
jiǎn xīn
  • pay cut;cut wages
减薪 [jiǎn xīn]
  • [reduce salary] 降低工资

  • 对他进行减薪处理

  1. 一些公司于是采取减薪、缩短工作时限和延长假期等方法应对。

    So some firms have instead cut wages and working hours , or extended holidays .

  2. 他们不得不接受减薪20%。

    They had to take a 20 % cut in pay .

  3. 公司与工会就减薪计划争论不休。

    The company has locked horns with the unions over proposed pay cuts .

  4. 许多工人宁肯下岗也不接受减薪。

    Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a pay cut .

  5. 中国媒体报道,宝钢(baosteel)和武钢(wuhansteel)也将减薪,但两家公司不愿证实这一消息。

    Chinese media have reported that Baosteel and Wuhan Steel would also cut salaries , although the companies would not confirm this .

  6. 塞浦路斯已经遵循欧盟(eu)和国际货币基金组织(imf)的要求、采取了一些措施,包括对公务员小幅减薪。

    Cyprus has already adopted some measures demanded by the EU and International Monetary Fund , including modest wage cuts for civil servants .

  7. 一旦公司中止原有的薪酬方案,大幅削减薪酬,仅有48%的CEO接受了减薪,继续留任。

    Once the salary plan was discontinued , only 48 % of the CEOs who accepted the cut stayed in their positions .

  8. 上周,即将离职的壳牌(shell)老总抛出了一种更为中听的说法,声称减薪50%不会对他的工作产生丝毫影响。

    This week the outgoing head of shell put forward a more palatable view when he claimed that a 50 per cent pay cut would have had no effect on his work .

  9. 埃亨的接班人布赖恩科恩(BrianCowen)接受了10%的减薪。

    Ahern 's successor , Brian Cowen , accepted a 10 per cent pay cut .

  10. 加拿大矿业公司EndeavourSilver已要求工人效仿高管,减薪10%。

    Endeavour Silver , a Canada-based mining company , has asked its workers to follow senior executives in taking a 10 per cent pay cut .

  11. 薪资谈判专家JackChapman也同意这个观点,并补充说:“你的上司要给你减薪并非会这样说‘我们要给你减薪,需要征得你的同意。’”

    Salary negotiations expert Jack Chapman agrees , adding ," It usually isn 't presented as , 'This is what we 're doing , and we need your approval . ' "

  12. 另外两个研究是关于人们对一位虚构的CEO的看法。这位CEO给他的雇员减薪然后不遵循平时的做法,甚至也没有遵守关于股票和红利的诺言。

    The two other studies asked people 's opinion of a fictional CEO who asked his employees to take a pay cut and failed to follow suit , breaking a promise to refuse dividends from his stock .

  13. 绝大多数股东预计会批准这些方案,部分原因是莫伊尼汉已经接受减薪300万美元,减少到700万美元,成为2011年美国银行业薪酬最低的CEO之一。

    The majority of shareholders are expected to approve the payouts , in part because Moynihan took a pay cut of $ 3 million , making his $ 7 million payout for 2011 one of the smallest among bank CEOs .

  14. 他补充称,荣智健的女儿荣明方(Frances)也已被降职和减薪。在公司年报中,荣明方被列为集团财务部董事。

    He added that Mr Yung 's daughter Frances , listed as director , group finance in the company 's annual report , had been demoted and her pay cut .

  15. 据agr表示,有三个行业预计会减薪,其中,银行业减薪幅度的中位数预计高达8.9%。

    According to the agr , three sectors were predicting salary cuts , with banking forecasting a median salary decrease of as much as 8.9 per cent .

  16. 英国建筑设备制造商JCB的员工10月份通过投票,同意每周工作4天和减薪,以保住自己和同事的工作。

    Workers at JCB , the British construction equipment manufacturer , voted in October for a four-day week and a pay cut to preserve their and their colleagues ' jobs .

  17. 30岁的杰瑞德•奥克斯(JaredOakes)是该所房地产小组的律师助理,他说,虽然对减薪不高兴,但公布的方案还是让他感到欣慰。

    Jared Oakes , a30-year-old associate in the firm 's real-estate group , says that though he isn 't excited about the pay cut , the measure brought some relief .

  18. 里昂证券亚太区市场首席执行官乔纳森斯隆(jonathanslone)对英国《金融时报》表示,五分之四受邀雇员已同意接受提议,其中多数选择了最大幅度的减薪。

    Jonathan Slone , chief executive of CLSA Asia-Pacific markets , told the financial times that four out of five of those invited to accept had done so , with the majority opting for the biggest reduction .

  19. 本田(Honda)不仅将伦敦西部Swindon汽车厂关闭了4个月:当车间工人返工时,他们还接受了减薪3%,减少工时,并且安排一些多余的员工到附近的供应商处工作。

    Honda not only shut its Swindon car plant west of London for four months : when shop-floor workers came back , they also agreed to a 3 per cent pay cut , reductions in hours and measures for some surplus staff to take jobs at nearby suppliers .

  20. 这个城市已经提出了一些公众工人采取减薪,并推迟填补一些高级别职务,如经济发展主任,节约劳动力成本,Kirksey说。

    The city already has asked some public workers to take a pay cut , and delayed filling several high-level positions , such as economic development director , to save on labor costs , Kirksey said .

  21. 大部分人支持削减薪俸税。

    A majority of people support a reduction in salaries tax .

  22. 普通老百姓、工薪阶层也要面临失业、减薪的困境。

    Ordinary people , working-class also face unemployment , pay cuts .

  23. 减薪会对以后的加薪,福利等产生有什么样的影响?

    How will this affect raises , bonuses and benefits ?

  24. 建议管理层减薪或减少红利支付。

    Advise the management to take less pay or pay less dividend .

  25. 商业银行要自觉地实现角色的转变,扮演消防员的角色,为过热的经济降温减薪。

    The role transformation of commercial banks is important to stabilize current economy .

  26. 前一个星期已通知他们要减薪。

    There had been a oar cut announced to them the previous week .

  27. 例句:雇主必须向员工代表咨询减薪事宜。

    E.g. : The employer must consult the employee representatives about reducing pay .

  28. 这次减薪是强制的还是自愿的?

    Is this a mandatory or voluntary pay cut ?

  29. 杜兰特减薪950万美元。

    Durant took a $ 9.5 million pay cut .

  30. 他不得不接受减薪。

    He had to take a cut in salary .