
  • 网络In preparation;Preparing;Preparation;afoot;Getting Ready
  1. 这包括在系统发布的准备中测试产品,并且基于用户的反馈对系统进行小的调整。

    This includes testing the product in preparation for release and making minor adjustments based on user feedback .

  2. 在为了禽流感瘟疫大爆发进行的准备中,各国还没有发现有效的疫苗。现在它们在互相比赛着来囤积奥司他韦(oseltamivir),这是瑞士罗氏公司的专利药,商品名达菲(Tamiflu)。

    In preparation for a bird flu pandemic and in the absence of a vaccine , countries are racing to stockpile the flu drug oseltamivir , which Roche produces under the trade name Tamiflu .

  3. CAD技术在工艺准备中的应用

    Application of CAD Technique in Technical Preparation

  4. PDM技术在车间生产准备中的应用

    The Application of the PDM Technique in Production Preparation of the Workshop

  5. 本文包括IBMLotusConnections部署准备中所使用的一些最常用步骤。

    This article covers some of the most common steps to prepare for an IBM Lotus Connections deployment .

  6. 以生产准备中磨叶片工具的计算为例,使用三维CAD系统的自由曲面建模技术,精确计算出叶片工具设计中所需叶片通道数据。

    In computation on blade grounding tool design in technical preparation , accurate blade passage data necessary for tool design has been obtained using free camber modeling technique of 3D CAD .

  7. 通过与传统计算方法的对比,可以看出:在工艺准备中使用三维CAD技术,不但能准确快速的解决生产准备过程中的复杂计算,而且能有效减少工具设计的错误,缩短工艺准备周期。

    A comparison with traditional computation method shows that the application of 3D CAD in technical preparation is helpful in solving complex computation , eliminating errors in tool design and reducing technical preparation cycle .

  8. 另外还有一些未加入到6月份的CTP中但已经在准备中的新功能点。

    There are also a few features that did not make it to the June CTP but are work-in-progress .

  9. 口服磷酸钠与聚乙二醇电解质液在结肠镜检查前肠道准备中应用的Cochrane系统评价

    Oral Sodium Phosphate Versus Polyethylene Glycol-electrolyte Lavage Solution for Colonoscopy Preparation : a Cochrane Systematic Review

  10. AlienDalvik将在今年晚些时候商业性发布。最开始会运行在MeeGo上,其他平台在准备中。

    Alien Dalvik will be released commercially later this year , and will initially run on MeeGo , with other platforms in the pipeline .

  11. Hersh的文章表明,这种行动正在准备中。

    The Hersh article shows that such operations are being prepared .

  12. 在适应未来联合作战需要的基础上,分析了装备保障GIS在做好军事准备中的意义和影响,介绍了构建装备保障GIS的途径和方法,包括系统需求分析、总体结构设计及功能模块实现等。

    This Paper analyses the significance and effect of the equipment ensuring geographical information system in the future combined operation , introduces the way to establish the system , including system requirement analyzing , the design of the overall frame and the realization of some function modules .

  13. 萨耶撒达(AbdulGhafaSayedzada),喀布尔罪案调查部负责人确认了攻击,但否认了其他警察的报告,后者称发现有更多准备中的火箭弹袭击。

    Sayed Abdul Ghafa Sayedzada , the head of Kabul 's criminal investigations department , confirmed the attack but denied reports from other police that more rockets prepared for launch were found .

  14. 期待着那个问题还有其它的问题是准备中的关键。

    Anticipating that question and others is vital to your preparation .

  15. 模块化思想在工装快速准备中的研究应用

    Study on modular idea in tools rapid preparation and its application

  16. 臭氧水在妇科阴式手术术前阴道准备中的应用

    Application of ozone water in vagina preparation before gynecological transvaginal operation

  17. 两位候选人连续三天都将处在紧张的准备中。

    Both candidates were readying themselves for three days of intensive preparation .

  18. 灌肠在胸外科术前准备中的应用

    The significance of enema in preoperative preparation of thoracic surgery

  19. 结肠水疗在结肠镜检查患者肠道准备中的应用

    Application of Colonic Hydrotherapy in Patient 's Bowel Preparation for a Coloscopy

  20. 喷嘴喷雾系统在炼铁和原料准备中的应用

    The Applications of Spraying System Technology in Iron Making and Material Treatment

  21. 改良清洁灌肠法在直肠癌患者术前肠道准备中的应用效果分析

    Application of improved cleansing enema in bowel preparation of rectal cancer patients

  22. 在军事斗争准备中军队要树立科学的积累观

    Acquiring a sense of scientific accumulation in preparing for the military struggle

  23. 个体化表面麻醉程度测评在胃镜检查术前准备中的应用

    Using the individual superficial anaesthesia evaluation during the course of gastroscopy preparation

  24. 我们都在准备中并一天比一天兴奋。

    All of us are getting ready and increasingly excited by the day .

  25. 通腑法在结直肠手术前肠道准备中的应用

    Research on Tong Fu Decoction Used in the Bowel Preparation before Colorectal Surgery

  26. 电子航图在通用航空飞行准备中的应用

    Application of Electronic Chart in General Aviation Flight Preparation

  27. 阴道碘氧疗法在妇科术前准备中的应用

    The application of vagina iodide-fluorine treatment for the preoperation preparation in department of gynecology

  28. 道歉也许正在准备中。

    The apology may be in the making .

  29. 肠内营养联合益生菌在结直肠癌术前肠道准备中的效果研究

    Effectiveness study of enteral nutrition combined with probiotics for colorectal cancer patients'pre-operative bowel preparation

  30. 广告宣传攻势仍在准备中。

    The advertising campaign is still in preparation .