
liú dònɡ zī jīn
  • working capital;fluid capital;circulating/operating/revolving fund
流动资金 [liú dòng zī jīn]
  • [circulating fund; active money; fluid working funds] 企业用以购买原材料、支付工资等的资金(跟固定资金相对)

  1. 可是,我们没有足够的流动资金。

    Well , we have not enough fluid capital .

  2. LendingClub将向从Alibaba.com上的中国供应商那里购买产品的美国企业提供流动资金融资。这家网站是阿里巴巴旗下的英文B2B网站。

    Lending Club will offer working capital financing to US businesses that buy from Chinese suppliers on Alibaba . com , an English language business-to-business website .

  3. 所有能够为公司节省开支、增加流动资金的办法都研究过了。

    Anything that could save the company money and perk up its cash flow was examined .

  4. 由于流动资金的缺少使业务活动受阻。

    His business was embarrassed for a time by lack of ready money .

  5. 公司提供以押品作担保的流动资金

    The corporation extends loans , secured against first mortgages .

  6. 日本央行在2001年出台“定量宽松”(quantitativeeasing)货币政策,向市场投放过量流动资金。

    Under quantitative easing , the policy introduced in 2001 , the BoJ floods the market with excess liquidity .

  7. 虽然MFGlobal声称在第三季度末依然拥有约37亿美元的可用流动资金,但后来这笔钱可能已经消耗殆尽。

    While the firm claims it had some $ 3.7 billion in available liquidity as of the end of the third quarter , that cash may have since dried up .

  8. 佳尔华退市是对伦敦中小板市场的一次打击。吸引外国公司已成为AIM增长的核心动力,但已有多家该市场的上市公司开始去其它地方寻找流动资金。

    The withdrawal is a blow to London 's junior market , which has made attracting foreign companies central to its growth , but which has seen several of its listings begin to look elsewhere for liquidity .

  9. 社会闲置资金对创业板公司IPO的巨大热情,挤占了实体经济对流动资金的需求,从而影响了社会资金配置效率。

    Social idle funds company IPO on the GEM great enthusiasm , crowding out the real economy the demand for liquidity , which affected social capital allocation efficiency .

  10. 但对于AOL这样的流动资金相对充裕、经营模式却过于陈腐的公司,回旋的余地稍微充分一点。

    Companies with a relatively reliable stream of cash but a stale business model , such as AOL , have a little bit more leeway .

  11. 泰德-蒙特罗斯(TadMontross)领导下的GeneralRe在2009年完成了突出的承保盈利业绩,并且为我们提供了罕有的大笔流动资金。

    Under the leadership of Tad Montross , General Re had an outstanding underwriting year in2009 , while also delivering us unusually large amounts of float per dollar of premium volume .

  12. 瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)亚太区首席执行官柯磊洛(paulcalello)表示,规模庞大的全球流动资金希望投资于中国和印度等快速增长的经济体,令亚太地区受益匪浅。

    Paul Calello , chief executive of Credit Suisse Asia Pacific , said that the region was benefiting from the huge levels of global liquidity seeking exposure to fast-growing economies such as China and India .

  13. 摩根士丹利也加入了越来越多银行的行列,组建暗流动资金(darkliquidity)池,即匿名撮合买卖定单的内部交易平台。这一举措似乎将对股票交易所构成直接挑战。

    Morgan Stanley is also joining the growing list of banks that are laying down what seems to be a direct challenge to stock exchanges , by forming pools of " dark liquidity ", which are internal trading platforms that anonymously match buy and sell orders .

  14. 美国监管机构正给华尔街银行施压,以确保它们拥有足够的流动资金来抵御金融冲击,这是监管机构为了避免造成贝尔斯登(BearStearns)破产的银行挤兑现象重演作出的部分努力。

    US regulators are putting pressure on Wall Street banks to ensure they have enough liquid funds to withstand a financial shock as part of efforts to avoid a repeat of the run on the bank that sank Bear Stearns .

  15. 盈透证券(InteractiveBrokers)高级市场分析师安德鲁威尔金森(AndrewWilkinson)表示,如果不是去年全年充裕的流动资金供给,中国经济或许就不能经受住美国金融市场失灵带来的外部冲击。

    Andrew Wilkinson , senior market analyst at Interactive Brokers , said that without its generous liquidity provision throughout 2009 , China 's economy might not have withstood the external shocks created when US financial markets seized up .

  16. 不合理的库存积压,不仅占用LCR公司的存储空间,浪费大量的人力控制成本,同时也占用了LCR公司大量的流动资金。

    Unreasonable inventory holding , not only occupy a large storage space , waste a lot of manpower control cost , but also take up the LCR company large amounts of liquidity .

  17. 福特汽车最近发表声明说,他们有足够的流动资金,不需政府贷款。但是通用汽车CEO表示,他们公司马上需要数十亿美元的贷款,会将精力全部集中于企业重组计划。

    Ford in a statement said its liquidity is adequate and didn 't need the government loan , but Rick Wagoner the CEO of the General Motors said his company would access billions of loan dollars immediately and will now focus on fully implementing its restructuring plan .

  18. 为了恢复市场信心,印度央行正在向金融系统注入流动资金。星期五,孟买股指SENSEX狂泄八百点,降到一万零527点。

    The Mumbai stock index , the Sensex , plunged by 800 points Friday , bringing it down to 10527 points .

  19. 据Hellstrom先生称,爱立信公司将使用增股方式来继续加强其财务状况,并确保在市场行情好转时公司有足够的流动资金。

    Mr Hellstrom said Ericsson would use the rights issue proceeds to strengthen its balance sheet and ensure adequate working capital for when market conditions improved .

  20. FHLB主要是向会员提供流动资金,从而增加住宅按揭贷款的信贷供给和社区投资,同时还为社区发展和住房建设提供各种服务。

    FHLB are intended to provide liquidity to members , thereby increasing the supply of residential mortgage loans and community investment , and also provides services to community development and housing construction .

  21. 建设工程流动资金利息的计算方法探讨

    Discussion on Computational Methods of Circulating Funds Interest in Construction Projects

  22. 非现金形式的流动资金,如应收款和库存。

    Working capital not in cash form , i.e.receivables and inventories .

  23. 更多更好的商品有更多的流动资金。

    The more volume the better as there is more liquidity .

  24. 神经网络在企业流动资金需求量预测中的应用

    The Application of Neural Network in Enterprise Flowing Funds Demand Prediction

  25. 企业甚至可以绕过东京证交所,来获取日本国内的流动资金。

    Companies can even bypass the TSE to access domestic liquidity .

  26. 建设项目评价中流动资金计算问题新探

    New discussion on calculation of working capital for construction projects

  27. 目前,我们的流动资金不足。

    At present , our working capital is in short .

  28. 公司因缺严重乏流动资金而被迫关闭。

    Serious lack of circulating fund forced the closure of the company .

  29. 企业流动资金的管理和使用模式

    Brief comment on the management and usage that business enterprise flowing funds

  30. 企业流动资金紧张的内部原因及其对策

    Internal Reasons and Measures of Operating Funds Shortage of Enterprises