
jìnɡ kuī sǔn
  • net loss;net deficiency
  1. 公司宣告净亏损150万元。

    The company has announced net losses of $ 1.5 million .

  2. 花旗集团净亏损在2008年,排除的百分比比较

    Citigroup posted a net loss in 2008 , obviating a percentage comparison .

  3. 中国华电旗下香港上市子公司华电国际电力股份有限公司(HuadianPowerInternationalCorp。)上个月表示,预计今年上半年会出现净亏损。

    The company 's arm listed in Hong Kong , Huadian Power International Corp. , said last month it expects to report a net loss for the first half of2008 .

  4. 信贷紧缩使百仕通遭遇了沉重打击,由于与其首次公开发行(IPO)相关的非现金支出,该公司(当季)出现了1.13亿美元的净亏损。

    Blackstone was hit hard by the credit squeeze , posting a net loss of $ 113m due to a non-cash charge related to its initial public offering .

  5. 由于Wii游戏机销售下滑,这家历史悠久的《马里奥》(Mario)系列游戏制造商出现了2.17亿美元的净亏损。

    The venerable Mario maker posted a net loss of $ 217 million due to slumping Wii sales .

  6. Salesforce第四季度营收18亿美元,净亏损2500万美元。

    Salesforce made a net loss of $ 25m on revenues of $ 1.8bn in the fourth quarter .

  7. 其间该公司还净亏损了8300万美元。万达表示,将投资5亿美元于AMC的院线扩张和技术提升,这应会确保AMC的战略地位。

    It also made net losses of $ 83m . Wanda says it will invest $ 500m on expansion and technology , which should secure its strategic position .

  8. 1月底,据《华尔街日报》报道,AOL时代华纳2002年净亏损987亿美元,创造了世界年度公司亏损的全球之最。

    AOL Time Warner became the number one loser company for 2002 in the world , with a net loss of a startling 98.7 billion dollars .

  9. 中兴今年有多款4G智能手机排队等待投放市场,这家中国企业试图扭转2012年集团整体净亏损28.4亿元人民币(合4.58亿美元)的局面。

    ZTE has a number of 4G smartphones lined up to launch this year as the Chinese group seeks to reverse a group net loss of Rmb2.84bn ( $ 458m ) in 2012 .

  10. 上一财季微软(Microsoft)录得32亿美元净亏损,为公司历史上业绩最糟糕的一个财季。该公司仍难以摆脱收购诺基亚(Nokia)手机业务这一败笔以及个人电脑(PC)市场下滑带来的影响。

    Microsoft tumbled to a $ 3.2bn net loss in the latest quarter , the worst in its history , as it struggled to put the failed acquisition of Nokia 's handset business and a slump in the PC market behind it .

  11. 身为铁矿石生产商的山东宏达矿业股份有限公司(ShandongHongda)也许砸下的资金略少一些,但3亿美元的价码已是其去年预测净亏损的6倍。

    Shandong Hongda , the iron ore miner , may be putting down less cash , but the $ 300m price tag is six times its forecast net loss for last year .

  12. 上月RIM公布的2012年第一财季净亏损(5.18亿美元)远远超出市场预期。该公司还宣布将新一代BlackBerry10操作系统及新设备推迟至明年第一季度推出。

    Just last month RIM announced a much larger than expected $ 518m net loss for its fiscal first quarter and delayed the launch of its next-generation BlackBerry 10 operating system and devices until the fist quarter of next year .

  13. 计入1500万美元收费收入后,高盛净亏损9000万美元,而IKB损失了约1.5亿美元的直接投资,并且因为这笔交易以及其它交易而陷入严重的财务困境。

    Goldman lost a net $ 90m after taking account of its $ 15m fee , while IKB lost about $ 150m on its direct investment , and got into severe financial difficulties as a result of this deal and others .

  14. 巴克莱首席执行官安东尼詹金斯(AntonyJenkins)表示,他等待投行业务复苏的耐心将是有限的&投行业务掩盖了其他部门的强劲业绩表现,导致去年集团整体出现净亏损。

    Antony Jenkins , chief executive of Barclays , said his patience would be limited in waiting for a recovery of its investment bank , which had overshadowed strong performances from other parts of the group and dragged it to an overall net loss last year .

  15. 在过去的三年中,马航连年净亏损。

    The company has made net losses for the past three years .

  16. 两家公司均报告净亏损,并大幅缩减国际航线。

    Both reported net losses and slashed domestic routes .

  17. 这家大型芯片生产商1986年以来从未出现过净亏损的情况。

    The big chip maker has not reported a net loss since 1986 .

  18. 论经营净亏损的税前弥补

    The Discussion on the Pre income tax Recovery for the Net Operating Losses

  19. 如果该行形成净亏损,它就必须收回贷款或出让投资。

    From its net gains the bank can increase its loans and investments .

  20. 那么,它本季净亏损4.28亿美元到底从何而来?

    So how did it post a net loss of $ 428 million this quarter ?

  21. 对于一家2010年净亏损1400万美元的公司,这是相当惊人的。

    Pretty amazing for a company that booked at $ 14 million net loss in 2010 .

  22. 该公司公告称,一季度归属于股东的净亏损为1.13亿美元。

    The company reported a net loss attributable to shareholders of $ 113m for the period .

  23. 所以,虽然可预期流失,可能远低于净亏损职务。

    So , while churn can be expected , net job loss is far less likely .

  24. 中兴通讯2012年净亏损人民币28.4亿元(约合4.69亿美元)。

    It reported a net loss of 2.84 billion yuan ( $ 469 million ) in 2012 .

  25. 指控8人使用网络攻击外国银行造成净亏损4500万美元的行为。

    charged 8 people for launching cyber attacks on foreign banks that could have netted $ 45 million .

  26. 华尔街分析师此前预计该公司净亏损802万美元,净营收8040万美元。

    Wall Street analysts were looking for a loss of $ 8.02m , on sales of $ 80.4m .

  27. 在截至3月的一年中,松下净亏损7720亿日元,为公司创建94年以来的最大亏损。

    Panasonic 's net loss of Y772bn for the year to March was the biggest in its 94-year history .

  28. 实际上,这家公司上个季度的净亏损从一年前的4100万美元增加到了4800万美元。

    The actual net loss rose to $ 48 million last quarter from $ 41 million a year earlier .

  29. 年度之每股亏损为6港仙,比较去年每股净亏损为5港仙。

    Loss per share were hK6 cents , compared with a net loss of HK5 cents per share last year .

  30. 李宁公司在去年12月就宣布,该集团2012年很可能出现创纪录的净亏损。

    Li Ning already broke the news last December that the group probably made a record net loss for 2012 .