
  • 网络operating assets;operational assets;business assets
  1. 首先它是经营性资产。

    First , it is the operating assets .

  2. 盘活了重庆市城市基础设施的存量资产,充分利用城市经营性资产进行融资,开辟了经营城市新途径。

    Enliven the Chongqing municipal infrastructure assets in stock , make full use of cities operating assets to raise funds , and opening up a new way to city management .

  3. 国家要求广播电视实行制播分离,让国内民营资本进入传播文化业,在此背景下,XX市电视台将其经营性资产剥离与该市一家民营企业成立新视野传媒产业公司。

    The government urges broadcasting industry take the root of segregation of production and communication to attract private capital entering into media industry . The new vision is born on this background and it is a combination of operational asset of XX TV station and private capital .

  4. 论非经营性资产转经营性资产的管理

    Discussion about the management on non-operated assets transferring to operated assets

  5. 谈科研单位经营性资产管理

    A Study on Managerial Assets Administration of Science Research Departments

  6. 公共部门非经营性资产绩效评价研究

    Research on the Performance Evaluation of Non-operation Asset in the Public Sector

  7. 高校经营性资产授权经营的探讨

    A Probe into the Authorized Management of Operational Capitals of Higher Institutions

  8. 水利企业国有经营性资产监督管理探讨

    Supervision of state-owned productive assets of water resources enterprises

  9. 经营性资产运作不规范;

    Irregular operation of business assets ;

  10. 学校设立经营性资产管理委员会直接对高校资产公司行使股东权并实施监管。

    Schools set up assets management committee which exercise the shareholder rights and implement supervision to the asset company .

  11. ISO900质量管理体系在高校经营性资产运行风险控制上的应用

    Research on Application of ISO9000 Quality Management System under the Operating Risk Control of Profit-making Assets in College and University

  12. 高校经营性资产管理体制改革的首要任务就是将经营性资产从学校剥离,把经营性资产单独组建高校资产公司。

    The primary task of the reform is business assets which will be stripped from the school and to form the university asset company .

  13. 第四,本文将国有大中型企业剥离和处置非经营性资产结合在一起研究,这是一种新的尝试。

    In fourth , the state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises peeling and disposal of asset of blame management sex together research , which is a new try .

  14. 公共部门资产绩效评价不同于企业经营性资产绩效评价,也不同于公共支出绩效评价和公共部门业绩评价。

    The asset performance evaluation in public institution may be differentiated from the public expenditure performance evaluation , enterprise capital performance evaluation and performance evaluation in public institution .

  15. 文章结合改制工作中存在的问题,分析并提出了非经营性资产的剥离、资产评估和负债结构存在的问题及调整措施。

    According to the practice , the paper analyses the problems on separating non-operational assets , assets evaluation and debt structure , and adjustment method is also proposed .

  16. 随着气象部门兴办产业的不断发展,好多单位存在有用非经营性资产对外投资转化为经营性资产的情况,对此类资产进行核算就需用对外投资这一科目。

    Many institutions have the cases in which no economy capital invested to outside has been changed into economy property with consecutively development of industries meteorological departments set up .

  17. 后勤服务企业的资产性质与社会上的企业经营性资产具有不同的性质,在强化其国有资产管理的过程中,应充分注意到这一点。

    Logistic enterprises assets have a different nature from the for-profit enterprise assets , to which should be paid adequate attention in the course of consolidating their state-owned asset management .

  18. 要保证债转股顺利实施,先注册新公司、剥离非经营性资产是切实可行的选择。

    In order to guarantee the smooth practice of changing the debt into the stock , it is a practicable selection to register a new company before striping non - operational assets .

  19. 剥离非经营性资产是国有企业建立现代企业制度和实施债转股过程中的一大难点。

    Stripping non - operational assets is a big difficulty for state - own enterprise to establish the modern enterprise system and practice the work of changing the debt into the stock .

  20. 要坚持精简、效能的原则,合理定编定岗,妥善安置分流富余人员,正确处置水利站的经营性资产,以保障和促进农村水利的持续稳定发展。

    The principles of effectiveness and efficiency should be adhered to define vacancies , appropriately arrange surplus staff , rightly dispose operational assets , so as to guarantee and promote sustainable and steady rural water development .

  21. 针对当前高校国有资产管理中普遍存在的非经营性资产缺乏产权约束,使用效率低下等问题,对其产生的原因进行了客观的分析,并提出了包括探索非经营性资产有偿使用的可行性方式;

    This article attempts to analyze the reasons leading to the lack of the restriction of property right of none business asset and low efficiency in using occurred during current colleges and universities management of state assets .

  22. 从合理性、保证稳定、国家补贴、逐步移交、区别对待和吸收合并六个方面分析了国有大中型企业剥离非经营性资产的原则。

    From rationality , guarantee the stability , state subsidies , to gradually transfer , difference between the treated and the absorption of six respects analysised state-owned large and medium-sized enterprise come off asset of blame management sex principle .

  23. 管道物业非经营性资产不剥离,物业单位的行业分工不突出,投资者无法辨认企业的行业特点,也就无法决定自身投资的取向。

    Without peeling off the non operation asset , sticking out the profession division of labor of enterprise , the investor can not identify the profession characteristic of enterprise and also can not decide the orientations of self investment .

  24. 重新获得内容控制权后,我们发现这家公司经营性资产的净回报率从13%升至26%,从而使拉尔夫o劳伦成为这个零售细分市场中回报率最高的零售商之一。

    While the retailer regained control of its content , we saw return on net operating assets go from 13 % to 26 % & making Ralph Lauren one of the highest return retailers in its segment of retail .

  25. 因此,对国有大中型企业非经营性资产怎样剥离,剥离后的非经营性资产又如何处置是企业深化改革改制中急待研究的重要课题。

    Therefore , right state-owned large and medium-sized enterprise asset of blame management sex how strip , after stripping the non-operating assets and how to deal with is the enterprise deepens reform and restructuring in the pressing research important topic .

  26. 特别是企业办社会,积累了大量的非经营性资产,导致企业资产质量下降,负担重,竞争力不强。

    Especially ' the enterprise established the society ', it has accumulated a large number of non-operating assets , it has led to the decline in the quality of enterprise assets , heavy burden and competition ability is not strong .

  27. 从而得出高校国有资产管理是一个复杂的系统工程,既有行政事业单位的非经营性资产管理的特点,也有经营性资产管理的个别特性。

    It was pointed out that the management of state-owned assets in university is a complex and systematic project with the features of business asset management as well as the features of non-business asset management in administration and institution unit .

  28. 二是要建立和完善集体资产运营体系,建立有效的激励和约束机制,健全农村集体经营性资产评估制度,乡镇企业的财务监督体系和严格的民事责任追究制度。

    Two is necessary to establish and perfect the collective assets operation system , establish effective incentive and restraint mechanisms , and improve the system of rural collective operational assets assessment , township enterprise system and strict civil liability system of financial supervision .

  29. 研究了剥离后非经营性资产及职工养老保险金问题的解决对策,且对资产剥离中涉及到的政策支持及法律法规的建设与完善问题进行了简单的思考。

    Non-profit making assets and settlement countermeasure of worker 's endowment insurance money problem after studying and stripping , and has carried on simple thinking to the construction related to policy support and laws and regulations that get and perfection question while peeling off assets .

  30. 由于历史的原因,在我国资本市场早期,集团公司大多是采用从其经营性资产中剥离出一部分盈利性高、发展前景好的资产进行上市。

    As a result of the historical reason , in our country capital market early time , the group company all uses from its managerial property strips the profit making high , the prospects for development good property carries on going on the market together .