
  • 网络litter;Litter fall;Litterfall
  1. 针叶凋落物有机C含量高于阔叶凋落物。

    Coniferous litter organic carbon content is higher than broad-leaved litter .

  2. 降雨、温度、凋落物、植物根系以及微生物的活动等因素可能是鼎湖山混交林土壤pH值季节动态变化的主要因素。

    The reason for these phenomena was probably the co-operation of the precipitation , temperature , litter fall and soil microbes .

  3. 叶片凋落物P含量在淋溶阶段降低,后升高。

    Carbon content in leaf litter decreased following mass loss .

  4. 木麻黄凋落物各组成C的年归还量表现为叶果枝。

    Casuarina litter the annual return of the amount of performance leaves fruit branch .

  5. 施P肥同时还明显增加了林下植被和林下凋落物P的积累量,但不能明显增加N和K的养分积累量。

    P fertilization increased P accumulation in understorey and litter , but N and K.

  6. 6种凋落物中Mg含量均下降。

    In the six litters , the contents of Mg all dropped .

  7. 混合凋落物的物种丰富度对N、P动态没有影响,而物种组成影响显著。

    Species richness had no effect on N P dynamics , but species composition affected it significantly .

  8. 水曲柳人工林凋落物分解及其N、P、K养分归还

    Litter Decomposition and Nutrients ( N , P , K ) Return in Manchurian Ash Plantation Forest

  9. 刚果12号W5桉枝、叶凋落物产生的相关因素研究

    Study of the Related Factors of Litter from Eucalyptus ABL 12

  10. 红松阔叶混交林凋落物-土壤动物-土壤系统中N、P、K的动态特征

    Dynamic characteristics of N , P , K in the litter-soil fauna-soil system of mixed Pinus koraiensis and broad-leaved forest

  11. 各样地的凋落物层与土层在总氮、总磷间没有显著性差异,而有机质、pH值差异显著。

    Total nitrogen and total phosphorus have no obvious different among these plots both in litter and soil layer .

  12. 混合凋落物的物种组成对其N动态产生了显著的非加性效应。

    There were additive and non-additive effects in the mixed litter decomposition , which depended on species composition of the mixed litters .

  13. 土壤DOM中的AIM不是来源于凋落物淋滤液,而是主要来源于土壤腐殖质、根系分泌物等其它物质。

    AIM in the DOM of soil originated from microbial decay of humus or root exudates and so on .

  14. 两个树种在夏季凋落物碳归还量均显著高于其它三季,在春季相互之间凋落物C归还量差异不明显。

    Two species in the summer litter carbon restitution volume was significantly higher than the other seasonal , its litter carbons restitution amount were not significantly different in spring .

  15. 细根N、P、K养分归还量分别是凋落物总归还量的72.7%、34.5%、39.1%。

    Amount of N , P and K return to soil from fine roots was 72.7 % , 34.5 % , 39.1 % of total return amount .

  16. 凋落物层对该林型地表CH4的吸收没有明显的阻隔作用;

    Litter layer had no distinct impact on CH4 uptake by soil .

  17. 松针和混合凋落物的分解系数(K)分别为0.44a-1和0.37a-1。

    The decomposition coefficients ( k ) were 0 . 44 a-1 and 0 . 37 a-1 for pine needles and mixed litter , respectively .

  18. S,Zn和B的含量变化不大,失重量比率与凋落物的相当。

    The changes of the contents for S , Zn , B were small , their lost weight rates were similar to that in the litter-fall .

  19. 结果表明,阔叶红松林土壤CO2排放与表层无凋落物的土壤CO2排放速率在测定年度内具有相同的季节变化趋势。

    The results showed that there were similarly seasonal variation trends for soil CO 2 emission rates in soil and litter-free soil .

  20. 3个树种叶凋落物分解过程中N、P、K和C的释放率及其动态变化也存在一定差异。

    The release rates and dynamic changes of nutrient elements ( N , P , K and C ) in leaf litters exist some differences among three tree species during decomposition process .

  21. 株高、凋落物量及地下生物量在两者间差异不明显,碱化草甸土型羊草群落土壤呼吸及凋落物分解排放的CO2量均高于风沙土型。

    CO 2 releasing from soil respiration and litter of Leymus chinensis community in meadow alkali soil is more than that in wind sand soil .

  22. ANOVA结果表明,分解时间对凋落物网袋内土壤动物群落存在显著影响。

    By ANOVA , time factor affected on soil fauna which live in litter bags significantly .

  23. 研究发现,尽管有部分外源N淋失,但凋落物仍可以通过固持作用截留40-55%外源N,随着外源N的输入的增加其截留量也随之增加。

    In spite of part of inorganic N leaching , the litter still can immobilize 40-55 % external N , the retention of inorganic N generally increased with higher levels of external N.

  24. 研究还发现,新疆高山草甸草原植物群落排放CO2的近71%来自土壤呼吸、根呼吸和凋落物分解。

    Moreover , our results also showed that there is amount of 71 % CO2 flux emitted in Alpine meadow ecosystem coming from the soil respiration .

  25. 研究结果表明,凋落物对CO2,N2O和CH4通量有显著性影响(P<0.05)。

    The results showed that litters had significant influences on CO2 , N2O and CH4 fluxes ( p < 0.05 ) .

  26. 凋落物层土壤动物的总密度与pH值、总氮呈显著正相关,而与有机质、总磷相关性不显著。

    In the litter layer , the density of soil animal have positive correlation with pH value and total nitrogen , but have no correlation with the organic matter and total phosphorus .

  27. 采取围封恢复措施后,植被恢复和凋落物积累使土壤免遭风蚀,也显著增加了土壤有机质的输入,因而显著作用于大气C的截存。

    Under exclosure conditions , vegetation restoration and litter accumulation not only effectively protected soil from loss through wind erosion , but also significantly increased plant soil system carbon storage , and thus sequestration of atmospheric carbon .

  28. 相关分析表明,8种植物凋落物中TSN、SON、无机氮和全氮之间相关性达极显著水平。

    Correlation analysis showed that there were significant differences between TSN , SON , Inorganic N and TN in eight plant residues .

  29. 所获数据表明,地表凋落物数量(现存量干重)和质量(N和C/N)总体上表现为35年次生林最好,23年次生林次之;

    The results showed that both the quantity and quality ( N and C / N ) of litter in the 35-year secondary forest were higher than those of the 23-year secondary forest and the seasonal rainforest .

  30. 枫香人工林凋落物养分年归还量为111.849kg·hm-2。

    Liquidambar formosana plantation litter nutrient content in return for was 111.849 kg · hm-2 .