside takes over control and organization investor these four aspects , company achievements resolve into two targets : Net assets returns ratio and Tobin Q value .
In order to obtain the qualification of issuing new shares to old stockholder , the listed companies will manipulate accounting earnings as possibly as they can to attain to the ruled ROE .
Therefore , this article selects the ROE indicator as a measure of enterprise value . According to the MM theory , we select premiums , corporate assets , long-term debt ratio , cash ratio and HH index as independent variables , and earnings virtual as a control variable .
By year after the two years before the IPO , the IPO on the main business revenue growth and return on net assets within a period of four descriptive statistics and test of significance , proved the existence of the GEM IPO effect .
So , compared with the rights multiple and the property liabilities rate , the relativity between the change of rate of earning , the sale profit , and the change of the CPI and the M_1 becomes less .
This paper empirically analyzes the public companies'behavior of illegal disclosure of accounting information in China , Using the ROE and the purpose of this paper is to standardize the accounting information disclosure of public companies in China .
In further study , we find that there is a prominent positive relevance between ROE and the stock price from VEC equation , while there is no such relationship between EPS and the stock price .
In the selecting of the financial target , this paper chooses the general five financial indexes as the object of study . That is : ROE , gross profit , ratio of liabilities to assets , the assets turnover , and the revenue growth rate .
Then 65 small profit in 2008 was selected as the research sample of listed companies and 65 normal profits of listed companies was selected as the control samples , make the empirical analysis based on total accruals and profits of the project specific of both .
In the empirical study , this article selects the adjusted Return on equity ( Ad-ROE ) as the proxy variable which weights company value .
With the operating return on assets ( CROA ) as performance indicators , supplemented by return on equity ( ROE ), Price to book ratio ( P / B ) and other indicators , this paper carried on the research by industry .
Return rate of net assets is fulfilled the issuing conditions .
Net assets yield rate is positively correlated with governance structure .
Select the ROE as a measure of bank governance performance indicators .
Return on equity-core rate to evaluate the financial management of public hospitals
Mobility Shift Assay the net capital gains rate ;
Analysis of Net Asset Yield Based on Weighted Average
What is the earning rate the net assets ?
The analysis to the net assets earning ratio of the tourist Listed companies
The capital structure has no relation to the return on net assets ;
For capital to be truly indexed , return on equity must rise .
An Interpretation of Return on Assets The Empirical Study of Public Companies ' ROE
Traditional measure of economic performance includes earnings per share and return on assets , etc.