
zhǔn bèi jīn
  • reserves;reserve ; reserve;provision
  1. 果真如此的话,那么CapitalOne等公司的收益预计将大幅上升,因为较低的违约率可以减轻信用卡贷款发放公司在提取贷款损失准备金方面的压力。

    If so , firms like Capital One could look forward to sharply higher earnings as lower defaults would allow lenders to ease off on the expense of building their loan-loss reserves .

  2. 后来的《巴塞尔协议ii》(baselii)对这一点进行了修改,理论上授予银行一定的自由裁量权来增加针对主权风险的准备金。

    This was subsequently modified in Basel II , to give banks some theoretical discretion to raise reserves against sovereign risk .

  3. 关于资金的提供者,尤为重要的是谁应为他们的准备金负责,协议中细节不足。

    There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or , importantly , who is responsible for their provision .

  4. 准备金制度的传导机制的作用是很低的。

    The effect of the transiting mechanic required reserve system vehicle is low .

  5. 10月23日,央行再次宣布下调存贷款基准利率和存款准备金率,旨在提振经济增速。

    The People 's Bank of China announced on Friday it was cutting both interest rates and the reserve requirement ratio again to boost the economy .

  6. 同时,论文还实证演示了VaR模型的应用分析方法,为农行信贷风险的测量和呆帐准备金制度的改革提供了参考。

    Thirdly , it empirically demonstrates the VaR Method , which provides reference for quantifying the credit risks and reform of bed debt reserves system .

  7. 法定准备金率就像,英格兰银行做的那样,或是Suffolk银行之前做的一样。

    Reserve requirements are like what the Bank of England did or the Suffolk Bank did long ago .

  8. 提高准备金率的另一个吸引之处在于,政府可以借之减轻(在某些情况下消除)新的《巴塞尔协议III》(BaselIII)规定的流动性和资本比率的影响。

    Another attractive feature of higher reserve ratios is that they allow the government to modify , and in some cases eliminate , the liquidity and capital ratios dictated by new Basel III banking regulations .

  9. 随着银行缩减了存于欧洲央行(ecb)、高出存款准备金要求的资金额即过剩流动性,欧元银行间隔夜贷款利率已“恢复常态”。

    Euro overnight bank lending rates have " normalised " , while banks have scaled back the amount of money held at the European Central Bank above reserve requirements known as excess liquidity .

  10. 摩根大通(jpmorganchase)昨日报告称,由于增加了消费者相关业务的贷款损失准备金,其第四季度业绩受到影响,这种情况进一步证明美国经济状况正不断恶化。

    Further evidence of the deteriorating state of the US economy emerged yesterday as JPMorgan Chase reported that fourth-quarter earnings had been hit by higher provisions for loan losses in consumer-related businesses .

  11. 当保险人表现为常数绝对风险规避(CARA)时,初始准备金对保险人并无影响;

    When the insurer is constant absolute risk aversion ( CARA ), the initial reserve has no effect on insurer 's behavior .

  12. 传统货币政策已尽其所能:短期利率接近于零,商业银行坐拥1万亿美元超额准备金,货币供应增长速度超过名义国内生产总值(GDP)。

    Traditional monetary policy has already done what it can : short-term interest rates are close to zero , commercial banks hold a trillion dollars of excess reserves , and the money supply is growing more rapidly than nominal gross domestic product .

  13. 本周,中国央行(PBoC)下调商业银行存款准备金率,将会释放一定的流动性,导致市场利率可能发生了变化。

    The People 's Bank of China may have renewed interest in the market this week by cutting the amount of reserves banks must hold , which should free up liquidity .

  14. 美联储主席本伯南克(benbernanke)近期宣布了退出宽松政策的步骤,包括在3月底停止购买mbs、采取各项措施从银行体系抽走准备金。

    Ben Bernanke , the Fed chairman , has recently announced steps to disengage from expansionary policy , including the termination of MBS purchases at the end of March and measures to drain reserves from the banking system .

  15. 据德国商业银行(Commerzbank)表示,中国自2004年以来由于干预外汇而产生的流动性,一直密切追随通过发行票据和上调存款准备金率而被吸收的流动性。

    As Commerzbank notes , liquidity created through foreign exchange intervention since 2004 has tracked closely the liquidity absorbed via bill issuance and RRR rises .

  16. 鲁宾在亚洲金融危机时期执掌财政部,而保尔森是当时说服美国证交会(SEC)不要对其公司施行审慎准备金要求的五大投行CEO之一。

    Mr Rubin was in charge of the Treasury during the Asian financial crisis , whereas Mr Paulson was among the five major investment banking chief executives who persuaded the Securities and Exchange Commission not to extend prudential reserve requirements to their companies .

  17. 传统的未决赔款准备金评估方法一般只关注准备金的估计值,无法得到准备金评估的精度。所以,在DFA负债模块中需要引入随机准备金评估方法。

    Because traditional reserving methods can not provide the precise of reserving , stochastic reserving methods are used in DFA to provide the estimate of reserve variability , not only in the reserve estimates themselves .

  18. 研究机构WrightsonICAP的卢·克兰德尔认为,这些准备金一半以上都已落入外来银行驻美国分支机构的口袋。

    Lou Crandall of Wrightson ICAP , a research firm , reckons that half of those reserves have ended up with the American subsidiaries of foreign-owned banks .

  19. 事实上,中国央行(PBoC)上周将银行存款准备金率下调了100个基点,这是2008年以来最大幅度的单次下调。然而,经济增长放缓已成定局,今年内不太可能出现真正转机。

    Indeed last week the central bank cut the banking reserve requirement by 100 basis points , the largest single reduction since 2008 . But the slowdown in growth is ingrained , and no material change in this trajectory is likely in the rest of the year .

  20. 尽管过度繁荣的迹象近在咫尺,但中国央行迄今仍将收紧努力局限于存款准备金率(RRR),即银行必须押在央行的存款比例。

    In spite of evidence of over-exuberance right on its doorstep , the People 's Bank of China is still limiting tightening efforts to the reserve requirement ratio or the proportion of lenders ' deposits to be kept at the central bank .

  21. 美国保险官协会(NAIC)于1997年修订、并于1998年开始实施的关于长期责任准备金的提取方法,对我国非寿险公司以及保险监管部门有借鉴意义。

    This paper is focused on introducing the rules as to the calculation of long term unearned premium reserve required by NAIC released in 1997 and effective in 1998.It is anticipated that it could be a reference to nonlife companies and insurance regulatory offices in China .

  22. 理论责任准备金的计算。

    The calculation of the life insurance reserves for future claims .

  23. 长期健康保险保单准备金计算方法研究

    Research on Policy Reserve Calculating Methods for Long Term Health Insurance

  24. 接下来,中国可能也需要下调银行的存款准备金率。

    Reductions in banks ' reserve requirements may need to follow .

  25. 国际贷款损失准备金制度的最新发展及其对我国的启示

    Latest Development of International Loan Loss Provision and its Implication for China

  26. 随机利率下全连续式增额寿险模型的责任准备金

    Reserve of continuous increasing life insurance under random interest rate

  27. 外资银行贷款损失准备金监管比较研究与启示

    Supervision on Provisions in Foreign Bank : Comparison and Suggestion

  28. 零准备金制度下商业银行储备管理行为

    Behavior of Bank Reserve Management Under Zero Reserve Requirement System

  29. 这项准备金只覆盖房利美和房地美的回购指控。

    The reserve only covers Fannie and Freddie repurchase claims .

  30. 扶优限劣影响不大&差别存款准备金率再次上调对银行业的影响

    Effects of Hike of Differentiated Deposit Reserve Ratio on Banks