
jìnɡ lì rùn
  • net profits;net return;net revenues
  1. 净利润暴跌了41%。

    Net profits slumped by 41 %

  2. 而其规模较小的竞争对手中国电信(chinatelecom)的净利润,则出现加速下滑。

    The slide in net profits accelerated at China Telecom , its smaller challenger .

  3. 如果Facebook要给出这样的回报率,需要实现怎样的净利润和营收?

    What earnings and revenues does Facebook need to produce those 10 % returns ?

  4. 在表征公司经营成果方面,EVA和净利润具有一致性。

    But the EVA and retained profits have consistency in evaluating operation performance .

  5. 美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)指出,中国非金融企业今年的净利润率可能下滑至4%,低于去年的5%。

    Net margins at Chinese non-financial companies could fall to 4 per cent this year , down from 5 per cent last year , Bank of America notes .

  6. EVA是经过营业净利润扣除资本投入的机会成本后的部分。

    Business Opportunities EVA is different between return on an organization 's capital and cost of the capital .

  7. 福特汽车(FordMotorCo.)和大众汽车(VolkswagenAG)的净利润分别为202亿美元和197亿美元。

    That compared with $ 20.2 billion in net income by Ford Motor Co. ( f ) and $ 19.7 billion by Volkwagen AG .

  8. Treasury财报显示,在截至去年12月31日的上半财年,Treasury净利润增加了31%,至5230万澳元。

    Treasury 's net profit increased 31 % to A $ 52.3 million in its fiscal first half ended Dec. 31 on a reported-currency basis .

  9. 不过LinkedIn目前市值相当于其营收的17倍,与其近期净利润相比,比例则高达700倍之多。

    But LinkedIn is trading at 17 times its revenue and about 700 times its recent earnings .

  10. EVA作为一种测量体系,与传统的会计净利润相比能反映一个特定时期内一项业务的税后利润,因为它扣除了重新投资的投资成本。

    It cau reflects after-tax profit of a business during a particular period because the capital cost for reinvest is deducted by using EVA .

  11. 涉及净利润BS时,不能使用基于金额的转换码A或O。

    You can not use conversion codes A or O based on amounts where net profit BS is involved .

  12. 据亚太航协(AssociationofAsiaPacificAirlines)统计,亚洲航空公司去年实现净利润48亿美元,较2010年跌47%。

    Asia 's carriers last year earned 47 % less in net profit than in 2010 , at US $ 4.8 billion , according to the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines .

  13. HTC的净利润达到4.7亿元新台币,高于一年前的3.1亿元新台币。

    HTC 's net profit was NT $ 470m , up from NT $ 310m a year before .

  14. EVA是经过调整后的税后经营净利润扣除全部资金成本后的余额。

    EVA ( Economic Value Added ) is the balance found by deducting the cost of capital from the net operating profit after tax ( NOPAT ) .

  15. 在由中国人寿(ChinaLife)和中国平安(PingAn)主导的中国寿险市场,泰康占有约8%的市场份额,总资产为280亿美元,去年的净利润约2.5亿美元。

    Taikang Life has a market share of about 8 per cent , in a sector dominated by China Life and Ping An . It has total assets of $ 28bn and net income last year reached approximately $ 250m .

  16. 全球领先的德国BASF公司去年也遭受大概50%净利润的下降。

    Global leader BASF of Germany suffered around a50 % drop in net profit last year .

  17. 2014年,Facebook的营收增长58%,达到125亿美元,主要来自移动端广告销售。Facebook2014年净利润将近30亿美元。

    Largely by selling ads that run on cell phones , Facebook 's 2014 revenue increased 58 % to $ 12.5 billion . The company earned almost $ 3 billion .

  18. 以EVA为基础的业绩评价体系和有效的激励机制将资本成本理论引入传统业绩计量中,通过会计调整修正了会计净利润潜在的偏差和扭曲,正确地反映企业价值创造过程。

    According to EVA theory , capital cost is introduced into the traditional performance evaluation . The accounting rules ' potential deviation and distortion has been revised by accounting adjustments .

  19. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)估计,虽然2012年手机业务将占中兴营收的三分之一,但这块业务的净利润却只会占到总净利润的8%。

    While these are set to make up a third of revenues in 2012 , they will contribute only 8 per cent to net income , JPMorgan estimates .

  20. 韩国汽车制造商现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)表示,净利润同比增长了46.5%,海外销售飙升了11.6%。

    Hyundai Motor , the South Korean carmaker , said net profit rose by 46.5 per cent compared with the same quarter a year earlier , with overseas sales soaring by 11.6 per cent .

  21. 亚马逊(Amazon)在周二收盘后公布了第二季度业绩,营收及利润均超出外界预期。尽管其净利润下滑,但受整体业绩提振,该股在盘后交易大幅上扬。

    Amazon beat both top and bottom line expectations as it posted second quarter earnings after the bell on Tuesday , sending its stock through the roof despite a drop in net income .

  22. 中海油(cnooc)和中石化(sinopec)本周分别报告去年净利润增长29%和2%,双双创下新纪录。

    CNOOC and Sinopec reported this week that net profits last year were up 29 per cent and 2 per cent respectively , both hitting record highs .

  23. HTC第二季度业绩势头强劲,超出了业界预期,净利润达6亿美元,营收40亿美元。

    HTC just had a strong second quarter where it exceeded industry expectations , with $ 600 million in profits on $ 4 billion in revenue .

  24. 德国运动用品制造商阿迪达斯(Adidas)将其全年净利润指引调低了近十分之一,目前预计在8.2亿至8.5亿欧元之间。

    Adidas , the German sportswear maker , has cut its full-year net income guidance by almost a tenth , to between 820m and 850m .

  25. 中国电脑企业联想(Lenovo)昨日宣布,全年净利润大幅飙升,这是表明该公司开始重振个人电脑业务的初步迹象。两年前,联想从IBM手中收购了该项业务。

    Lenovo yesterday said net profit rocketed for the full year , in the first sign that the Chinese computer group has begun to turn round the PC unit it acquired from IBM two years ago .

  26. 周二,苹果在提交至美国证交会(SEC)的10-Q监管文件中发出了上述警告。一天之前,苹果公告称今年一季度营收达580亿美元,净利润达136亿美元。

    The warning came in Apple 's regular 10-Q filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday , a day after it reported first-quarter revenues of $ 58bn and net income of $ 13.6bn .

  27. 为了证明在钢铁企业价值评估中,EVA估价模型与传统估价模型相比较更具优势,本文分别运用EVA与企业净利润、自由现金流等进行比较。

    In order to prove that compared with the traditional valuation models EVA has its own advantages in assessing iron and steel enterprises , this paper compares among EVA , business net profit and free cash flow .

  28. 上周晚些时候,这家韩国电子巨头宣布,由于盖世(Galaxy)系列智能手机的热卖,公司2012年第四季度净利润相比去年同期暴涨76%。

    Late last week the Korean hardware giant announced that its fourth-quarter profit rose a whopping 76 % from the year before , mainly due to strong sales of its popular Galaxy line of smartphones .

  29. 企业财务游说团体国际财务执行官组织(FinancialExecutivesInternational)和巴鲁学院(BaruchCollege)一项针对262名首席财务官进行的调查显示,未来12个月期间,美国企业的净利润有望增长11%。

    US companies were expected to show an 11 per cent increase in net earnings in the next 12 months , according to a poll of 262 chief financial officers , conducted by Financial Executives International , a corporate finance lobby group , and Baruch College .

  30. 亚洲最大的石油炼制商中国石化(Sinopec)公布上半年净利润飙升333%后,其香港股票周一应声上涨4.9%。

    Shares of China Petroleum Chemical Corporation in Hong Kong jumped as much as 4.9 per cent on Monday after Asia s biggest oil refiner reported a 333 per cent surge in first-half net profit .