
  • 网络flow information;traffic information
  1. 基于SNMP的网络拓扑和流量信息采集系统的实现

    Implementation of SNMP based system for acquisition of network topology and traffic information

  2. 此外,采用基于SNMP的被动测量方法进行流量信息的采集。

    Besides the passive measurement method based upon SNMP is used to collect traffic information .

  3. 简要介绍了简单网络管理协议以及在VC中如何用简单网络管理协议读取交换机中结点的流量信息。

    This paper briefly introduces SNMP and how to read the flow information of switch .

  4. VC中用SNMP实现读取交换机流量信息

    Reading Flow Information from Switch Under VC with SNMP

  5. 该文论述了基于WEB的网络监视系统的软件实现,包括使用SNMP协议从网络设备上采集网络流量信息,数据库设计,WEB流量显示。

    In this paper , the implement of WEBbased on network monitor system is discussed , which includes collecting traffic information from network device by SNMP protocol , database design , and traffic display by WEB .

  6. 本文选取40家ST公司和80家非ST公司作为财务困境与非财务困境样本,考察了现金流量信息在财务困境预测中的信息含量。

    Using 40 ST and 80 non-St firms as sample for financially distressed and non-depressed companies , this study tests the information content of cash flow information in the financial distress prediction .

  7. 利用历史洪水已知的实测流量信息,将实时修正引入雨量站网规划中,在闽江七里街流域对1988~2001年的45场洪水采用误差自回归(AR)模型在模拟过程中进行实时修正。

    Making use of the observed discharge information , real-time correcting method is brought in rainfall network programming . AR model is used to revise the simulated processes of forty five flood events .

  8. 历史流量信息收集器(HTIC)是一个能够获取系统历史流量数据的接口。

    HTIC is an interface can get the historical data of traffic .

  9. 其主要分析的数据来源包括主干网的Netflow流量信息,和受控局域网中入侵检测系统的报警记录。

    Its main data source included the Netflow records from backbone , and the alerts created by Intrusion Detection System ( IDS ) in the local area network .

  10. 论文建立了一套以经济增加值(EVA)为核心,以会计收益为基础,以现金流量信息为补充的新财务指标体系,希望对丰富和完善现有财务指标体系能够有所裨益。

    This paper has established a set of the new system of financial indicators with cash flow of information which added EVA as the core and be based on accounting earnings to enrich and improve the existing system of financial indicators .

  11. 基于扩展后的DKW模型,结合中国的经济环境,可以设计出检验历史现金流的增量预测价值模型,用以验证中国资本市场披露现金流量信息具有决策有用性这一主题。

    Based on developed DKW model and Chinese economic environment , this paper makes incremental-predicting models to verify that revealing cash-flow information in China capital markets is useful for decision-making .

  12. 从最终结果来看,子系统的实现完全达到了IPNM平台对流量信息获取的功能和性能要求。

    As seen from the results , final implement of the subsystem has totally reached the function and performance requirements of IPNM platform to obtain network flow information .

  13. 从高速互联网流中逐级过滤出需要抽取的流量信息。第二,设计对应的BF2算法,从减少置位次数方面着手,减少误正情况的发生。

    It filters the traffic information needed to be sampled from the high speed Internet flows step by step . Secondly , a corresponding BF2 algorithm is designed to lower the false positive situations by reducing setting frequency .

  14. 云客户端上传自身可疑的流量信息到云服务器端。

    Cloud clients upload their own suspicious traffic to the cloud server .

  15. 天然气流量信息融合及聚类控制系统

    Information Fusion and Cluster Control System for Natural Gas Flow

  16. 浅析现金流量信息失真原因

    Analysis of the Causes of the Distortion of the Cash Flow Information

  17. 现金净流量信息与净利润信息是互相补充、相辅相成的。

    Information of net cash flow and net profit supplement each other .

  18. 中国资本市场披露现金流量信息的有用性

    Usefulness of revealing cash-flow information in China capital markets

  19. 基于现金流量信息的企业财务评价指标体系研究

    The Study on Financial Index System of Performance Evaluation Based on Cash Flow Information

  20. 现金流量信息的对外报告方式论析

    A choice between modes for reports on cash flow information to the outer world

  21. 通过现金流量信息人们可以获取公司更多的经营信息和财务状况。

    Through cash flow information , people may get more management information and financial situation .

  22. 基于低定量取样的模型可利用更多枯水流量信息,具有更强的物理相关性。

    The Po-Ex model incorporates more information of low flow and has more physical relevant .

  23. 同时产品将支持把即时通信的流量信息作日志以便在诉讼和犯罪案例中作为证据。

    The products also can log IM traffic for evidence in lawsuits or criminal cases .

  24. 浅析现金流量信息与会计收益信息

    Cash Flow Information and Accounting Income Information

  25. 现金流量信息含量与财务困境预测

    Cash Flow Info Content vs Financial Ailment

  26. 会计盈余与现金流量信息含量的研究,具有非常重要的意义。

    The research on the information content of accounting earnings and cash flows is very important .

  27. 现金流量信息在财务分析中的作用

    Cash Flow Information in Financial Analysis

  28. 试论现金流量信息分析的具体运用

    Application of Cash Flow Information Analysis

  29. 高速公路交通流量信息系统

    Freeway traffic volume information system

  30. 现金流量信息有用性实证研究在资本市场中,现金为王。

    Empirical Study on Usefulness of Cash Flows Information Abstract In capital market , cash is king .